

The Study on Relegate Poems of the Group of Poets Led by Su Shi

【作者】 石蓬勃

【导师】 白贵;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 自古以来,贬谪即为中国古代官员之噩梦,党争剧烈之时,贬谪尤为惨痛。北宋神宗任用王安石厉行新法,引发新旧党争,反对变法之旧党官员纷纷请外,且阻挠新法施行。哲宗元祐年间,太皇太后高氏辅政,迎旧党官员还朝,尽废新法。绍圣年间,哲宗亲政,力行绍述,复行新法,旧党官员尽遭贬黜。徽宗即位,改元建中靖国短暂调停,于次年又改元崇宁,党禁顿起,建“元祐党人碑”,旧党官员及不附蔡京者均列名其上,所遭贬责更甚。然元祐党人碑所列三百九人中仅一百一十一人为熙丰间反对变法、元祐间力行“更化”、一直追随元祐重臣、附议反对变法者,且以苏轼、苏辙,及其门下文人贬责最重,创作诗歌最繁,文学影响及社会影响最著。苏门诗人1564首贬谪诗作涵盖其贬谪生活诸多方面,反映出各人不同之贬谪心态、主题取向及时空语象特征,既具有明显共性特点,又颇具文人独特性格,故为本文探讨之中心。中国古代文人虽以温柔敦厚、中庸谨重为尚,然自古有“狂”、“逸”人格萌生发展,苏门诗人贬谪诗作中亦有体现。如苏轼融合儒、释、道三教思想,且受陶渊明影响甚重,故而初谪黄州时心怀惴惴,惟求自安,至谪居惠州时渐成淡泊自适,远贬儋州已心无挂碍、旷达自乐,最终形成狂逸融合、超然旷达之贬谪心态。苏辙简洁沉静,黄庭坚超然淡泊,加之受禅宗影响较深,二人贬谪诗作狂、逸之气均未昭彰,哀乐之情隐而不发,少有愤激之情,颇为自持平和,故而诗作冲淡超逸,心态为离狂远逸、内敛沉静。秦观于贬谪期间甚是怀念昔日翰苑生活,对困居贬地之苦痛体味颇深,故而潦倒哀毁,其诗作中之狂气跳过唐之禅悦,嵇、阮之狂逸结合,陶渊明之潇洒超逸,而远溯至屈、贾之哀伤心理,其心态由哀婉而为沉郁、凄厉,狂消逸隐,终于悲苦绝望。晁补之诗作中逸气更为明显,然狂放语汇亦不鲜见,可见其从未忘情于仕宦生涯。张耒则心性坦易,虽迭遭黜责,却能很快调整心态。二人将对三教之圆融和会作为解决理想与现实矛盾之武器,两人贬谪心态虽略有不同,然均徘徊于狂逸之间,形成亦狂亦逸、坦易自持之心态特征。苏门诗人历贬边地,生活潦倒,故而诗作中多有环境苦恶之记述、生计艰难之哀叹、精神痛苦之展示与借酒遣愁之逃遁。贬地生活虽然艰苦,但苏门诗人受儒家思想熏染多年,忧民之怀未能忘却,依然关心民瘼,为生民所遭苦难心痛不已,尤以苏轼最为明显。然其诗作主题大多集中于水旱蝗灾,极少涉及农事政策,于忧民之怀中足见其唯恐招祸之惧。苏门诗人迭遭贬窜,于生计、精神遭受双重打击,无奈之下,归隐之心日益浓厚,于诗作中多有反映:或寄情于山水,或求助于佛道。然大部分苏门诗人均未能归隐山林田园,只因寻到“吏隐”这一调和途径,求得心安与心灵之解脱,既可享受隐逸之乐,又不辜负忧民之怀。苏门诗人均未曾脱离贬谪羁绊,归隐之思遂相伴始终。苏门诗人历贬边地,于生命沉沦之苦痛中日益沉静,开始思考人生命运、生存价值之最本质问题,故而诗作中多有对死亡之审视,由排斥而至接受,由接受而至超越;亦多有对生命之思考,表达对顽强坚忍、柔美娇艳物事之喜爱,并对日常生活习见之物多所吟咏,表达出对生命之欣喜。苏门诗人贬谪诗作中时空意识与语象系统亦颇引深思。苏门诗人于贬谪期间视野顿宽,时空意识涵盖全面,既有古往今来、纵横万里之宏阔,亦有注重现下、一时一地之体悟,故而其诗作既有涵盖万古之情,又重现时当下之感;既有俯瞰天地之势,又重耳闻目见之境。其物象系统亦更为完善,既有品性高洁、文人雅致之松竹等物象,亦有纤细精致、悲苦萦怀之醉酒等语象,极具含蓄浓缩之美、翻新出奇之妙、变俗为雅之奇及形象描绘之趣。苏门诗人贬谪诗作不囿于前人语象系统之限制,更注重内心感悟之表达,变前人含蓄蕴藉之审美为日常生活口语之事象,故而诗作物象种类丰富多样,其特征更符合诗人贬谪心境;事象运用变化万端,将文人雅趣与日常生活完美结合在一起。

