

Construction Control Theory for Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project

【作者】 吴斌平

【导师】 钟登华;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 水工结构工程, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 水利水电工程项目规模大、建设周期长、施工技术难度大,且往往位于深山峡谷地区,地形地质条件复杂、空间资源有限,同时,工程项目施工作业涉及多工种、多环节,以上均给工程施工组织管理和施工过程的动态控制带来了极大的挑战。如何对水利水电工程施工过程的进度、质量、成本、安全和环境进行实时动态控制,如何实现施工过程多目标的综合协调平衡,不仅是事关水利水电工程高标准、快速连续施工的关键技术问题,也是一个工程科学问题。本文以水利水电工程施工过程为研究对象,深入研究水利水电工程施工控制理论与方法,并取得如下成果:(1)首次提出了水利水电工程施工控制学基本理论。结合水利水电工程施工控制研究,从控制论的角度提出了水利水电工程施工控制学概念,并建立了其理论框架。围绕水利水电工程施工过程及特点,从时间和空间两个维度对水利水电工程施工系统进行分析,建立了施工系统时空关系模型,界定了水利水电工程施工控制的研究内容;以系统的观点对施工控制系统进行分解-协调,并在此基础上提出了水利水电工程施工控制学的基本理论。该理论可为水利水电工程施工过程动态控制提供新的理论研究思路。(2)提出了水利水电工程施工单项控制理论与方法。分析了单项控制过程中多目标综合机制,根据单项控制的思想,提出了目标-约束机制和互不影响机制,在此基础之上建立了水利水电工程施工单项控制数学模型,同时,从控制论的角度提出实时反馈策略和模型自适应策略,为实施高效的单项控制提供理论支持。该理论方法为实现水利水电工程施工单项目标优化提供可靠的理论技术支撑。(3)提出了水利水电工程施工多元控制理论与方法。系统分析了水利水电工程建设项目各目标间的复杂制约关系,为多元控制研究提供理论依据。利用分解-联合方法建立了施工控制对象逻辑关系模型,深入研究了多目标之间相互作用关系,结合多元控制的特点提出了模型协调机制和目标协调机制,并在此基础上建立了多元控制数学模型,同时,以协同的观点提出顺序导引策略,解决了如何将协调控制对象引入当前多元控制系统之中的问题。该理论方法可为水利水电工程施工过程多目标综合优化提供理论依据和技术支持。(4)研究了现代水利水电工程施工控制技术。总结归纳了水利水电工程施工过程中所采用的传统控制技术,系统介绍了目前施工控制中所运用的现代技术,包括混凝土坝施工进度实时控制、碾压式大坝碾压施工质量实时监控、大坝混凝土温度实时监控,最后,对物联网技术在水利水电工程施工控制中的应用进行了展望。(5)以混凝土坝为例,进行了施工控制理论与实践的研究。结合碾压混凝土施工特点,以上述施工控制理论与方法为指导,研究了大坝施工进度、仓面浇筑碾压施工质量、混凝土温度单项控制以及施工进度与质量多元控制问题。该理论与实践研究验证了施工控制学基本理论的有效性,并为碾压混凝土坝施工进度、施工质量的控制提供了新的技术手段。

【Abstract】 Water conservancy and hydropower projects (WCHP) have characters of largescale, long construction period and big construction difficulty, and they are alwayslocated at deep mountain valleys with adverse topographic and geologic conditionsand limited spatial resource. Moreover, the project construction operations involvemany crafts and construction links, and all these bring great difficulty to theconstruction management and real-time control on the site. How to perform dynamiccontrol on the schedule, quality, cost, safety and environment of the construction andefficiently keep the balance of them are not only the key technical issues associatedwith high-standard and high-intensity continuous construction but also engineeringscientific problems. In this paper, aiming at the construction process of waterconservancy and hydropower project, the in-depth research of Construction Controltheory and methodologies for Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project are carriedout. The achievements are as follows:(1) The fundamental theory of the construction control for water conservancyand hydropower project is proposed for the first time. Combined with the research ofconstruction control, the concepction and theoretical framework is presented based oncybernetics. Centering on the construction process and features, the waterconservancy and hydropower project construction system is analysed from the twodimensions of time and space, and the space-time relational model of constructionsystem is established. Then the content of construction control is defined. With theStandpoint of Systemic Theory, decomposition-coordination coupling analysis isperformed on the construction system. On these bases, the fundamental theory of theconstruction control for water conservancy and hydropower project is proposed,which can provide a new train of thought for construction dynamic control.(2) The unary control theory and methodology are proposed. Studing the targetanalysis mechanism in further, the target-binding mechanism and none-influencemechanism are presented according to the basic thought of unary Control theory. Onthe basis of these two mechanisms, the mathematical model is established. Meanwhile,real-time feedback strategy and model adaptive strategy are presented based oncybernetics to provide theoretical support for the implementation of efficient singlecontrol. The theoretical method provides reliable technical support for the singleobjective optimization of water conservancy and hydropower project. (3) The multivariate control theory and methodology are proposed. The complexrestrictive relationship among project objectives is analysed systematically to providea theoretical basis for the multivariate control study. With decomposition-jointapproach, the logical relation model of the construction control object is presented.The interactions among the multiple objectives are studied in depth, and combinedwith the multivariate control characteristics, model-coordination mechanisms andtarget-coordination mechanism are proposed. On these bases, the multivariate controlmathematical model is established. Meanwhile, the order-lead-in strategy is presented,which can well introduce the coordinated control system into Current multivariatecontrol system. The theoretical method provides theoretical basis and technicalsupport for the multi-objective optimization of water conservancy and hydropowerproject.(4) The construction control technology of water conservancy and hydropowerproject is researched. The traditional control technology used in construction processis summed up. Some modern control technology including real-time control forconcrete dam construction schedule, real-time monitoring for construction quality ofroller compacted dam and real-time monitoring for dam concrete temperature isintroduced. The application of the internet of things in water conservancy andhydropower project construction control is prospected.(5) Taking RCC dam as an example, the construction control theory and practiceare studied. According to RCC construction characteristics and the theory andmethodology above, some research of unary control for dam construction progress,RCC construction quality and concrete temperature and the multivariate control ofconstruction progress and quality are undertaken in this paper. The theory and thepractice validate the availability of the fundamental theory of the construction control,and provide new technical means for the construction progress and quality control ofRCC dam.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期