

Testing Off-axis Aspheric Surface by Combined-hologram

【作者】 李世杰

【导师】 伍凡; 陈强;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(光电技术研究所) , 光学工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在科学技术的推动下,光学系统正朝着小型化、简单化、轻量化和高性价比的方向发展。离轴非球面光学元件因为具有简化系统结构,提高系统光学性能,降低加工风险等众多优势,其在光学系统中的应用越来越广泛。因此,研制高质量的离轴非球面有着重要的工程应用价值。离轴非球面的高精度检测技术一直是先进光学制造领域的前沿课题,同时也是离轴非球面研制过程中的难题。为此,本文利用计算全息图(CGH)作为补偿和对准元件,提出了两种检测方法,并对其中的关键技术进行了深入的研究,然后设计并完成了相应的实验,证明了这两种方法的正确性。针对小口径,小偏离量的离轴非球面,本文提出了单一CGH补偿检测技术。在该技术中,将测试全息、对准全息、全息对准标记等不同功能的全息制作在同一块全息基片上,形成组合全息,既能实现对离轴非球面的面形检测,又能辅助检测系统中各光学元件之间的对准。对各部分全息的设计方法进行了详细的介绍,并且编写了相应的专用设计软件。然后给出了用于检测Φ50离轴抛物面和Φ135离轴抛物面的组合全息设计实例。同时,在Zemax软件中对其进行仿真验证,并提出了一种CGH条纹位置比较方法。针对大口径,大偏离量的离轴非球面,提出了一种折衍混合补偿检测技术。同样借助于组合全息,结合折转球面镜,实现了零位干涉测量。该方法结合了传统补偿器和CGH各自的优点,弥补了各自的缺陷,增大了像差补偿能力,是解决离轴非球面面形检测的有效手段。然后完成了相应的专用设计软件开发和Zemax仿真对比验证。在CGH设计过程中,引入了B-spline拟合技术。该技术采用分段拟合的方法,简化了拟合函数的形式,提高了计算效率。在两种检测系统中,都采用了全息对准标记,这为检测系统中各光学元件的调节提供了参考,使得实验调整过程更具有目标性,大大增加了检测效率,也能够得到更加准确的检测结果。在实验环节,利用离轴抛物面的几何特点,采用平面镜自准直检测方法作为交叉验证方法。在对口径为Φ50和Φ135的两块离轴抛物面的单一CGH补偿检测实验中,其检测结果均与对应的平面镜自准直检测结果十分吻合,验证了单一CGH补偿检测技术的正确性和可靠性。对Φ135离轴抛物面采用折衍混合补偿的方法进行检测,其检测结果也能与平面镜自准直检测结果吻合。随后,对实验中的各项误差源进行了分析,提出了对应的处理方法。本文的研究成果为离轴非球面面形的高精度检测提供了一种有效的手段,为研制高质量的离轴非球面奠定了基础,具有较强的工程应用价值。

【Abstract】 With rapid development of science and technology, the development direction ofoptical system is small, simple, lightweight and cost-effective. Off-axis aspheric sur-face has many advantages, such as simplified system structure, improved optical per-formance, and reduced the risk of manufacture, so that it has been used in more andmore optical systems. Therefore, there is very important application value in engi-neering to develop high quality off-axis aspheric surface. The measurement technolo-gy of off-axis aspheric surface in high-precision is always a frontier topic in advancedoptical manufacture; meanwhile, it also has a big challenge. For this, we choosecomputer generated hologram (CGH) as compensation and alignment element, pro-pose two detection methods, research the key technologies of them in detail, andcomplete its corresponding experiments. All of them prove the correctness of thesetwo methods.In order to test off-axis aspheric surface with small diameter and small asphericdeviation, single CGH compensation detection techniques is presented. In this tech-nology, test CGH (for measuring off-axis aspheric surface), alignment CGH (foraligning CGH and interferometer), and hologram mark (for aligning CGH andoff-axis aspheric), are all produced on one holographic substrate, forming a com-bined-hologram, which can not only achieve shape detection of off-axis aspheric sur-face, but also assist the alignment between optical elements of the detection system.The design method of every part of combined-hologram is described in detail, anddevelops its corresponding special design software based on MATLAB. With thesesoftwares, two off-axis parabolic surfaces were chosen to give their CGHs examples.With simulation in Zemax, the correctness of this technology is proved. Meanwhile, acomparison method was proposed to compare CGH fringe position between our de-sign method and simulation in Zemax.If the off-axis aspheric surface has larger diameter and larger aspheric deviation,a hybrid detection technique including refraction optical element and diffraction opti-cal element can test it within null compensation measurement. This hybrid methodremedies its respective limitation of traditional compensator and CGH, and makes itsadvantages together, so that it increases the ability of aberration compensation. It is aneffective solution to test off-axis aspheric surface. After that, it is also completed that the development of its corresponding software and the comparison with simulation inZemax.In CGH design process, B-spline is used to fit CGH phase function, which is apiecewise fitting method. It can simplify the fitting function, and improve calculationefficiency. Hologram mark is used in the two detection methods, which provides ref-erence when adjusting optical elements, make the experiments simply, and increasethe detection efficiency. In a word, it is more likely to get an accurate test results.In experiments, two off-axis parabolic surfaces were chosen, because it can betested by auto-collimation with plane mirror, a cross-validation method. For Φ50andΦ135off-axis parabolic surface, single CGH test results of them all match well withthe results got by auto-collimation. All of them prove the correctness and reliability ofsingle CGH detection technique. In the hybrid compensation method experiment withΦ135off-axis parabolic surface, its result also coincides with auto-collimation testresult. Subsequently, the error sources in experiments were analyzed separately; andits corresponding solutions were presented.My research results provide an effective method for testing off-axis asphericsurface in high precision. Even more, it lays the foundation for development of highquality off-axis aspheric surface, and has a strong engineering application.
