

Key Technologies for Shipboard Optoelectronic Tracking and Pointing Based on Feedforward Control

【作者】 吕舒

【导师】 陈洪斌; 包启亮;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(光电技术研究所) , 光学工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 舰载光电跟踪系统是集图像处理、信号处理、控制技术、精密光学等技术于一体的用于对目标进行捕获、跟踪和瞄准的舰载综合光电系统。舰载光电跟踪系统在舰载光电对抗、海上精确测量、舰载机起降引导等方面具有举足轻重的作用。舰载光电跟踪系统与地基光电跟踪系统相比面临着更严峻的挑战。舰船在水域中航行时会受到波浪、风向等复杂因素的影响产生晃动,光电跟踪系统与舰船平台刚性连接,会随着舰船做相同的晃动。很大程度上增大了捕获跟踪瞄准目标的难度。另外,随着科技的发展,目标的运动有高速化、强机动化的发展趋势,这对光电跟踪系统的跟踪能力也提出了更高的要求。本文旨在提高舰载光电跟瞄系统的跟踪精度和瞄准精度。依照系统数据处理流程,分别对姿态数据的时间对准,捷联惯导设备与光电跟踪设备之间的初装误差标定,船体摇摆对跟踪的扰动,目标运动对跟踪的影响及船体摇摆引起的视场旋转给瞄准带来的误差等方面进行了研究。首先,本文对光电跟踪设备的伺服系统进行了简单的介绍,验证了按输入进行前馈可以大大提高系统的跟踪精度。并在此基础上分析了严重影响舰载光电跟踪系统跟踪精度的三大因素:前端多传感器数据时间不同步、船摇及目标运动引起的跟踪误差和船摇引起的视场旋转。其次,分析了前端数据对准的重要性,介绍了常用的数据对准方法。引入四元数作为姿态描述的工具。根据用以描述姿态的四元数的物理意义,提出了模型参数球矢插值法用来对姿态四元数进行数据时间对准,较传统的插值方法更能体现姿态四元数的物理意义,插值结果更符合姿态实际变化的规律。同时提出了在捷联惯导系统自身标校完成的前提下,利用最小二乘原理对平台系和设备系之间的关系矩阵进行标定。再次,分析了舰载光电跟踪设备观测目标的特点,利用坐标变换的方法推导了船体姿态对目标在设备系中位置的扰动模型。在此基础上,对远距离弱机动目标和近距离强机动目标两种情形,分析了系统前馈量的主要影响因素。根据舰载光电跟踪设备观测目标的特点,对照常用的滤波算法,提出了一种限定阈值间接观测滤波方法,该方法通过对观测量进行了一定的处理,对滤波过程中的系统状态量中的一阶导数进行约束,使得滤波结果中对一阶导数的估计更加准确,进而对系统状态估计的误差也相应减小。最后,分析了视场旋转对舰载光电跟踪设备瞄准的影响。引入了透视投影坐标系,定义了视场旋转角,推导了在一定船体姿态和设备指向下视场旋转角的大小。并对结果进行了误差源及误差传递关系进行了分析,并通过仿真验证了结果的有效性。

【Abstract】 Shipboard Optoelectronic Tracking System, mainly used for target acquisition,tracking and pointing, is a set of optoelectronic devices which adopted manytechnologies like image processing, signal processing, control technology andprecision optics. Shipboard Optoelectronic Tracking System has a pivotal role inshipboard optoelectronic countermeasure, at-sea accurate measurement, carrier-basedaircraft landing guidance and so on. However, the naval ship sailing on the sea wouldbe wobbled that was a result of effected by many complex factors like wave and wind.The optoelectronic tracking system would do the same shaking with the naval shipbecause of it is a rigid connection between them, which would largely increase thedifficulty of target acquisition, tracking and pointing. So the Shipboard OptoelectronicTracking System need to solve more technological problems comparing with theground-based optoelectronic tracking system. On the other hand, with the developmentof science and technology, there is a general tendency that the targets would be inhigh-speed and strong mechanization, which would put forward higher requirements ofacquisition, tracking and pointing to the photoelectric tracking system.This paper aimed to improve the tracking and pointing accuracy of ShipboardOptoelectronic Tracking System. According to the process procedure of system data,the time-aligned of posture data, the initial installation error between SINS (StrapdownInertial Navigation System) and optoelectronic tracking system and the influence onthe tracking caused by the shaking of naval ship, the motion of target and the rotatingof field had been studied in this paper.Firstly, this paper gave a brief introduction about the servo system ofoptoelectronic tracking system and verified the fact that it could greatly improve thetracking accuracy adopting feed-forward of input. And on this basis, the three factorsincluding the time non-synchronous of front-end multi-sensor data time, the trackingerror of the shaking of naval ship and the motion of target, the rotating of field effectedby the shaking of naval ship, that seriously affect the tracking accuracy ofoptoelectronic tracking system were analyzed.Secondly, this paper analyzed the importance of the front-end data alignment andintroduced the common method of data alignment. The quaternion as a tool to describeattitude was introduced and the model of parameter sphere vector interpolation method,which used to align the time of posture data of attitude quaternion, was put forward onthe basis of the physical significance of quaternion used to describe the attitude. Themodel could better reflect the physical significance of posture quaternion and be morein line with the result of actual situation comparing with the common interpolationmethod. Meanwhile, the method that using the least square method principle tocalibrate the relationshipmatrix between the platform system and the device systemwas put forward in the premise of the SINS self-calibration. Then, the characteristics of target observed by shipboard optoelectronic trackingequipment were analyzed and the model of target’s position in the device systemeffected by the posture of naval ship was derived. On this basis, the two casesincluding remote and little maneuvering target and close quarters and largemaneuvering target was analyzed the mainly influence of system’s feed-forwardquantity. According to the characteristics of target observed by shipboardoptoelectronic tracking equipment, a selected threshold indirect measurement filteringmethod, which could decrease the state estimation error of system byprocessing theobserved quantity and constrainting the first-order derivative of system state quantityin thefiltering process that would make the first-order derivative’s estimation offiltering result more accurate, was put forward contrasting the common filteringalgorithm.Finally, the impact of the view field rotation on pointing of shipboardoptoelectronic tracking devices was analyzed. The rotation angle of the view fieldunder a certain posture of naval ship and device pointing was derived with introducinga perspective projection coordinates and defining the rotation angle of view field. Theresults of error sources and transfer relationship is analyzed and validated bysimulation results.
