

Research of Coordinated Planning in Medium-voltage Distribution System for Improving Power Supply Capability

【作者】 韩俊

【导师】 葛少云;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 配电系统作为联系终端用户与发、输电系统的纽带,是保证用户安全可靠供电的重要环节。随着城市经济的高速发展,尤其是特大型城市,用地的日益紧张使得变电站站址和电力通道走廊的选择十分困难,若按照传统的技术原则来规划高压变电站和中压配电网,将很难在降低建设规模、减少土地资源消耗的同时满足各级各类用户负荷的供电需求。因此,在规划层面对配电系统上下级电网的协调规划问题开展深入研究以提升配电系统设备整体利用水平、减少对土地等资源的占用,是我国现阶段配电系统发展所亟待解决的问题。本文结合高压变电站和中压配电网两个层面,开展了面向供电能力提升的中压配电系统协调规划研究工作,主要内容如下:(1)在透彻分析变电站主变“N-1”校验过程及负荷转移机理的基础上,定义了主变联络容量约束矩阵、虚拟联络关系矩阵等概念,提出了计及主变过载和联络容量约束的配电系统供电能力的解析计算法;通过进一步的归纳和总结,建立了配电系统最大供电能力优化分析的一般模型,将供电能力计算问题转化为一个复杂的大规模的线性优化问题,并且提出了基于线性优化规划的求解方法;最后通过典型算例对比分析解析法和模型优化方法各自的特点,为后续开展基于供电能力方面的指标评估及应用研究提供了有效的工具。(2)以聚类分析思想为基础,提出了基于改进K-means聚类算法的供电块划分方法,从初始聚类中心的选取和最佳聚类划分数的确定这两方面对传统K-means聚类算法进行改进,同时定义了变电站“等效半径”、“界间距”等概念,将供电块的划分问题由平面点的划分转化为面积域的划分。该方法可以将大范围的供电区域合理的切割成若干小规模的供电块,同一供电块内的变电站间具有非常紧密的联系,不同供电块间变电站相互间的联络相对较为薄弱。鉴于此特性,重点对各个供电块开展配电系统的网络结构优化规划研究将会以最有效、最便捷的路径达到满足整个地区配电系统的精益化规划的需求。(3)为了进一步提高寻优效率,避免对不存在联络关系的变电站进行无谓的搜索计算,在基于改进K-means聚类算法的供电块划分方法的基础上,提出了基于“后退寻优”的两阶段优化规划法和基于遗传算法的主变联络结构多目标优化模型分析法。其中,基于“后退寻优”的两阶段优化规划法主要从变电站整体联络布局的构建和主变联络通道优化设置这两部分着手,由粗到细、循序渐进的完成了主变站间联络通道的优化设置过程;基于GA的多目标优化模型分析法以供电能力、主变联络通道数及区域联络通道总长度为目标函数构建多目标优化模型,并且结合遗传算法对多目标组合优化模型采用排序策略进行求解。上述两种方法均以合理、经济的方式设置变电站主变站间联络通道,最大限度的挖掘区域电网潜在的供电能力,满足电网精细化规划的需求。(4)打破了单纯依靠接线模式指导网架建设的传统思想,将高压变电站和中压配电网相结合,构建了中压配电系统典型供电模型。首先从图论的角度定义并构建了基于变电站互联的供电块联络结构模型(供电架构),并且开展了模型的相关特性指标与各类供电区域的匹配性分析;然后,以主变联络结构优化方法为基础,优化计算了基于变电站互联度数为1~3的最小联络结构单元的主变联络关系及相关供电能力指标;最后,引入中压网典型接线模式,将高压变电站和中压配电网相结合,构建了基于最小联络结构单元的中压配电系统典型供电模型,并且对各种模式下的理论最大供电能力水平、主变出线数、站间联络点数等指标进行计算,充分挖掘供电模型本身的一些基本特性,相关结论可为地区配电系统协调规划、网架结构的建设改造及配电网相关技术导则的修订提供重要的指导价值。

