

Research on Seismic Behavior of Raw-soil Structure Buildings in Villages and Small Towns

【作者】 卜永红

【导师】 王毅红;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 结构工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 生土结构建筑是中国传统建筑中的一个重要组成部分,其主要优势为就地取材、造价低廉、技术简单、绿色环保、保温与隔热性能优越、可降解再生、建造过程低耗能且无污染等,因而在我国西部农村地区大量存在。但生土结构房屋的抗震性能问题成为一个制约其存在和发展的主要困难。本文围绕中国村镇生土结构房屋的抗震性能,从村镇房屋调研、生土结构土料的物理与力学性能测试、生土结构房屋主要受力构件—承重墙体的抗震性能试验、生土结构承重墙体承载力计算方法与恢复力模型、生土结构房屋的建造工艺和具体构造措施等展开系列研究。主要工作和成果如下:1.对村镇生土结构房屋所用土料的物理与力学性能进行了试验研究,获得了生土结构所用土料的物理性能指标,得到了土体强度的力学性能参数取值和取值方法,为村镇生土结构房屋抗震性能研究提供基础数据。2.对村镇生土结构房屋的主要受力构件—承重生土墙体的抗震性能进行了系列试验研究。对14个生土结构墙体试件进行了低周往复水平荷载作用下的拟静力试验,研究和分析采用不同构造措施及夯筑方法建造的生土结构房屋承重墙体在地震荷载作用下的破坏过程、破坏形态、滞回曲线和骨架曲线的特征、墙体的水平承载力和变形能力、耗能性能、强度及刚度退化等。试验研究表明,与传统生土墙体相比,针对生土墙体提出的内置绳网、加木构造柱木圈梁框架等新的构造措施、夯筑方法及加固方法均能在不同程度上提高承重生土墙体的抗震性能。3.在生土结构房屋承重墙体抗震性能试验研究的基础上,分析了承重墙体的破坏机理,对其抗剪承载力计算方法进行了研究,在此基础上建立了承重墙体水平抗剪承载力计算公式。4.基于试验数据拟合了生土结构房屋承重墙体在低周往复水平荷载作用下的无量纲化骨架曲线,得到了简化三线型模型的基本参数;采用理论分析及试验回归的方法得到了骨架曲线的计算公式;根据试件的滞回规则,构建了生土结构房屋承重墙体的恢复力模型。5.在本文生土结构房屋承重墙体试验研究的基础上,将生土结构房屋承重墙体结构的性能划分为使用良好、暂时使用、生命安全和接近倒塌四个水平,给出了承重墙体结构在四个性能水平极限状态的容许变形值(层间位移角参考限值),并给出了原型墙体在各性能水平单位墙宽抗剪承载力参考值。6.在总结村镇生土结构住宅抗震方面的科研成果和工程经验的基础上,从材料选择、结构体系、基础、墙体、屋盖系统几个方面给出了村镇生土结构房屋详细的抗震构造建议和建造指导,为村镇生土结构房屋的建造提供技术支持。本文的研究,既可为补充和完善相关规范、规程、行业标准及进一步研究提供参考,又可为村镇生土结构房屋的新建和加固改造提供经济可行、科学合理的实用技术。

【Abstract】 Raw-soil structure building is an important part of Chinese traditional architecture, it hasthe advantages of obtaining materials locally, low cost, simple construction technology, greenand environmental protection, superior heat preservation and heat insulation performance,biodegradable and renewable, low energy consumption and no pollution in its constructionprocess. So earth dwellings have been widely used in our country vast western rural regions.However, the seismic performance of raw-soil structure buildings is a main difficulty in theirexisting and development today. This paper conduct research on the basis of the seismicperformance of raw-soil structure buildings in China, series of research are done frominvestigation about buildings in villages and small towns, the physical and mechanicalproperties test of the soil, the experimental study on seismic behavior of the bearing earthwalls, which are the main bearing components of the raw-soil structure buildings, thetheoretical calculation methods and the restoring force model of the bearing earth walls, theresearch on construction technology and seismic constructional measures of raw-soil structurehousing. The major works and results include:1. The physical and mechanical properties of the soil used in the raw-soil structurebuildings in villages and small towns are studied. The physical properties of the soil, the valueof the adobe and rammed earth strength and the methods in determining the adobe andrammed earth strength are obtained, which provide basic data for the study on seismicbehavior of raw-soil structure housing in the villages.2. Series of experimental study are done on seismic behavior of the bearing earth walls,which are the main bearing components of the raw-soil structure buildings still used in ourcountry. Pseudo-static tests are conducted for14specimens of the bearing earth walls underrepeated horizontal loading, with their failure process, failure mode analyzed and investigated,together with the hysteretic curve and skeleton curve feature, the horizontal bearing capacityand deformation capacity of the walls, energy dissipation, strength and rigidity degradation,etc. Test results indicated compared with the traditional earth walls that the seismic behaviorof the new design walls are improved in different degree by built-in rope nets constructionmethod, setting the wooden columns and ring beam frame and others constructional measures, construction technology and the strengthening methods.3. Based on results of the experiment, the failure mechanism and the calculation methodsof the bearing walls in the raw-soil structure housing are analyzed and studied. Then, thecalculating formulas of the bearing earth walls for the shear bearing capacity are put forward.4. On the basis of testing data, the dimensionless skeleton curves of the bearing earthwalls in the raw-soil structure buildings under repeated horizontal loading are fitted and thebasic parameters for simplified trilinear models are obtained; Formula of the skeleton curvesare put forth by using the methods of theoretical analysis and regression; Based on hysteresisrules of specimens, the restoring force model of the bearing earth walls is constructed.5. On the basis of cyclic loading test of the bearing earth walls in the raw-soil structurebuildings, the seismic performance of the bearing earth walls can be divided into four levels:performance continuity, performance interruption, life safety and collapse prevention. And thelimit state of the different seismic performance levels and the range of deformation limits ofthe bearing earth walls are given for four different seismic performance levels. And the shearstrength values of the unit width prototype earth walls are given in each performance level.6. The seismic achievements of raw-soil structure housing in the scientific research andengineering experience are summed up, then the seismic constructional measures suggestionsand construction instructions of raw-soil structure housing in the villages are given from thefields of the material selection, the structure system, the foundation, the wall and the roofsystem, which will provide technical support for the construction of raw-soil structurebuildings in the villages and small towns.The above results can provide practical technology for raw-soil structure buildings newconstruction, reinforcement and reconstruction in the villages, which is economically feasibleand scientific and rational, and has been or will be applied in the national standards, industrystandards or local rules.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期