

On the Legal System of Urban Drinking Water Safety and Security in China

【作者】 庞子渊

【导师】 曾文革;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 饮用水和空气一样是人类生命须臾不可或缺的元素。城市饮用水安全与城市化进程关系非常密切,随着我国城市的不断发展,水的需求与供给之间矛盾日益激化。基于饮用水的特殊地位,城市饮用水安全问题显得更加突出,不仅饮用水量短缺,更存在严重的水源污染问题,使得饮用水供给无法满足城市居民的需求。近年来,国家非常重视城市饮用水安全保障工作的开展,采取了一系列保障城市饮用水安全的工程和管理措施,解决了部分饮用水安全问题。同时,国家也制定了水资源保护的相关法律法规,对在水资源开发、利用、保护过程中形成的社会关系进行调整,从一定程度上发挥了保障城市饮用水安全的作用。我国现行水资源保护法制建设尽管对饮用水安全保障有所关注,但是面对严峻的饮用水安全危机,专门的城市饮用水安全保障法律制度的建设尚有差距,亟待完善。本文主要从环境法视角出发,运用经济分析、系统分析、比较分析、实证分析等多种研究方法,结合与饮用水相关的学科理论分析论证了城市饮用水安全保障法律制度构建的理论基础,并在此基础上,针对我国现行法律制度存在的缺陷,提出完善我国城市饮用水安全保障法律制度的整体思路和具体构想。本文正文共分为五个部分进行论述。第一部分,城市饮用水安全保障法律制度一般分析。该部分首先阐述城市饮用水安全保障法律制度涉及的“饮用水”、“城市饮用水”、“饮用水安全”等概念的界定,明确研究的基本方向。其次,从环境法的视角对我国城市饮用水安全保障法律制度进行基本解读,明确我国城市饮用水安全保障法律制度的内涵及其基本框架。最后,分析美国和日本城市饮用水安全保障法律制度建设的成功经验,为我国相关制度完善提供借鉴。第二部分,城市饮用水安全保障法律制度的理论基础。该部分旨在为我国城市饮用水安全保障法律制度的完善提供理论支持。其中,法学理论基础包括饮用水权理论、法律价值理论;经济学理论基础包括水资源价值理论、公共物品理论、外部性理论;生态学理论基础包括生态伦理观、生态安全理论;其他重要理论基础包括人水和谐的大水利理论、虚拟水理论。第三部分,我国现行城市饮用水安全保障法律制度的检视与分析。该部分首先揭示我国现行城市饮用水安全保障法律制度的现状,包括我国城市饮用水安全保障立法体系、我国城市饮用水安全保障监督管理体制以及我国已经建立的城市饮用水安全保障具体法律制度。其次,分别从立法、监督管理体制、具体法律制度三个方面论述我国城市饮用水安全保障法律制度存在的主要缺陷。最后,面向未来,对我国城市饮用水安全保障法律制度建设面临的困难进行分析。第四部分,完善我国城市饮用水安全保障法律制度的基本思路。该部分从宏观的角度为我国城市饮用水安全保障法律制度的完善提出总体思路,并对城市饮用水安全保障立法和监督管理体制建设提出具体完善建议。首先,确立我国城市饮用水安全保障法律制度的指导思想和基本原则,即在坚持以可持续发展为指导思想基础上将饮用水安全理念融入到法律制度建设中。其次,明确我国城市饮用水安全保障的立法模式并完善现行饮用水安全保障的相关立法。最后,针对我国现行水资源管理体制的缺陷提出了创新体制改革建议。第五部分,完善我国城市饮用水安全保障具体法律制度的构想。该部分着重从城市饮用水水源地保护和城市饮用水供水安全保障两个方面对具体法律制度的完善提出建议。其中,在城市饮用水水源地保护领域主要是对已有饮用水水源地保护区制度、取水许可制度、排污许可及排污收费制度等提出一些完善建议;在供水安全保障领域主要是提出构建尚未建立的城市饮用水供水安全保障制度的创新构想。另外,该章还对包括水环境影响评价制度在内的其他重要城市饮用水安全保障具体法律制度的完善也提出了建议。

