

Research on Effectiveness of Higher Vocational Education Curriculum

【作者】 刘松林

【导师】 谢利民;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 高职课程有效性研究是以高职人才培养目标为参照,研究高职课程目标、课程内容、课程资源、课程实施、课程评价实现的策略及提高高职课程开发效果的监控与评价方式,以提高高职课程的有效性。高职课程有效性的研究旨在为高职课程开发、修订提供理论与实践指导,为实现高职人才培养目标服务。通过文献搜索及梳理,发现国外对课程有效性的研究主要在集中在对具体课程或课程方案实施效果进行评价,以评估单门课程或课程方案的效果。国内对课程有效性的研究刚刚兴起,研究者寡,研究领域主要集中在普通教育,研究成果仍停留在有效课程研究的缘起,有效课程的内涵、特征等。国内高职领域鲜见课程有效性研究成果。本研究采用文献分析方法和调查法,以哲学、经济学、社会学、心理学、系统论为基础,分析影响高职课程有效性的主要因素、高职课程有效性的现状、高职课程有效性的特征。在影响因素分析、现状调查及有效性特征分析的基础上,提出了提高高职课程有效性的策略。高职课程的课程目标、课程结构、课程内容,高职生的学习心理特点、学习基础、学习方式,课程开发都会影响高职课程的实际效果。忽视高职教育特点、高职学生学习能力的课程内容无疑会影响课程的有效性,致使高职课程目标落空,过分强调理论知识或实践技能都将影响高职人才培养目标的实现。课程结构中形式结构和实质性结构都对人才培养目标的实现有影响。高职生的基础技能与专业技能同样重要,专业必修与通识必修、基础核心课程与专业核心课程对于培养学生的基础技能与专业技能有影响,课程内容的效用与课程的有效性直接相关。研究表明大学生入学成绩与对部分学科的学业成就呈正相关,学生原有知识结构或认知结构是学生认知的基础,不同倾向的学习方式对个体理解、顺应、同化新知识、技能有影响。课程开发中课程目标的确定方式、职业能力分析方式、课程内容的选择方式、课程资源的配套程度、教学策略、教学方式的预设都对课程的实际效果有影响。通过对高职在校生、教师、校友和企业雇主调查发现:1.高职课程内容总体有效性不高,有半数企业对高职课程不满意;2.不同群体的高职生对高职现行课程态度存在显著差异;3.高职毕业生的基础技能不很符合企业的需要。4.高职生的个性品质没有完全达到企业的要求。调查结果说明高职课程整体上、课程内容上不是很受企业的欢迎,表明高职课程的有效性不高。高职课程有效性的特征体现在课程体系、单门课程、学生的学习方式上。有效的课程体系目标应满足国家、企业、学生的需求,应有评价自身的准则,强调体系内部实质性要素结构的优化,应有综合性实践机会支撑。有效的单门课程应符合企业的需要,应符合学生的需要,有相配套的实习实训条件。高职学生的学习方式呈现出应用型学习的特征。通过研究,本研究提出以下提高高职课程有效性策略:1.有效的课程体系策略:课程体系目标应针对“职业岗位(群)”,适当拓宽课程体系目标域;课程体系应为学生提供足够实践所学知识与技能的机会;加强“基础核心课程”和“专业核心课程”,提高高职生的基础技能和专业能力;有效的课程体系应有公示的评价课程体系成功准则。2.有效的单门课程策略:课程应瞄准职业岗位(群)和学生毕业后的就业需求,提高高职生的初岗适应性和就业能力,关注学生整体素质的提高;课程内容以实用知识为主,突出实践性知识,充分考虑学生现有能力,匹配与课程目标、课程内容相匹配的实训;课程开发应建立在对学生需要和企业需求科学的调查分析的基础之上,综合运用各种课程开发技术;课程开发应预设与课程目标、课程内容相适应的教学策略,专业课程应将知识、技能、态度的学习寓于特定的实践操作中学习。3.有效课程的课程资源开发策略:有效的课程需要有与课程体系及单门课程相配套的课程体系计划、单门课程教学标准、课程与教学管理相关文件;课程开发必须开发包括教材在内的先行者资源、案例资源、多媒体资源和课程指导资源等素材性资源;建设实验室、实训室、一体化教室、实践教学基地等条件性资源。4.有效课程开发监控与评价策略:有效课程的关键在于建立起课程监控与评价机制,对课程体系和单门课程开发方案、课程开发方案评价、课程开发、课程实施及课程实施结果评价开发进行全过程的监控与评价。