【Abstract】 As the link of end-users and generation and transmission system, distributionsystem is an important part of the reliable and safe power supply. With the rapideconomic development of cities, especially in large cities, the growing tension in landmakes it difficult to select the substation location and electricity access corridor. If thehigh-voltage (HV) substation and medium-voltage (MV) distribution network areplanned in accordance with the traditional technical principles, it will be very difficult tosupply the power demand of all-level users, and to reduce the scale of construction andthe consumption of land resources concurrently.Therefore, it is necessary to carry out in-depth research of coordinated planning ofpower distribution system at the planning level to enhance the utilization level of powersystem equipment and to reduce the occupation of the land resources, which is an urgentproblem in the development of distribution system at the present stage in China. Focusedon the HV substations and MV distribution network, this paper carries out the research ofcoordinated planning in MV distribution system to improve power supply capability, theresearch contents and results are as follows:(1) Based on the thorough analysis of the process of main transformer “N-1” checkand the mechanism of load transfer, this paper proposes the determination method ofpower supply capability considering constraints of transformer overloading and tie-linecapacity, in which some new conceptions are defined, such as the constraint matrix ofmain transformer contact capacity, the matrix of virtual contact relation. Through furtherinduction and summary, the optimization analysis model of the power supply capabilityis established, which converts the problem of the calculation of power supply capabilityto the problem of a complicated and large-scale linear optimization. Moreover, byanalyzing typical examples, this paper contrasts the characteristics of the analytic methodwith that of the model optimization method, providing effective tools for the subsequentresearch of the index evaluation of the power supply capability.(2) On the basis of the clustering analysis theory, this paper puts forward the powersupply block partition method based on the improved K-means clustering algorithm, inwhich the traditional K-means clustering algorithm are improved from the two aspects ofselecting of the initial clustering centers and determining the optimal clustering partition number, as well as defining the conception of the substation “equivalent radius” and“scope distance”, which makes the partition of power supply block change from the pointdemarcation into the area dividing. This method can cut a wide range of power supplyarea into small pieces in a reasonable way, where the substations at the same block havevery close ties with each other, and substations at different blocks may have relativelyweek contact with each other. In view of this characteristic, paying more attention to thestructure optimal planning of each power supply block will be the most effective andconvenient way to meet the distribution system’s lean plan requirements of the wholearea.(3) In order to improve the optimization efficiency by avoiding the useless searchcalculation of the substations which have no contact relationship between each other,based on the improved K-means clustering algorithm of power supply block partitionmethod, this paper proposes the method of two-stage programming based on recedingoptimization and the method of multi-objective optimization model of main transformercontact structure based on genetic algorithm. Among them, the two-stage optimizationand planning method consists of two parts, one of which is the establishment ofsubstation overall contact layout, and the other is the optimal setting method of contactcorridor between transformers, which completes the optimization settings of theconnecting passages between main transformer stations from coarse to fine and step bystep. Taking power supply capability, main transformer connecting passage number andtotal length of the connecting passage as objective functions, the paper comes up with anidea of combining genetic algorithm with sequencing strategy to solve themulti-objective optimization model. The two methods mentioned above are bothreasonable and economic way to set up connecting passage between main transformers,which can improve the maximum potential of the whole area’s power supply capability,and meet the requirements of the refined planning in regional power grid.(4) To break the traditional ideas of relying on wiring mode to guide theconstruction of the network, this paper builds the typical power supply model of the MVdistribution system. Firstly, the contact structure model of power supply block (powersupply architecture) is defined from the viewpoint of graph theory, and the matchinganalysis is carried out between relevant characteristic parameters of the model and allkinds of power supply area. Then, on the basis of optimization method of the maintransformer contact structure, the main transformer contact relations of the minimumcontact structural units whose connected degree is1~3, and related power supply capability is optimized and calculated. Finally, by introducing the typical connectionmode of MV network and combining HV substation with MV network, the paper buildsthe typical power supply model of MV distribution system based on the minimumcontact structure unit, and also calculates some related indicators such as the maximumpower supply capability, the feeder number of main transformer and the contact pointsbetween substations, in order to find some basic characteristics of the model. Relevantconclusions will provide important suggestions on the aspects of coordinated planning ofdistribution system, construction and retrofit of network, revision of the relevanttechnical guidelines of distribution network.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期