

Fauna and Distribution of Tenebrionid Beetles Inalxa Plateau (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea)

【作者】 贾龙

【导师】 任国栋;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 动物学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文在河北大学鞘翅目进化分类团队长期对阿拉善高原拟步甲物种资源考察获得大量定名标本的基础上得以完成,同时比较完整地总结了该地区有关的研究文献。在此基础上,整理出阿拉善高原拟步甲系统分类与分布名录,进而对其区系组成、区系起源、动物地理学以及与毗邻地区拟步甲分布的关系进行比较分析。研究得出如下初步成果:一、种类组成研究总结阿拉善高原拟步甲5亚科、23族、52属、206种(亚种),科学新发现1种,即梯胸齿足甲Cheirodes (Pseudanemia) scalarithoracus Ren, Ning et Jia,2011;新描述蛹4种,分别是景泰漠土甲Melanesthes (Melanesthes) jintaiensis Ren,1992、多皱漠土甲M.(Opatronesthes) rugipennis Reitter,1889、波氏真土甲Eumylada potanini (Reitter,1889)、钝突笨土甲Penthicus (Myladion) nojonicus(Kaszab,1968)。对亚科级、族级、属级阶元的形态特征分别进行了系统地总结和凝炼地描述;编制了亚科、族、属、种的分类检索表,列出了亚科、族、属、种的文献引证,并详细记载了各种的检视标本信息,进一步总结了分布地。二、区系成分阿拉善高原拟步甲以古北区中亚成分占主体,共计186种,占总种数的90.3%,绝大多数为狭域地理种;在亚科级阶元组成上,以漠甲亚科和拟步甲亚科2个亚科所占比重最高,分别为92种和83种,共计达到175种,占该高原已知种的84.9%;在族级阶元构成上,以鳖甲族Tentyriini的物种最为丰富,共计54种,占总种数的26.1%,土甲族Opatrini48种,占总种数的23.2%,两者之和约占总种数的50.0%;属级阶元构成以琵甲属Blaps最多,共计23种(11.1%);阿拉善高原特有属较少,仅景土甲属Jintaium1属;阿拉善高原特有种41种,约占总种数的20.0%。三、阿拉善高原拟步甲的分布类型及其与中国各动物地理区的基本关系(一)分布类型研究数据显示,阿拉善高原拟步甲的分布类型有16种,它与中国各动物地理区的基本关系由近到远依次为:蒙新区单区分布型39属(75.0%)130种(63.1%)﹥阿拉善分布型41种(19.9%)﹥华北区+蒙新区分布型17属(32.7%)30种(14.6%)﹥蒙新区+青藏区分布型8属(15.4%)19种(9.2%),其他分布类型所占比例甚微。(二)与中国各动物地理区的基本关系分析数据表明,阿拉善高原拟步甲与中国各动物地理区的基本关系由近到远依次是:蒙新区52属(100%)206种(100%)﹥华北区29属(55.8%)56种(27.2%)﹥青藏区15属(28.8%)34种(16.5%)﹥华中区9属(17.3%)15种(7.3%)﹥西南区8属(15.4%)15种(7.3%)﹥东北区9属(17.3%)13种(6.3%)﹥华南区6属(11.5%)10种(4.9%)。四、阿拉善高原拟步甲与其毗邻及相关区的关系(一)与蒙古国的关系蒙古国是蒙古高原的重要组成部分,目前已知拟步甲6亚科25族58属223种,其在族、属、种级阶元的共有成分分别占阿拉善高原的60.9%、51.9%和37.4%,该数据表明,阿拉善高原拟步甲与外蒙古的相似程度高。(二)与内蒙古的关系阿拉善高原是内蒙古高原的重要组成部分。目前已知拟步甲7亚科26族62属209种,其在族、属、种级阶元的共有成分分别占到了阿拉善高原的78.3%、73.1%和61.2%,该数据足以说明阿拉善高原与内蒙古高原的紧密关系。(三)与宁夏平原的关系宁夏平原是阿拉善高原向黄土高原的过渡带,同时也是以贺兰山为标志的荒漠与半荒漠的分界线。目前宁夏已知拟步甲140种,其中与阿拉善高原共有116种(56.3%),该数据表明两者的关系十分紧密。五、阿拉善高原拟步甲的空间分布格局和垂直分布特点(一)栅格分析结果表明,阿拉善高原拟步甲的物种数量随经纬度变化有异,即拟步甲的物种数量随纬度的升高呈下降趋势,而随经度的增加呈上升趋势。利用栅格分析法,对特有种及总体种分析,将阿拉善高原划分为5个特有种分布区,即:西祁连—额济纳小区、合黎山—龙首山小区、贺兰山以西阿左旗沙漠小区、贺兰山—香山小区、乌鞘岭南山地小区。(二)对拟步甲在阿拉善高原垂直分布的研究结果表明,拟步甲在海拔<1000m的相对低海拔地区,以鳖甲族Tentyriini占优势(40%);随着海拔升高,土甲族Opatrini、琵甲族Blaptini优势渐增(最高达25.8%,25%);在>3000m的高山地区,拟步甲的物种数量变少,但适应高山的特有种出现,诸如祁连琵甲B.(B.) nanshanica Semenov et Bogatchev、拟步行琵甲B.(B.) caraboides Allard等。六、阿拉善高原拟步甲的区系起源与适应类型(一)区系起源综合阿拉善高原地质的形成和历史发展,初步推测该地区拟步甲起源于白垩纪大规模的海侵、海退运动,中亚地区成为欧亚大陆拟步甲的起源和扩散中心,东扩至阿拉善高原而逐步形成现有分布格局。已知阿拉善高原24.1%的拟步甲物种与中亚地区的种为共有种。(二)适应类型经过上亿年的生存选择和适应进化,拟步甲类昆虫对阿拉善荒漠高原形成了特殊的适应能力,主要表现在:(1)生理适应成虫通过特殊装置——“鞘下窝”达到储水、滤水目的,通过特殊的生理反应获取水分等;(2)形态适应通过坚硬的体躯、身体各部分紧密连接、后翅普遍退化、前翅普遍愈合、足上有特殊的“沙靴”装置等特殊体态和体征适应荒漠半荒漠生活;(3)生物学适应大部分拟步甲通过夜间活动、躲藏在哺乳动物的洞穴、最大可能地利用微生境、幼虫普遍取食腐殖质、普遍的半社会群集特性等避开沙漠的高温和炎热。