【Abstract】 The research on effectiveness of higher vocational education (HVE) curriculum takesthe training objective of HVE talents as a reference, and studies the implementationstrategies of HVE curriculum objective, curriculum content, curriculum resources,curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation, and the methods for monitoringand evaluation to improve the development effectiveness of HVE curriculum, so as toimprove the effectiveness of HVE curriculum. The research on effectiveness of HVEcurriculum aims at providing theoretical and practical guidance on HVE curriculumdevelopment and amendment, and helping to achieve the training objective of HVEtalents.Through literature search and review, the author discovers that the foreign researcheson curriculum effectiveness focus on the evaluation for specific courses or theimplementation effect of curriculum programs, in order to evaluate the effectiveness ofsingle course or curriculum program. The domestic researches on curriculumeffectiveness just sprung up, and there were few related researchers. The research domainmainly concentrated in general education, and the outcome in the origin of effectivecurriculum research, the connotation and the characteristic of effective curriculum. Therewere rare outcomes on the research on curriculum effectiveness in domestic HVEdomain.In this study, the author adopts literature analysis and survey methods to analyze themain factors that affect the effectiveness of HVE curriculum, and the current situationand characteristics of effectiveness of HVE curriculum, which is based on the philosophy,economics, sociology, psychology and systematic theory. Further, the author puts forwardstrategies to improve the effectiveness of HVE curriculum.The HVE curriculum objective, curriculum structure, curriculum content, curriculumdevelopment, and higher vocational school students’ psychological characteristics oflearning, groundwork and learning style will influence the actual effect of HVE curriculum. The domain value and difficulty of curriculum objective have influence onthe selection of curriculum content. The curriculum content beyond HVE scope andstudents’ learning ability will undoubtedly increase students’ learning difficulty, andcause to curriculum objective fail. The overemphasis of theoretical knowledge orpractical skills also has influence on the realization of training objective of HVE talents.So do curriculum formal structure and curriculum substantive structure. Basic skills andprofessional skills play the same important role for higher vocational school students.Compulsory courses of HVE and general education, core curriculums of HVE andgeneral education carry weight on students’basic skills and professional skills. The utilityof curriculum content is directly related to the effectiveness of curriculum. The researchshowed that there was positive correlation between the achievement of college entranceexamination and academic achievement. It happened because of students’ originalknowledge structure and cognitive structure. Different learning styles have differenteffects on individual understanding, adapting, and assimilating new knowledge and skill.The presuppositions of the determination way of curriculum objective in curriculumdevelopment process, the analysis way of professional ability, the selection way ofcurriculum content, the matching degree of curriculum resources, teaching strategies, andteaching methods are factors that influence the actual effect of curriculum.Through investigating higher vocational school students, teachers, alumni andemployers, the author discovers that:1. Overall effectiveness of HVE curriculum contentis not very high, and half of enterprises are not satisfied with HVE curriculum.2.Different groups of higher vocational school students show significantly differentattitudes towards the existing HVE curriculum.3. Higher vocational school students’basic skills are not very consistent with the needs of enterprises.4. Higher vocationalschool students’ individual personalities do not meet the requirements of enterprises. Thesurvey results indicate that enterprises do not welcome the HVE curriculum and itscontent, and the effectiveness of HVE curriculum is fairly low.The characteristics of effectiveness of HVE curriculum are reflected in thecurriculum system, single course and students’ learning styles. Effective curriculumsystem objective should meet the needs of the country, enterprises and students, haveself-assessment criteria, emphasize the structure optimization of substantive elements within the system, and have comprehensive practice opportunities. Effective singlecourse should meet the needs of enterprises and students, and have matching practicaltraining conditions. Higher vocational school students’ learning styles show thecharacteristics of applied learning.Through the study, the author proposes the following strategies to improve theeffectiveness of HVE curriculum.1.Effective curriculum strategies: curriculum objective should focus on “professionalpost(s)”, and relatively broaden the curriculum objective domain; the curriculum shouldprovide sufficient opportunities for students to practice what they have learnt, andenhance “the core curriculums of general education” and “the core curriculums of HVE”to improve higher vocational school students’ basic skills and abilities; and the effectivecurriculum should have public evaluation criteria for successful curriculum.2. Effective single course strategies: course should focus on professional post(s) andemployment after graduation, enhance higher vocational school students’adaptability andemployability on their first jobs, and concern the improvement of students’ overallquality; the course content should focus on and stress practical knowledge, fullyconsidering students’ existing capacity and practical training matched with courseobjective and content; course development should comprehensively use various coursedevelopment technologies based on the scientific survey and analysis of the needs ofstudents and enterprises; course development should presuppose teaching strategiescomplied with course objective and course content, and professional courses shouldcombine knowledge, skill and attitude learning with special practical operation.3. Curriculum resources development strategies of effective curriculum: effectivecurriculum needs curriculum system plan, teaching standards of single course, relatedcurriculum and teaching management materials, matched with curriculum system andsingle course; curriculum development must develop material resources such asforerunner resources including teaching materials, case resources, multimedia resourcesand curriculum guidance resources etc., and build conditional resources such aslaboratories, practical training workshops, integrated classrooms and practical teachingbases and so on.4. Monitoring and evaluation strategies of effective curriculum development: the key point of effective curriculum is to build curriculum monitoring and evaluation mechanismto monitor and evaluate the whole process of curriculum system and single coursedevelopment program, curriculum development program evaluation, curriculumdevelopment, curriculum implementation, and evaluation development of the result ofcurriculum implementation.

【关键词】 高职教育课程有效性
【Key words】 High Vocational Educationcurriculumeffectiveness