

A Study of Photoelectric Measuring and Data Processing of High Altitude Dim Spacecraft

【作者】 李国友

【导师】 付承毓; 何培龙;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(光电技术研究所) , 信号与信息处理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 高空弱小飞行器是一类典型的空间目标,其高空、远距离、高速等特性给测量带来了巨大的挑战。飞行器外测数据处理的核心问题是处理精度,本文针对高空弱小飞行器的光电测量方法及数据处理问题,研究通过测站布站优化及数据处理手段提高高空远距离条件下的光测精度。研究了高空弱小飞行器光学测量的布站优化设计,全面考虑光学测量的各种约束条件提出了一种基于遗传算法的布站优化算法。给出了布站优化的目标函数模型,分析了对空间弱小飞行器进行光学测量的各种约束条件,并建立了基于小生境遗传算法的布站优化算法。针对高空光测系统误差修正问题,分析了80km以上目标光测数据的系统误差来源,建立了高空目标光测数据的系统误差模型,提出了基于恒星的修正方法,对大气折射误差和设备轴系误差进行联合修正,实验结果证明了基于恒星修正方法的有效性。为了提高轨道参数的事后处理精度,提出了一种基于多台光电经纬仪测量数据融合的处理方法,将节省参数模型应用于角度测量数据的融合处理,建立了飞行器位置参数和设备系统误差的联合求解模型,通过充分利用多台设备测量数据来增加模型的冗余度。根据含特征点的飞行器轨道特点,提出了一种基于最优节点样条逼近的样条节点优化算法,建立了含特征点轨道位置参数样条节点优化问题的数学模型,给出了特征点识别方法,实现了基于混沌粒子群算法的样条节点优化算法。为了提高高空弱小飞行器脱靶量的光学测量精度,提出了一种基于多测站同帧画幅数据的脱靶量处理算法。给出了光学测量脱靶量的基本原理,分析了各种角度误差对大气层外飞行器脱靶量测量的影响,建立了基于多测站同帧画幅数据的节省参数算法,并进行了脱靶量精度分析。为实现高空弱小飞行器的剩余轨道及落点预测,采用光测数据作为数据源进行椭圆轨道根数计算,建立了基于光测数据的落点预测算法模型,给出了典型情况下的落点预测仿真结果。为了对测量设备进行精度鉴定,利用高空飞行器被动段的轨道特性和多测站冗余观测数据,进行轨道约束自校准。分析了光测数据系统误差模型和坐标转换关系,建立了基于轨道约束的光测数据系统误差自校准算法,为验证方法的有效性,进行了典型条件下的仿真试验。仿真结果表明,当采用多台光电经纬仪的冗余观测数据进行事后处理时,利用轨道约束自校准技术,可以实现光测数据系统误差的精确自校准。

【Abstract】 High altitude dim spacecraft is a typical space target, and the characteristics ofhigh altitude, far distance and high velocity brings great challenge to themeasurement system. Precision is the core and key in the estimation of exteriorballistic trajectory. Aiming at the photoelectric measuring and data processing of thehigh altitude dim spacecraft, the methods of station distribution and data processingwere studied in order to improve the precision of optical measurement under theconditions of high altitude and far distance.The optimization design of optical measurement station distribution for the highaltitude dim spacecraft was analyzed. An algorithm for station distributionoptimization based on genetic algorithm was presented by taking into account of allthe optical measurement constraints. The target function model of station distributionoptimization was put forward, and the constraints of optical measurement wereanalyzed, then the algorithm for station distribution optimization based on nichegenetic algorithm was set up.Aiming at the problem of error correction in the high trajectory opticalmeasurement, the systematic error sources were analyzed when the target was above80km, the corresponding error model was set up, and the correction method was putforward according to the fixed star observation, based on which, the air refractionerror and the axis errors of device were corrected together. The experimentationresults prove the efficiency of the correction method.To improve the post positional accuracy of high altitude dim spacecraft, aprocessing method based on the tracking data fusion of multi photoelectrictheodolites was presented. The sparse parameter model was applied to the fusionprocessing of angle measurement data, then the joint model of positional parametersof spacecraft and systematic errors of devices was established, and the redundancywas improved by using multi-devices measurement data. According to thecharacteristics of spacecraft orbit with characteristic points, an optimizationalgorithm based on optimal knots spline was presented. Firstly, the math model ofspline knots optimization for position parameters of spacecraft orbit withcharacteristic points was put forward. Secondly, the recognition method forcharacteristic points was introduced. Then, the spline knots optimization algorithm based on chaos particle swarm optimization was set up. To improve the opticalmeasurement accuracy of high altitude dim spacecraft’s miss distance, a processingalgorithm based on the same frame film data of multi-devices was presented. Firstly,the basic principle of miss distance measurement by optical method was put forward.Secondly, the influence on miss distance by the angle measurement data errors wasanalyzed. Finally, the sparse parameter algorithm based on the same frame film dataof multi-devices was set up, and the precision of miss distance influenced bymeasurement errors was analyzed.In order to realize the function of remnant orbit and impact point predictionwith the observing data of optical measurement as the data source, a method waspresented to compute the elliptical orbit elements, and the simulation results ofimpact point prediction in typical cases were supplied. In order to validate theprecision of measurement device, the unpowered orbit characteristics of high altitudespacecraft can be used to realize the orbit restrain self-calibration. The systematicerror model of optical measurement data and the coordinate transition were analyzed,and the orbit restrain self-calibration algorithm of optical measurement data was setup. The simulation test in typical cases was implemented in order to verify theeffectiveness of the method. The simulation results show that the systematic error ofoptical measurement data can be accurately corrected by the technology of orbitrestrain self-calibration when the redundant observing data of multiple photoelectrictheodolites are used in post data processing.