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is focus on the taxonomy and fauna study of the Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) in theAlxa Plateau, based on a lot of named specimens, also refer to the origin, distribution pattern, including therelationship with the adjacent areas, and the following results are obtained:I. There are5subfamilies,23tribes,52genera and206species (subspecies) are recorded in the AlxaPlateau, based on the accurate results of identifying tenebrionid specimens preserved in the Museum ofHebei University, as a result, one species Cheirodes (Pseudanemia) scalarithoracus Ren, Ning et Jia,2011has been described from the Alxa Plateau,4pupae (Melanesthes (Melanesthes) jintaiensis Ren, M.(Opatronesthes) rugipennis Reitter, Eumylada potanini (Reitter), Penthicus (Myladion) nojonicus (Kaszab))are newly described. The diagnoses and the keys of subfamily, tribe along with genus are presented. Thecitations of genera and species with information of examined materials are given.II. In this region,186tenebrionid species are Central Asian components of Palearctic realm (90.3%),most of them have narrow distribution; the highest percentage of composition of subfamily are Pimeliinaeand Tenebrioninae (total:175species,84.9%), the most diverse of composition of tribe is Tentyriini (54species,26.1%), next is Opatrini (48species,23.2%); Blaps is the most abundant in composition of genera(23species,11.1%); the genus Jintaium is the only endemic genus;41species are the endemic species inthe Alxa Plateau (20.0%).III. The relationship of distributing type of tenebrionid beetles in the Alxa Plateau with theZoogeographical region of Chinaa. In the distributing type, tenebrionid beetles of the Alxa Plateau can be classified into16types, ofwhich tenebrionid beetles of the Alxa Plateau is closest to the distributing type of Mongo-Xingjiang Region(39genera,75%;130species,63.1%), the next is the distributing type of the Alxa (41species,19.9%), thedistributing type of North China Region and Mongo-Xingjiang Region (17genera,32.7%;30species,14.6%), and the distributing type of Qinhai-Xizang region and Mongo-Xingjiang Region (8genera,15.4%;19species9.2%), the rest of the distributing type possess a small proportion.b. The data shows that tenebrionid beetles of the Alxa Plateau have the highest similarity withMongo-Xingjiang Region (52genera,100%;206species,100%), next is North China Region (29genera,55.8%;56species,27.2%), Qinhai-Xizang region (15genera,28.8%;34species,16.5%), Central ChinaRegion (9genera,17.3%;15species,7.3%), Southwest Region (8genera,15.4%;15species,7.3%),Northeast Region (9genera,17.3%;13species,6.3%) and South China Region (6genera,11.5%;10species,4.9%). IV. The relationship of Tenebrionid beetles of the Alxa Plateau with adjacent and related areasa. Mongolia is an important part of Mongolian Plateau, the darkling beetles currently includes6subfamilies,25tribes,58genera and223species, there