【Abstract】 Like air and drinking water is an essential element of human life, even for amoment. The city’s drinking water safety and the urbanization process is a very closerelationship, with the continuous development of China’s cities, the contradictionbetween demand and supply of water is increasingly intensified. Based on the specialstatus of drinking water, the city’s drinking water safety problem is more prominent,not only the shortage of quantity of drinking water, there is even more serious waterpollution problems; the drinking water supply can not meet the needs of urban residents.In recent years, the country attaches great importance to carry out the work of urbandrinking water safety and security, adopted a series of engineering and managementmeasures to solve some of the drinking water safety issues. Meanwhile, the state hasalso developed a water resources protection laws and regulations in water resourcesdevelopment to adjust social relations formed in the process of utilization, protection,from a certain extent, play a role in the protection of urban drinking water safety. Thelegal construction of China’s current water conservation has been concerned about thesafety of drinking water, but the face of the severe crisis of drinking water safety,specialized construction of the legal system of the urban drinking water safety andsecurity are still have some gaps, it is still need to be improved.In this paper, from the perspective of environmental law, the use of economicanalysis, systems analysis, comparative analysis, empirical analysis and otherresearch methods, combined with drinking water-related disciplines theory analysis todemonstrate the theoretical foundation of construction of the legal system of the citydrinking water safety and security, and on this basis, contrary to our current legalsystem defects, put forward a complete set of whole idea and concrete ideas of thelegal system of urban drinking water safety and security in our country. The paperfollows the principle of "a comprehensive system, advanced novelty" is divided intofive sections elaborate.Part I, the legal system of the urban drinking water safety and security in generalanalysis. In this part of the first expounded the definition of the legal system of theconcept of urban drinking water safety and security involved General analysis "drinkingwater","urban drinking water","safe drinking water ", clear research direction.Secondly, the basic interpretation of the legal system of the urban drinking water safety and security from the perspective of environmental law, clear connotation andthe basic framework of the legal system of China’s urban drinking water safety. Finally,focus on the analysis of the successful experience of the legal system of the constructionof city drinking water safety and security in the United States and Japan, to provide areference for our system improvement.Part II, the theoretical basis of the legal system of urban drinking water safety.This section is intended to provide for various disciplines of theoretical support for theperfection of the legal system of China’s urban drinking water security. Among them,the basis of the legal theory including drinking water rights theory, legal value theory;economic theory including water resources value theory, the theory of public goods,externalities theoretical; ecology theoretical basis including the theory of ecologicalethics, ecological security; Other important theoretical foundation includes people andwater of large water conservancy theory and virtual water theory.Part III, the view and analysis of the legal system of our current urban drinkingwater security. This part first revealed to the status quo of the legal system of ourcurrent urban drinking water safety and security, including the legislation system ofChina’s urban drinking water safety, urban drinking water safety supervision andmanagement system in China, and China has established specific urban drinking watersafety legal system. Secondly, from the three aspects of the legislation, supervisionand management system and the specific legal system to discourse the drawback ofthe legal system of our country’s urban drinking water safety respectively. Finally,future-oriented analysis of the difficulties faced by the legal system construction ofurban drinking water safety and security in China.Part IV,the basic idea of the perfection the legal system of China’s urban drinkingwater security. In this part, put forward the general idea of the perfection of the legalsystem of urban drinking water safety and security from a macro point of view and thespecific suggestions for improvement and urban drinking water safety and securitylegislation and the supervision management construction. First, establish the guidingideology and basic principles of the legal system of China’s urban drinking watersecurity, that adhere to sustainable development as a guiding ideology on the basis ofthe concept of safe drinking water into the construction of the legal system. Secondly,it is clear legislative model of urban drinking water security and improves the existingdrinking water security legislation. Finally, put forward innovative reform proposalsagainst to deficiencies of our current water resources management system. Part V, the ideas of specific the legal system of improvement of our city drinkingwater security. This section put forward recommendations for perfection of specificlegal regime focuses on two aspects of urban drinking water source protection andurban drinking water supply security. In city drinking water source protection areas,put forward some improvement suggestions for existing drinking water sourceprotection area system, the water permit system, discharge permits and sewagesystem of charges; proposed new ideas of building water supply security for urbandrinking water supply security system which has not yet been established. In addition,the chapter also provides some recommendations for the improvement of the legalsystem of the other important cities of drinking water security, including theenvironmental impact assessment system.

【关键词】 城市饮用水安全保障法律制度
【Key words】 UrbanDrinkingwaterSafety and SecurityLegal System
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期