

Research on Development of Modern Architecture in Tianjian under the Collision between Chinese and Western Culture

【作者】 王苗

【导师】 曹磊;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑环境艺术, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 天津在中国近代历史上占有重要地位,九国租界的设立使得近代天津有着中国其他城市难以比拟的特殊地位,成为世界各国关注的焦点。租界地的设置带来了西方文化的涌入,打破了天津原有的中国北方传统建筑城市风貌。论文探析天津近代时期城市中本土建筑文化在接触到西方建筑文化后,产生的碰撞和交融,即天津近代建筑产生之本源,究其发展的影响因素与脉络。论文的研究以社会历史背景、中西方文化理论、建筑文化理论等作为理论支持,并带入了文化人类学术语——文化涵化的概念,来解读近代天津中西方建筑文化的交流,结合建筑案例分析,对形成近代天津中西文化交融的建筑发展进行论证。研究内容包括西方建筑风格与天津地方文化的结合,以及西方建筑文化对天津近代建筑产生影响的四条渠道方面,搭配具有突出特点的建筑实例进行归类和分析,探讨西方建筑文化在近代天津传播过程中发生的克隆和变异现象,以及在建筑实体上的体现,围绕建筑本体的风格、形式、空间、材质方面,以及建筑相关的周边影响因素,包括近代园林景观,和中西方建筑师及其事务所发展,还有天津近代建筑教育事业的开办几个方面,探讨中西文化的碰撞与交流。天津近代建筑的形成是中西方建筑文化与天津地方特色的融合,两者交相辉映,在这方面也反映了天津建筑文化与天津地方文化同样有着开放性多元吸收的特点。天津近代建筑可以说是在承载了传统文化因子的基础上,附加了西方文化因素的融合和现代化进程的推进,多元文化兼收并蓄,融汇杂糅。通过对近代天津建筑研究,总结中西文化融合下形成的建筑文化特色,在经过近一个世纪的锤炼,已形成本土与西方风格相结合的天津城市风貌特征。论文以天津本土优秀的建筑创作为例,探讨其中蕴含的近代建筑文化在现今天津城市建筑环境设计中的体现,与当代天津城市形象的发展进行接轨。

【Abstract】 Tianjin had an important position in the history of modern China. The setup ofnine countries’ concession enabled modern Tianjin to possess a special status whichother cities could not compare with and become the focus of attention for all countriesin the world. Setting up concession district introduced western culture and brokeTianjin’s original urban building style of traditional Northern China.This paper probes into the collision and integration after Tianjin’s localarchitectural culture in modern period accessed to western architectural culture,namely, the origin of Tianjin’s modern architecture, and finds out the influentialfactors and context of its development. Based on social history background, theory ofChinese and western culture, and theory of architectural theory as theoretical support,as well as cultural anthropology terminology-the concept of cultural acculturation,the paper unscrambles the exchange between Chinese and western architecturalculture of modern Tianjin. By combining with the analysis of architecture case and theauthor’s personal academic understanding, it demonstrated the development ofarchitecture forming into modern Tianjin’s Chinese and western cultural integration.The research contents include the combination between western architecture style andTianjin’s local culture as well as four aspects of influence of western architectureculture on Tianjin’s modern architecture. By classifying and analyzing the livingarchitecture examples with outstanding features, the paper discusses the clone andvariation phenomena of western architecture culture in the process of dissemination inmodern Tianjin, as well as their reflection in architectonic entities. Besides, it alsoprobes into the collision and exchange between Chinese and western culture revolvingaround aspects such as the style, form, space, and material of architecture noumenon,surrounding architecture-related influential factors including modern landscape, thedevelopment of Chinese and western architects and architecture office, as well as thelaunching of modern architectural educational cause in Tianjin.The formation of Tianjin’s modern architecture is the integration ofmutually-enhancing Chinese-western architectural culture and Tianjin’s local features,which reflects the characteristics of openness and multi-absorption of both Tianjin’sarchitectural culture and Tianjin’s local culture. It can be said that Tianjin’s modernarchitecture is based on carrying traditional cultural factors and added with theintegration with western culture and the advancing of modernization, includingall-embracing diversified culture.Through studying modern Tianjin’s architecture, the paper finally concludes characteristics of architectural culture formed under the integration between Chineseand western culture. After nearly a century, Tianjin’s local urban features combininglocal style with western style have come into being. By taking Tianjin’s localexcellent architectural creation for example, the paper probes into the reflection ofmodern architecture culture in modern architecture culture, to access to thedevelopment of Tianjin’s modern urban image.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期