

The Study on the Development of Bilingual Education Policy in Singapore

【作者】 周进

【导师】 朱文富;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 教育史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 国土面积狭小、饱受殖民统治、1965年才独立建国的新加坡,在短短半个世纪的时间里跻身世界发达国家行列。新加坡快速发展的原因很多,但一个最重要的原因是成功实施了双语教育,培养了众多双语人才,很好地适应了东西文化精华兼收并蓄和转口贸易立国的发展模式。新加坡双语教育政策的发展有着深刻的历史和现实根源。自世界大航海时代以来持续了几个世纪的转口贸易经济模式,奠定了新加坡双语或多语教育的底色;长达一个半世纪的英国殖民统治为新加坡的语文教育打下了难以抹去的烙印;多元民族的复合社会需要搭建民族间沟通的桥梁和联系民族文化的纽带;外向型经济发展模式亟需大量的双语或多语精英人才。新加坡的双语教育政策具有独特的演变过程及特点,其双语教育政策发展的历程大致可以分为四个阶段。1965年以前是独立建国前双语教育的启蒙与探索阶段,由于特殊的地理位置,长期的多元民族、多元语文和外向型经济发展模式,使新加坡较早进行了双语教育的尝试,在客观上为建国以后实行双语教育政策打下了基础;1965-1986年是生存与发展主题下双语教育政策的确立与实践阶段,在这21年里,围绕双语教育的一系列改革探索了双语教育模式,实现了教育源流的统一,新加坡在双语教育政策推动下不仅成功立足于世界,而且很快进入了快速发展时期;1987-2007年是经济腾飞主题下双语教育政策的修正与完善阶段,三次华文教学改革和新的双语教育分流制度使双语教育政策自身的调整与改革进一步深化;2008年至今是重造新加坡主题下双语教育政策的深入推进阶段,从中央课程到校本课程,双语教育政策的创新性进一步强化,双语教育全球化程度日益提高。虽然在不同的阶段里双语教育政策的功能和定位有所不同,但在建国以后,双语教育政策总体上都是围绕建国之初确立的“教育配合经济发展”的务实的总方针不断与时俱进地调整和演进着,为教育探索道路,为国家培养精英。短短半个多世纪,双语教育政策与新加坡彼此相长、共同发展、共创奇迹,不仅把双语教育打造成为世界教育领域中独树一帜的成功典范,而且使新加坡从一个资源匮乏、矛盾重重的小岛国华丽转身为世界发达国家。新加坡双语教育政策的历史经验值得我们深入研究和学习借鉴。

【Abstract】 Singapore had suffered from colonial rule and became independent in1965with smallland area, but it ranks among the world’s developed countries in just half a century. There aremany reasons for Singapore’s rapid development, but one of the most important reasons is thesuccessful implementation of bilingual education, which has trained a large number ofbilingual professionals. Also, the development of Singapore is inclusive for both eastern andwestern culture and well adapted to the carrying trade model.The development of Singapore’s bilingual education policy has its profound historicaland practical roots. The carrying trade model continued for centuries since the Great VoyageAge laid the background for Singapore bilingual or multilingual education; the Britishcolonial rule up to one and a half centuries laid the indelible imprint for language education inSingapore; multi-ethnic society needs has built the bridges and ties to communicate andcontact with each other; export-oriented economic development models need large amounts ofbilingual or multilingual talents.The development of bilingual education in Singapore has its own unique characteristicsand evolution process. Its history of development of bilingual education experienced roughlyfour stages. First stage is before1965, which is the Bilingual education Enlightenment andearly explores time before independent. Due to the special geographical position, long-termmulti-ethnic, multi-linguistic and export-oriented economic development model, Singaporeattempts to try the bilingual education and laid the foundation for the bilingual educationpolicy after its founding; From1965to1986was called as the establishment and practiceperiod under the theme of the survival and development of bilingual education, in these21years, there were a series of reforms around bilingual education to explore the bilingualeducation model, which achieved the unity of the origins of education. With the bilingualeducation policy, Singapore not only promoted the success on the world, but also entered arapid development period soon; From1987to2007was the period to revise and adjustbilingual education under the theme of economic boom, three Chinese teaching reform and anew distributaries’ system made the bilingual education policy’s adjustment and reform tofurther deepen; From2008until now is the period to deepen forward the bilingual educationin Singapore under the theme of Re-Creating Singapore, from the central curriculum toschool-based curriculum, the innovation of bilingual education policy is further strengthened and the globalization of bilingual education degree is increasing.Although at different times the function and location of bilingual education in Singaporeare different, after the founding of this nation, in general all the policies are around "educationact in concert with economic development" and also to adjust the times and evolve itself toexplore the road for education and cultivate talents for the nation. Just a half a century,bilingual education and Singapore benefit each other to develop and make a magic together.Singapore not only becomes a successful unique model in the world in the field of education,but also turns itself as one of the world’s developed countries from a formal resource-poor andcontradicts small fishing village. There are many historical experiences from Singapore’sbilingual education policy which are worthy of in-depth study and research.

【关键词】 新加坡双语教育教育政策
【Key words】 SingaporeBilingual EducationEducation Policy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期