【Abstract】 Since ancient times, relegation is the nightmare of the Chinese officials. It would becrueler when the party-struggle became fiercer. Based on the background of the NorthernSong Dynasty party-struggle, this thesis tries to study on the group of poets led by Su Shi andtheir poems. The group of poets led by Su Shi includes Su Shi, Su Zhe, Huang Tingjian, QinGuan, Chao Buzhi, Zhang Lei, which can be taken as the representative of the Yuan You Party.Their poems can show main features of the Yuanyou Party. The thesis includes five chapterswith the main contents as following.The first chapter gives a brief introduction to the background and the process of theNorthern Song Dynasty party-struggle, in order to expurgate the background of the relegationpoems of the group of poets led by Su Shi. At first, the thesis mainly analyzed the backgroundof the Yuan You Party-struggle: Ministers with different politics interfering with each otherand the system of remonstration are political factors; the increasing intension of thethree-redundancy problems is the social factor; the revival of Confucianism in the NorthernSong Dynasty is the cultural factor. Secondly, the thesis described the development of theYuanyou Party-struggle. Since the reform of Wang Anshi in Xining-Yuanfeng period, thereform ideas and the measures became the focus of the imperial court struggle. Because of the“Wutai poem case”, Su Shi was deported to Huang Zhou. The Old Party officials were alsopunished. After ShenZong was died, the grandma-empress presided over the affairs of country,and the Old Party officials returned to the court. By the opportunity of “the Che Gaiting poemcase”, the New party officials were denounced fiercely. Since then, the struggle between theOld and New Parties turned the partisan politics to the emotional strife. When ZheZongascended the throne, he executed the new policy again, and the Old Party officials wererelegated to the remote areas once more. During Chongning period, Cai Jing fabricated “theYuanyou Party Monument”, the Old Party officials and those who wasn’t subordinated to CaiJing were columned their names on it and got crueler punishment. All of the group of poetsled by Su Shi were relegated successively, and wrote lots of poetries. The second chapter is “the definition of the Yuan You Party officials and the summary ofthe relegation poetries of the group of poets led by Su Shi”. The first section is theclassification of the Yuanyou Party officials. The thesis divided them into ten types, andregarded the group of poets led by Su Shi as the representative of the Yuanyou Party officials,and let them to be the objects of the study. The second section shows how the group of poetsled by Su Shi formed. In order to make the objects of study clear, the third section mainlyanalyzed the relegation history of the group of poets led by Su Shi and the general situationof their poems.The third chapter mainly analyzed the relegation mentality characteristic of the group ofpoets led by Su Shi. This thesis uses the “madness” and “leisure” of the traditional Chinesescholars as analytical perspective, to analyze the evolution process of the relegation mentalitycharacteristic. The first section is to review the development of “madness” and “leisure” andintroduce the representatives. The second section is to analyze the type of the relegationmentality characteristic of the group of poets led by Su Shi, includes Su Shi’s “Combinationof Madness and Leisure, Aloof and Broad-minded”, Su Zhe and Huang Tingjian’s “Awayfrom Madness and Leisure, Quiet and Introverted”, Qin Guan’s “Disappearance of Madnessand Leisure, Misery and Despair”, Chao Buzhi and Zhang Lei’s “Both Madness and Leisure,Calm and Self-sustaining”. From their relegation poems, the development process of therelegation mentality characteristic of those six people is also seen.The forth chapter mainly analyzed the theme of their relegation poems. In the relegationarea, the group of poets led by Su Shi led a burdensome life. It can be seen in their relegationpoems that their means of subsistence was deficient, and they felt very lonely. Although thegroup of poets led by Su Shi was relegated to the distant area and their ambition of patrioticwas impossible to achieve, they also worried about people, so there are lots of poems aboutanxiety for people. Because of the influence of Buddhism and Taoism, the group of poets ledby Su Shi had a more and more intense complex of hermitage. They envied Tao Yuanming’shermitage to pastoral, but they didn’t want to abandon their officials identity, so they turn toofficial seclusion, in order to seek the feeling at ease. The group of poets led by Su Shi lived in the border areas for long-term, got very hard physical and psychological harms, so theydiscussed death and life for many times. In their poems, there are both thinking about deathand lief of life.The fifth chapter mainly analyzed space-time consciousness and poetic imagery systemof the relegation poems with quantitative analysis. When they were relegated, the group ofpoets led by Su Shi had a broad vision. The space-time consciousness and poetic imagerysystem of their poems were encompassing, both wide and narrow, both distant and close, bothliterary atmosphere objects, such as pine tree and bamboo, and common life things, such aswine and drunk etc.. There are lots of subtle concentrated, refurbished surprisingly, turn triteto elegant, image depicting wonderful scenes in the relegation poems. This shows the groupof poets led by Su Shi paid more attention to express the inner perception and turn subtle andrefined objects to ordinary things.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期