

Research on the Technology of Ecological Regulation and Application about the Waterway Slope

【作者】 马殿光

【导师】 王元战;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在各种自然和人为因素影响下,内河航道岸坡坍塌是常见的自然现象。目前,航道工程中越来越注重自然或生态性的建设理念,现有的岸坡生态治理工程还处于起步探索阶段,系统的航道岸坡生态治理设计技术,工程实施的评价理论,生态岸坡稳定模拟技术以及多影响因素下岸坡稳定分析等诸多核心问题很少涉及,本论文针对上述问题开展研究,主要内容和结论如下:(1)明确提出航道岸坡生态治理的定义和内涵。首次系统的提出航道生态护岸设计技术如生态岸坡治理工程设计原则和设计参数。开发了两种新型航道生态护岸结构。并且提出岸坡生态治理工程的评价理论,建立评价指标体系中各个指标群,应用层次分析法建立评价模型。(2)进行含根原状粘土、含根重塑粘土及重塑素土的强度试验及其对比研究,认为:根系分布形态及含根量是其强度的主要影响因素。根系对于土体强度的提高效果随围压增大而逐渐趋于稳定,呈现出一定的边界效应。试样中根系存在最佳含根量,当小于最佳含根量时,粘聚力随含根量增加而增大,当超过试样最佳含根量后,粘聚力随含根量的增加而降低;内摩擦角则没有体现出明显的变化规律。原状根系土对于土体的加筋效果远远高于重塑根系土,并有等强度下含根量倍数规律,当重塑根系土含根量约为原状根系土含根量2.6倍时,两者对于试样粘聚力贡献效果相当。(3)通过理论分析确定了有限元强度折减法为生态岸坡稳定分析方法,利用ABAQUS程序建立了有限元分析模型,提出岸坡各个影响因素模拟方法。通过实测资料验证模型满足研究要求,最后,提出岸坡失稳的破坏准则。(4)进行了内河航道在不同单一因素和多因素组合条件下土质和生态岸坡稳定分析,并提出不同单因素及其组合条件下的岸坡破坏情况及其机理,而后通过生态治理前后对比,明确植物护坡加固效果和机理。研究表明内河航道土质岸坡稳定性影响最大的因素是水位陡降,其次是降雨,再次是稳定渗流,最后是船行波。(5)根据本文研究成果,对示范工程进行岸坡生态治理设计和岸坡生态治理工程实施前后稳定性分析。而后对岸坡生态治理后的示范工程进行评价,结果表明工程满足岸坡生态治理要求。

【Abstract】 Under the influence of a variety of natural and human factors, collapse of inlandwaterway slope is a common natural phenomenon. At present, the natural orecological construction concept are more and more focused on in the waterwayengineering.As to slope Ecological Engineering,it is still in the initial stage. Perfectdesign technology, the project evaluation theory,the simulation tecology, slopestability analysis based on multi-factor about slope ecological improvement, and othercore issues rarely were researched. The problems Above-mentioned are researched inthe thesis, tclearly stated the definition and connotation of the waterway ecologicalmanagement he main contents and conclusions are as follows:(1) The definition and connotation of the waterway slope ecologicalimprovement were firstly proved. The design techniques of ecological improvmentabout the waterway slope such as slope design principles and design parameters.andtwo new waterway ecological revetment structure was developed;The evaluationtheory about ecological slope engineering, involved in each index group in evaluationindex system, the evaluation model established by analytic hierarchy process.(2)The strength test was done about undisturbed clay included grass-roots,remodeling clay included grass-roots and remodeling the prime soil, and comparisonof test results showed: main influencing factors of soil strength are the distributionpattern of grass-roots and root content. With confining pressure increases, the rooteffect of improving soil strength gradually stabilized, showing certain boundaryeffects. Soil strength influenced by the grass-roots show―the best root content‖. Withthe root content increases, cohesive force increases when the root content is less thanthe best root content of soil. With the root content increases, cohesion reduces whenthe root content is more than the best root content of soil. Internal friction angle doesnot reflect the significant variation. The undisturbed clay included grass-roots is muchhigher than the reinforcing effect of the remodeling clay included grass-roots, and thelaw of the same strength between the undisturbed clay included grass-roots andremodeling clay included grass-roots with multiple grass-roots is found. Both for theeffect of sample cohesion contribution quite, When the root content of remodelingclay included grass-roots is about that of undisturbed clay included grass-roots of2.6 times.(3) Strength reduction FEM was for the method of slope stability analysisDetermined by theoretical analysis, a finite element analysis model is established byABAQUS process, and the simulation of the various factors of the slope wasexplained. the model was verified by the measured data to meet the studyrequirements. Finally, the slope failure failure criterion was provided.(4) The inland waterways soil and ecological slope stability were analysisedbased on the single factor and multi-factor combinations, the situations andmechanism of destruction of slope destruction based on different factors andcombinations were provided, Plant slope reinforcement effect and its mechanism wereshowned by the slope ecological improvement before and after. Studies suggest thatthe most influential factor on the waterways slope stability is lowering the waterlevels, the second is rainfall, the third is steady seepage, and finally is the ship waves.(5) According to the results of the study in the paper, slope of the demonstrationproject is designed based on the ecological improvement, before and after theengineering of the ecological improvement of waterway slope stability wasanalysised.then the slope of the engineering after ecological improvement wasevaluated, The results showed that engineering meet the requirements of theecological improved of waterway slope.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期