

Research on the Corporations’ Responsibility of Vocational Education

【作者】 聂伟

【导师】 黄尧;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 校企合作是职业教育改革发展的重点和难点。之所以重要,是因为离开了企业,学校就无法进行真正的职业教育;说其困难,是因为在推动双方合作的过程中,始终困难重重,企业缺乏职业教育责任已成为制约职业教育质量提升的瓶颈。有鉴于此,本研究采用调查研究法、历史研究法以及比较研究法分四个部分逐步推进,力图解决这个问题。在整个过程中,本研究努力将校企合作研究的立足点由学校转向企业。首先解决“企业为什么具有职业教育责任”。通过引入企业公民理论,遵照“公民是权利与责任统一体”的分析框架,论证了企业具有社会责任,而职业教育属于社会现象之一。所以,企业也有一定的职业教育责任。那么,企业具有哪些职业教育责任?梳理职业教育的发展史,可以发现它起源于劳作现场。在职业学校诞生之前,家庭生产、手工工场等原始的企业形态担起了全部的职业教育责任,这是时间上的纵向分析;在横向比较上,德国双元制中,企业承担了大量的职业教育责任,这是现“时”中企业的职业教育责任履行状态,将纵横两个维度整合推断出企业职业教育责任的应然状态,围绕人才培养这个核心,企业应该在各个环节都承担起一定的责任。如果说应然状态是职业教育教学规律的推断,实然状态则只有经过实地调研才能获知。通过对一所职业院校和几家企业的调研,发现企业在我国的职业教育实践中已经承担了不少职业教育责任。无论是在参与的广度,还是参与的深度上,都较以前有很大进步。只是不同发展阶段的企业因需求层次不同,而呈现出不同的责任承担状况。大型企业发展成熟,履行责任状况良好,人才和声誉成为他们履行责任追求的主要目标。但是,企业在承担责任的同时,并没有得到相应的权利和利益补偿,导致他们积极性不高。为此,需要从权利和利益两个角度,针对不同发展阶段的企业,选用不同的激励策略。一般来说,发展成熟的企业需求层次较高,赋予权利的手段比较有效;发展不成熟的企业需求层次较低,适用于进行经济利益刺激。

【Abstract】 School-enterprise cooperation is a fundamental and difficulty problem in thereform and development of vocational education. Without the enterprise, the schoolcannot conduct the real vocational education. It is always difficult to promote the co-operation between the school and the enterprise, because of the lack of motivation ofcorporation’s responsibility of vocational education, which has become the bottleneckto promote the quality of vocational education. In this research, some researchmethods such as survey research, historical research and comparative research wereused to solve the problem.In this study, the foothold of school-enterprise cooperation was transferred fromschools to enterprises. Firstly, why do the companies have the responsibility ofvocational education? With the theory of corporate citizenship and the framework ofcitizen is the unity of rights and responsibilities, this paper demonstrates thatenterprises have social responsibility, because vocational education is one of thesocial phenomena.Secondly, what responsibilities of vocational education do the companies have?It is originated from the labor scene through the development history of vocationaleducation. Before the birth of the vocational school, home and manual workshop werethe original form of enterprise which took up the responsibility of vocationaleducation; In German dual system, the enterprises also take up much responsibility ofvocational education today. The two dimensions of vocational education demonstratedthat the companies should assume certain responsibilities in all relevant aspects.If we can say that the ideal state is extrapolated from the law of vocationaleducation, and the real state is only from the field survey. Through surveying avocational institution and several companies, we found that the companies haveassumed a lot of responsibility of vocational education in China. Much moreprogresses have been made than before whether it was in the breadth of participation,or the depth of participation. What’s more, different development stages of thecompanies will show different levels of demand and different accountabilityperforming status. Large enterprises have a good responsibility fulfilling condition,because of growing in a mature state. In this stage, technical talents and corporatereputation have become their main pursuits.However, the enterprises took up the responsibility of vocational education, butat the same time they did not get the rights and interests for compensation, so they were not enthusiastic in participating vocational education. For motivating them toparticipate in vocational education, different motivational strategies can be chosenfrom the rights and interests according to different growing stages of companies. Ingeneral, the demand of a mature company is higher, who should be conferred the right,and the demand of an immature enterprise is lower, who should be supportedeconomic benefits.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期