are common composition with the Alxa Plateau inthe tribe, genus and species, they accounted for60.9%,51.9%and37.4%separately of the Alxa Plateau,the data shows that tenebrionid beetles of the Alxa Plateau are very similar to Mongolia.b. The Alxa Plateau is an important part of Inner Mongolia Plateau. The darkling beetles currentlyincludes7subfamilies,26tribes,62genera and209species, the common composition accounted for78.3%,73.1%and61.2%separately of the Alxa Plateau, the data shows that there is a high level of similaritybetween them.c. Ningxia Plain is the transition zone between the Alxa Plateau and Loess Plateau, also, it is theboundary between desert and semidesert, helan mountain is the mark. The darkling beetles currentlyincludes140species, of which116species (56.3%) are same to the Alxa Plateau, it shows that theirrelationship is very close.V. The result of using Grid-Cluster analysis shows that the richness of tenebrionid species decreasewith increasing latitude but it increase with increasing longitude. Alxa Plateau could be divided into5endemic area using Grid-Cluster analysis i.e. Xiqilian-e’jina subregion, Helishan-longshoushan subregion,A’zuoqi desert subregion of west of helanshan, Helanshan-xiangshan subregion, Southern subregion ofwuqiaoling.Research result of vertical distribution patterns shows that Tentyriini (40%) is predominant in loweraltitude (<1000m); with the elevation increasing, Opatrini (25.8%) and Blaptini (25%) become thedominant group; number of darkling beetles decrease in the high altitude (>3000m), but some endemicspecies occurred, eg. B.(B.) nanshanica Semenov et Bogatchev and B.(B.) caraboides Allard etc.VI. Referring to the geologic formation and the biogeographical history of Alxa Plateau, the originand adoption type of the darkling beetles of the Alxa Plateau are analyzed and discussed. The preliminaryresults show that it maybe originate from Cretaceous transgression and regressions, Central Asian is theorigin and dispersal center of Eurasian tenebrionid beetles, and eastward expansion to the Alxa Plateau, theexisting distribution pattern is gradually taking shape. The Alxa Plateau currently has common species(24.1%) to Central Asian.The darkling beetles has a special ability to adapt the Alxa Plateau as following:a. Physiological adaptation. The adult gain the water through using the sub-elytralcavity;b. Morphology adaptation. Tenebrionid beetles of the Alxa Plateau have somany special characteristics in order to adapt to the desert and semidesert;c. Biological adaptation. In order to avoid the heat of desert, most tenebrionid beetles are nocturnal,they often live in the cave of mammal and make good use of micro habitat; larvae often feed humus, andhave semisocial behavior.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期