

Study on Essential Public Service Facilities Planning of Town and Village in Shandong during Rapid Urbanization Period

【作者】 宁荍

【导师】 高辉;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国城镇化的快速发展,新农村建设进入了一个新的历史时期。作为公共服务的载体,村镇基本公共服务设施是城镇化发展的重要标志之一。以山东快速城镇化地区为例的村镇基本公共服务设施配置研究,对促进我国城乡协调发展、满足村镇居民日益增长的公共服务需求,具有较高的实际应用价值和示范意义。本论文通过文献分析法,提出了村镇基本公共服务设施的定义及其包含的内容;分析了国外相关理论和村镇建设实践经验,以及国内村镇基本公共服务设施相关理论和技术指标研究现状;阐明了村镇基本公共服务设施是国家公共服务政策的物化体现,是村镇中心地的重要标志,是城镇化过程中人口集聚的重要因素的观点。本论文选择山东省“蓝黄”经济区的滨州市和东营市等快速城镇化地区的村镇作为研究对象,运用聚类分析法,对109个村庄的公共服务设施配置现状调研数据进行分析发现:生存型公共服务设施已基本普及,而发展型公共服务设施建设尚不均衡;通过对城镇化水平较高的马桥镇基本公共服务设施的村镇居民建设意愿调查与分析,发现先富裕起来的村镇居民对基本公共服务设施的关注度很高,且建设愿望强烈。本论文结合调研分析结果,深入分析了村镇基本公共服务设施配置的影响因素,提出了村镇公共服务设施的行政层级配置原则、人口规模分级配置原则和基于城镇化发展进程的时序层级配置原则;依据我国现行村镇公共设施配置相关规范、标准和导则,梳理了村镇基本公共服务设施配置内容;探讨了综合利用资源、优化配置的村镇基本公共服务设施差异化配置法、中小学校服务半径配置法和医疗服务设施网络配置法。最后,论文综合以上研究成果,提出了村镇基本公共服务设施配置导则,并以马桥镇文体科技中心、柳堡乡小学校配置和冯王村公共服务中心为例,对村镇基本公共服务设施配置导则进行了应用示范。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of urbanization in China, the new rural constructionhas entered a new historic period. As an public service symbol,the essential publicservice facilities of town and village is one of the important indicate of thedevelopment of urbanization. In order to promote urban-rural coordinateddevelopment, and meet the increasing demand of public service of rural residents, thestudy on essential public service facilities planning of town and village in Shandongrapid urbanization regions has high practical value and exemplary.With literature analysis, this article makes a clear definition of essential publicservice facilities planning of town and village and its details; analyzes foreign theoryabout it and practical experience in villages and towns construction; analyzesdomestic theory and technical indicators research about essential public services oftown and village; clarifies that the basic public services of towns and villages is theexpression of the national public service policy, an important symbol of the centralplace in rural areas and an important factor of the concentration of population duringurbanization period.The towns and villages of rapid urbanization regions in Shandong Province, suchas Binzhou and Dongying City, which lies in "blue and yellow" Economic Zone arethe research objects in this paper. With clustering analysis of the survey data of publicservice facilities of109villages, we found that the survival facilities have beenbasically universal, but the development facilities are not yet balanced. Through theinvestigation and Analysis of the wishes of public service facilities construction ofMaqiao, which is the higher level of urbanization town, we found that first-affluentresidents have much more concern and strong desire to build the basic public servicesfacilities.Based on the analysis about the survey, this article discusses more about theInfluencing configuration factors of basic public services, and points out threehierarchy principles of essential public service facilities planning, that is,administration hierarchy principle, population hierarchy principle, and timinghierarchy principle based on urbanization development; According to the nationalcurrent relevant codes, standards and guidelines, lists systematically configurationcontent of essential public service facilities of town and village; discusses the methods which can be used with comprehensive utilization of resources and optimizingconfiguration that are differentiation method, service radius method of the primaryand secondary schools and network method of medical services facilities.Finally, based on the research results, the guideline of essential public servicefacilities of town and village is pointed out. As examples, the plan of culture, sports,science and technology facilities of Maqiao town, the plan of the primary school ofLiubu town and the plan of public service center of Fengwang village show us theDemonstration of the guideline.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期