

The Empirical Study on the Relationship among Organizational Culture, Knowledge Management Strategy and Innovation Performance

【作者】 简传红

【导师】 任玉珑;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 知识经济时代,知识管理是企业进行创新的主要源泉,对它的研究已经成为一个热门的前沿研究领域,得到了学术界和企业界的普遍关注。企业实施知识管理的目的是提高企业的创新绩效,以求在激烈竞争的市场环境中保持竞争优势来谋求组织的长远发展。因而如何运用知识管理战略手段对知识进行有效的管理,从而提高组织创新绩效已经成为组织管理的内在需求。然而不少企业虽然实施了知识管理,但却没有收到预期的效果。那么,企业实施何种知识管理战略才能提高创新绩效?在影响知识管理战略成功实施的诸多因素中,作为首要因素的组织文化与知识管理战略之间的关系到底如何?学术界对于这些问题屡有探讨,偶有实证研究,但更多聚焦于逻辑推理,却未能够将组织文化、知识管理战略和组织创新绩效三者有机结合起来进行研究。因此,如何去正确认识和理解这些问题,不仅关系到企业知识管理战略的实施能否成功,也是我们急需要进行验证的重要理论问题。针对上述问题,本文以组织文化理论和知识基础理论为基础,针对知识管理战略实践,从组织文化和知识管理战略的关系进行分析,研究主要集中在三个方面:1)不同组织文化类型下组织对知识管理战略的选择;2)在特定的组织文化背景下,组织实施特定的知识管理战略对企业创新绩效的影响;3)比较分析组织实施知识管理前后组织文化对组织创新绩效的影响。本文通过对相关理论的归纳和分析,构建了双S立方体模型组织文化、知识管理战略与创新绩效关系的研究框架。分析了在双S立方体模型下四种类型组织文化对知识管理战略选择的作用,阐述了在不同组织文化类型下,组织对知识管理战略的选择具有倾向性的观点;阐述了在不同类型的组织文化背景下,知识管理战略的选择对企业创新绩效的影响;同时探讨了双S立方体模型下四种类型的组织文化对企业创新绩效的影响;最后,通过比较研究验证了知识管理战略在组织文化和企业创新绩效之间的调节作用。在此基础之上,本文设计了文中所涉及的各个因素的测量变量和调查问卷,并展开了大范围的问卷调查,利用调查获得的数据,并运用SPSS软件对理论模型进行了统计分析与检验,对提出的模型和假说进行了验证。实证结果表明,本文提出的模型总体上都得到了验证,假说也大部分获得了支持。总体而言,本研究达到了预期的研究目的,不仅对以往研究的一些观点提供了实证支持,而且还提出了一些新的观点,实现了对现有理论的深入和拓展。与现有的对组织文化及知识管理战略的研究相比,本文主要在以下方面取得了新的进展:①本文首次将双S立方体模型组织文化、知识管理战略和创新绩效纳入了统一的框架中进行研究。并提出了一个“组织文化~知识管理战略~创新绩效”的理论研究模型;提出了在特定的文化背景下,组织对知识管理战略的选择具有倾向性的观点;分析了组织文化对知识管理战略选择的内在作用机制及其对组织创新绩效的影响。②探讨了在不同的组织文化下,组织采取相应的知识管理战略对创新绩效的影响。指出了在特定类型的文化下,组织选择合适的知识管理战略,即组织文化和知识管理战略的合理搭配就能使组织取得良好的创新绩效。③通过组织实施知识管理战略前后组织文化对组织创新绩效的影响,验证了在特定的组织文化氛围下,组织采取相应的知识管理战略能够有效调节组织文化对创新绩效的作用,说明了不同文化类型的企业采取相应知识管理战略的必要性。

【Abstract】 In the year of the knowledge economy,the most important source of innovation ofthe enterprise is the knowledge owned by the organization. Thus, how to use knowledgemanagement strategic tool to effectively manage the knowledge to improveorganizational innovation performance has becomed the internal demand of theorganization management. Amone factors influencing knowledge management strategyimplementation, the first factors considered is the organizational cultural factors, whichaffect both the knowledge management strategy selection decisions and the success ofknowledge management, and it also is the key to enabl enterprises to improve itsinnovation performance. But in the past year, study on the relationship betweenorganizational culture and knowledge management, mostly focused the organizationalculture on the effectiveness of knowledge management, discussed some of the culturalcharacteristics of knowledge management effectiveness, very little attention to theproblem that the organization in a different type of culture down how to select theappropriate knowledge management strategy to improve the innovative performance.Direct at the problems above mentioned, the paper tissue culture theory andknowledge base theory, practice for knowledge management strategy, organizationalculture and knowledge management from a strategic analysis of the relationship, mainlyconcentrated in three areas:1) Organization under different types of organization cultureknowledge how to select the management strategy.2) Collocation between theorganizational culture and the knowledge management strategy how to impact theinnovation performance.3) organizational culture how to affct organizational innovationperformance before and after the introduction of knowledge management strategy.By induction and analysis of relevant theories, this paper constructs a frameworkabout organizational culture, knowledge management strategy and innovationperformance. This paper analyzes the competing values framework of organizationalculture on knowledge management strategy mechanism, clearling the select tendency ofOrganizational to knowledge management strategy under different types ofOrganizational culture. On this basis, This paper clarity elaborates the effect of thematch between the Organizational culture and the knowledge management strategy on innovative performance of the enterprise;Meanwhile, this papert research the effects of different types of culture on businessinnovation performance; finally, describes the regulatory role of the knowledgemanagement strategy between the organizational culture and the innovationperformance. On this basis, the paper had designed the questionnaire and measuredvariables, launched a large-scale survey. The empirical results show that the proposedmodel has been verified. Mostly hypothesis also received support. Overall, the studymet its intended purpose.This paper mainly in the following areas made a new progress:①This paper first put the double s cube pattern organizational culture, knowledgemanagement strategy and innovation performance into a unified framework tostudy.This presented the view that in a specific cultural context, that the organizationhas a select tendentious to the knowledge management strategy, analysis of theorganizational culture on knowledge management strategy selection mechanism ofaction and its impact on the internal organizational innovation performance.②This paper research the effects of the collocation different types oforganizational culture and knowledge management strategy on innovation performance.pointed out that the collocation can improve innovation performance.③Knowledge management strategy can effectively regulate effects oforganizational culture on innovation performance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期