

Research on Measuring Methods with Electromagnetic Correlation for the Flow of Oil-gas-water Multiphase Flow

【作者】 王月明

【导师】 孔令富;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在我国石油生产工业领域,随着陆上油田进入高含水期开采阶段,石油开采技术的发展对石油计量提出了更高的要求。油田技术部门一直在寻求能在线测量油气水多相流(以油气水三相流为主,含有少量的固相物质)的流量,保证流量测量精度高且范围宽、测量工艺简单、能连续测量、抗干扰能力强、体积小、重量轻、实时反映油井生产动态流量的测量装置。我国油气水多相流生产测井技术领先于其它国家,但就目前的研究情况看还没有应用于生产测井并取得良好效果的多相流流量计量装置。本研究课题为油气水多相流流量测量提供一种新的解决方案与办法,提出了一种新型的可应用于生产测井方面油气水多相电磁相关法流量测量模型,并对该模型流量测量理论及其传感器模型应用于生产测井时关键技术进行研究。本研究课题主要针对石油生产测井狭小空间环境下的油气水多相流流量测量问题研究,为研制新型的井下油气水多相流流量测量仪器仪表奠定理论基础。课题的研究对其它环境下的油气水多相流流量测量也有良好的借鉴价值。首先,介绍石油生产测井方面油气水多相流流量测量的应用背景,针对当前生产测井方面油气水多相流流量测量的不足之处,提出一种新型的油气水多相流电磁相关法流量测量模型,以解决石油生产测井方面的油气水多相流流量测量。其次,电磁相关法流量测量传感器两对检测电极相距适当的距离,这就需在传感器轴向上设计较长的励磁线圈,理论上对这种轴向较长的励磁线圈在传感器测量空间中产生的磁场进行分析。再次,运用敏感场灵敏度来分析流量测量传感器检测电极的扰动特性,并建立一定的仿真模型,进行分析流量测量传感器内部的敏感场分布情况及非导电物体不同物理参数对流量测量传感器扰动特性的影响情况。然后,对油气等非导电相分布与含率对传感器检测电极获取的测量信号存在响应关系进行研究。理论上分析流体中存在磁导率不同物质对电磁流量传感器内部磁场影响,在此基础上对含有磁导率不同物质时流体流量与传感器检测电极获取测量信号的响应关系进行研究。研究结果表明了运用电磁相关法测量油气水多相流流量是可行的。最后,针对生产测井的特殊环境要求,研究应用于石油生产测井中的井下电磁相关法流量测量传感器关键设计参数技术。对电磁相关法流量计两对检测电极相距的距离进行研究;对狭小空间下的电磁相关法流量测量传感器励磁结构的设计原则进行研究;对检测电极大小与测量流体中非导电物质的大小关系进行研究。研究结果对井下电磁相关法流量测量传感器的参数设计提供参考依据。

【Abstract】 In China’s oil production, as the onshore oil enters the exploitation stage of highwater cut the development of oil exploration technology raised higher requirements for oilmeasurement. The sector of oil field technology has been looking for measurement devicewhich can measure the flow of oil-gas-water multiphase flow(oil-gas-water three phaseflow as the main body, containing small amount of solid phase material) online, can ensurethat the flow measurement has high accuracy and wide range, has simple measurementprocess, can measure continuously, has strong anti-jamming capability, has small size, haslight weight, can reflect the production dynamic flow of oil in real time. Chineseproduction logging technology of oil-gas-water multiphase flow is ahead of othercountries. However, there are no measurement devices for multiphase flow which havebeen used in production logging and flow and obtained good results.This study provides a new solution and approach for flow measurement ofoil-gas-water multiphase flow. An innovative electromagnetic method model is presentedwhich can be applied to oil-gas-water multiphase flow measurement of production loggingaspects. We conduct research on the theory of flow measurement model and the keytechnology of sensor model when its applied to production logging. This study focuses onoil-gas-water multiphase flow measurement in the narrow space environment of oilproduction logging. This work is theoretical basis for the development of new downholeoil-gas-water multiphase flow measurement instrumentation. There is theoretical referencefor electromagnetic correlation flow meter implementation, which has good valu for flowmeasurements of other environmental oil-gas-water multiphase flow.Firstly, we introduce the applications background of oil-gas-water multiphase flowmeasurement in oil production logging. In order to solve the inadequacies of theoil-gas-water multiphase flow measurement in current production logging aspects, Aninnovative flow of oil-gas-water multiphase flow measurement methods have beenproposed——the model of electromagnetic correlation flow measurement, which willachieve oil-gas-water multiphase flow measurement of oil production logging.Secondly, two pairs of detected electrodes of electromagnetic correlation flow measurement sensors separated by an appropriate distance, so, designing longer axialexcitation coil in the sensor is required. In this paper the theoretical analysis of themagnetic field generated by the longer axial excitation coil in measurement space of thesensor.Thirdly, the sensitive field sensitivity is defined to analyze the disturbancecharacteristics of the flow sensor, and build a simulation model to analyze the distributionof sensitivity field in flow measurement sensor and the disturbance characteristics of flowsensor with non-conductive objects exit in the fluid.Then, the response relationship between measuring signals of sensor detectionelectrodes and which distribution or holdup non-conductive(oil or gas) in the fluid isstudied. On the other hand, the internal magnetic field of electromagnetic flow sensor withdifferent magnetic permeability material in the fluid is analyzed theoretically, on this basis,we study the response relationship between flow which containing different magneticpermeability materials in the fluid and the measurement signals of sensor detectionelectrodes. The results of study demonstrate the feasibility of measurement oil-gas-watermultiphase flow by the way of electromagnetic correlation.Finally, for the special circumstances of the production logging requirements, westudy the key design parameters method of downhole electromagnetic correlation flowmeasurement sensor which applied to oil production logging. the design principles ofMagnetic correlation flow measurement sensor excitation structure in the narrow space isstudied; the separated distance of two pairs detection electrodes is studied; the relationshipbetween detection electrode size and the size of non-conductive material in measurementfluid is studied; all of these will provide a reference for parameter design of the downholeelectromagnetic correlation flow measurement sensors.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 08期
  • 【分类号】TE311;O359
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】346
  • 攻读期成果