

A Study of the Stability of Temple Based Celebrations of Chinese Folk Religion

【作者】 蒲娇

【导师】 冯骥才;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑环境艺术, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 “皇会”起源于民间“娘娘会”,是天津本地为纪念海神妈祖诞辰,在天后宫及周边街区举办的大型庆典活动,会期在农历三月二十三,不定年份举办。皇会在天津历史文化发展中起着重要的作用,体现出了浓郁的天津地域文化性格,本地流传着“先有天后宫,后有天津卫”的说法,皇会也被冠以“中国狂欢节”之美誉。然而,在强大的经济一体化浪潮的侵袭下,生发于农耕文明中的民间文化所赖以生存的文化空间与植根土壤已被严重破坏,各道花会也在劫难逃,纷纷面临传承后继乏人、会所荡然无存的窘境。虽然来自外界的破坏力极大,但皇会人依然秉承祖辈传承的办会传统,并以一种极为罕见的稳态性特征传承至今,这与大部分民间文化在生存困境中的销蚀、溃散形成了鲜明对比。天津皇会作为“非遗后”时代中典型的鲜活案例十分少见,本文将从文化人类学的学理角度,对其稳定性成因进行源头式探究。皇会的稳态性是在社会多方面因素作用下合力促成的:首先源自于本地民众对妈祖信仰的笃信,这使得妈祖信仰渗透其精神与生活中的各个层面,随后在国家与民间相互借势的过程中,完成了信仰本身的扩大与对皇会的加冕,并借助“文化场域”所产生的集体、主动的传承力,来完成传播与扩布,为皇会传承提供源源不竭的动力。此外,皇会还调和了国家与民间、正祀与淫祀、大传统与小传统、日常与狂欢、祭祀圈内与祭祀圈外、传承主体与传承客体等因素之间的对立关系,并在一种上至国家、下至民众集体稳定的社会氛围中存在并发展至今。国家、地方政府、地方文化精英、民众之间的关系,是一种信仰、一种组织、一种集会形成与稳定的基础。因此,研究皇会的稳定性,须从社会构成、血缘地缘、宗教信仰、礼治秩序、维系道德和社会阶层等多方面来全方位考察。本文的写作目的在于期望自“非遗后”的时代背景中,以具“稳态性”典型特征的皇会作为个案研究,找寻到现象背后保持其稳态性的普适性因素,为诸多面临传承窘境的民间庙会的稳态发展提供指导意义,在民间仪式的混杂与圆融中,找寻出它所发挥出的普遍作用,并由皇会个案上升至整个民间文化的保护,为民间文化的未来发展提供启示。

【Abstract】 Huanghui started from a type of folk activity Niang Niang Hui,is a greatcelebration which is organized to honor the birthday of Ma Zu in the area of Tian Houtemple in March23rd of Chinese Lunar every year.Huanghui plays an important rolein the cultural and historical development of Tianjin and it represents thecharacteristics of the local people. People even say that the Tian Hou temple wasfounded before the city. Huanghui is also regarded as The Chinese Carnival.However, with globalization and the fast development of the economy, the culturespace formed around agricultural society has been destroyed badly. This was theenvironment in which Huanghui existed. Although the destructive power from theoutside is enormous, the people who use to do the performance in Huanghui insist oncarrying their custom and passed down the tradition to the next generation with aunique way of the stability. With the perspective of the cultural anthropology, thispaper will investigate into the origin of HuanghuiMany social factors have formed the stability of Huanghui tradition. First of all,the loyal faithful belief in Matsu of the local people permeated the religion into everyaspects of their physical and mental life. With the taking advantage betweengovernment and folks, the faith in Matsu expanded itself and contributed to thedevelopment of Huanghui. In addition, Huanghui reconciled the relationship amongthe government and normal people, official life and local life, Great tradition andlittle tradition, the daily life and the carnival, the both inside and the outside socialcircle of the Matsu worship. And Huanghui develops in a stable social atmosphere.The relation among a nation and its government, local cultural elites and commonfolks is the stable base of the development of a faith and an organization. Thus,investigation into the stability of Huanghui must be done comprehensively from theaspects of social structure, blood and geographical relationship, religious belief, socialrules, moral relationship and class relations.The purpose of this paper is to find out the special factors which can keepHuanghui develop steadily in the period of after the intangible cultural heritagepreservation. Therefore, the thesis is trying to use Huanghui as the study case in orderto provide the indication for the further cultural protection.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期