

Semantic Gateway Based Manufacturing Execution System Reconfiguration Architecture&Key Technologies Research

【作者】 陈学海

【导师】 鄢萍; 宋豫川;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着制造业信息化单元技术的不断成熟和深入实施,制造企业的应用系统越来越多,覆盖面越来越广,同时由于制造业信息化分期实施的特点,造成制造企业信息系统的异构程度加深,使企业目前普遍面临系统之间的集成问题。另外,由于企业不断的发展,要求信息系统能够快速地适应企业业务的变化,使得制造企业对信息化系统的快速重构以及灵活集成提出了更高的要求。面对日益复杂的企业应用需求,语义技术作为当前主要的解决方案被广泛地研究,以期利用语义技术实现异构制造系统间的智能理解和自动执行来降低信息化系统的复杂度和成本并提高系统对制造环境的适应能力,其中主要以本体技术为代表。然而当前本体等语义技术的研究大多从理论方面展开,其理论体系比较复杂,同时也存在不足,如本体结构难以归纳完善、本体定义缺乏统一的行业标准等等因素导致其应用困难,因此对如何将语义技术进行工程实现的研究则较少,难以在企业展开低复杂度的实际应用。本文在当前集成技术的基础上,结合语义网关的概念,针对当前离散制造执行系统面临的软件重构与集成问题,提出了基于语义网关的离散制造执行系统业务可重构方法和集成可重构方法,并研究了相关的关键技术,以实现离散制造执行系统软件按企业业务需求动态调整内部业务逻辑,并可松耦合集成企业内外的异构信息系统,满足企业对离散制造执行系统“快速、灵活、松耦合、高柔性、低成本”等综合重构需求,并疏通不同系统间的语义异构。论文主要内容如下:首先论文提出了基于语义网关的离散制造执行系统可重构体系,从企业实施、生产方式、业务集成和制造环境等方面研究了重构的驱动来源,从用户界面、业务逻辑、系统集成和系统语义等方面研究了重构的内容,提出了多维的重构目标,并给出了基于语义网关的离散制造执行系统可重构的总体框架。然后在语义网关的支持下,分别从离散制造执行系统的业务实体、业务接口和业务实现研究了业务可重构。通过业务实体和业务接口的分离,结合配置时编译策略,实现了业务实体定义和业务接口定义的重构;通过业务实体和业务接口和业务实现之间的动态依赖注入,实现了业务逻辑关系的重构;通过对业务实现方法调用的动态代理和拦截,实现了业务实现的重构。其次针对离散制造执行系统与异构系统间的信息集成需求,提出了一种制造信息可配置集成方法。首先在数据库元数据分析的基础上对数据字段进行语义注释和概念注册,并根据应用系统信息集成需求配置数据监控操作,生成数据变更捕获触发器并部署在制造系统数据库上。然后对语义网关捕获的数据变更消息从数据变更状态上配置集成行为触发条件,并根据不同系统的集成需求配置各自的数据概念投影关系和数据操作。最后由语义网关针对各自系统进行概念间的语义映射处理并分发信息集成消息,由应用集成代理进行数据同步集成实现。再次针对离散制造执行系统与异构系统间的服务集成需求,提出了一种制造服务的语义集成方法。首先在语义网关中对多源异构集成接口进行元数据分析和注册,实现制造服务的集中管理;然后针对制造服务参数间的语义异构问题,在集成接口的输入输出参数与语义网关的语义标准间建立语义映射关系,实现参数语义的理解和交换;最后提供一个以xml为单一输入参数的制造服务Web调用接口,保持服务间接口格式的语义稳定,由集成适配器实现对服务实现的统一访问,并通过对服务多个实现间的柔性调用提高了服务的可靠性。最后开发了可重构离散制造执行的原型软件系统以及相关的使能工具,并结合重庆市某制造企业的实际业务管理需求和系统集成需求,在该企业进行了应用验证,取得了较好的应用效果。

【Abstract】 With the development of information technology and the implementation puttinginto application firmly, there exist more and more application systems in manufacturingenterprises with wide coverage. Moreover, because of the phased implementation ofinformatization which deepens the isomerism among information systems, theenterprises are generally faced with issues of information integration among differentsystems. In addition, the continuous development of enterprises requires informationsystems to quickly adapt changes in business, which puts forward higher requirementsto the flexible integration among systems.Faced with increasingly complex enterprise application needs, as the current mainsolution, semantic technology has been extensively studied with a view to leveragingsemantic technology to realize intelligent understanding and automating betweenheterogeneous manufacturing systems, reduce the complexity and cost of informationsystems, and improve the adaptability, which mainly represented by the ontology.However most current research of ontology is semantic theory, its system is complex, aswell as shortcomings, the induction of ontology structure is difficult to draw, ontologydefinition lacks a common industry standard, so the engineering realization of semantictechnology is less, and has trouble in low complexity practical application.Based on the current integration technologies, aiming at the reconstruction issuesfacing the current discrete manufacturing execution system, a reconfigurable integratedapproach for discrete manufacturing execution system based on semantic gateway isproposed, combined with the concept of semantic gateway, to achieve these goals thatdiscrete manufacturing execution system is able to dynamically adjust the internallogical structure by business demand and integrate a large number of internal andexternal information systems, thus meeting the comprehensive reconstructionrequirements of "fast, flexible, loosely coupled, highly flexible, low cost" and clearingthe semantic heterogeneity among different systems.Firstly, this dissertationpresents a discrete manufacturing execution systemsintegration reconfigurable architecture based on semantic gateway, thereconfigurationsource ofdifferent enterprises, aspects of the production, businessintegration and manufacturing environment are studied, the content of thereconfigurationfrom the user interface, business logic, systems integration and systemsemantic are studied, put forward the multidimensional reconfigurationtarget system, and gives an integrated reconfigurable framework for discrete manufacturing executionsystem based on semantic gateway.Secondly, based on semantic gateway, the implementation methods are researchedby means of business entities, business logics and systems integration layer. Throughthe split of business entities and business logics, combined with configuring timecompilation strategy, the definitions of business entities and business logics realizeintegration reconfiguration; through the dynamic injection between business entities andbusiness logic interfaces, the integration relationships between entities and logics arereconfigured; through the interception and proxy of business interface, the businessimplementations can be reconfigured.Thirdly, based on the analysis of the database metadata, configure semanticannotations and register data field concepts, configure data monitoring operatingaccording to the application needs of information integration, generate data changecapture triggers and deploy them on manufacturing system databases. Then configuretrigger conditions of integration behavior for data change messages which captured bysemantic gateway by data change status, and configure their data projection and dataoperating based on the integration needs of different information systems. Finally, thesemantic gateway process concept semantic mapping and distribute integrationmessages to information systems, application integration proxy can realize datasynchronization integration.Fourthly, based on the analysis of services metadata and registration ofheterogeneous manufacturing services in semantic gateway, realize centralizedmanagement of manufacturing service. And then on semantic heterogeneous problemsfor manufacturing service parameters, establish semantic mapping relationship betweensemantic gateway concept standard and integration interface parameters, implementparameters semantic understanding and exchange. Finally, provide a stable Web Servicewhich has a single xml input parameter to call manufacturing services, keep semanticstable for services interfaces, and achieve unified access to service implementations byintegration adapters, improve the reliability of services through flexible calling servicesbetween multiple implementations.Finally, developed reconfigurable MES prototype system and related enabling tools,combined with the actual business operations and system integration needs of enterprise,application verification was carried out and achieved good effects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期