

Influencing Mechanism of College Student’s Professional Commitment on Learning Engagementand Learning Gains

【作者】 许长勇

【导师】 王云峰;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本研究的核心内容是探究大学生专业承诺与学习投入和学习收获之间的影响机制。研究过程中自编了《大学生专业承诺量表》,对《学习投入量表》做了修订,改编了《大学生学习收获量表》,构建了大学生专业承诺影响学习投入和学习收获的因果关系模型,通过对问卷调查收集到的8所高校共1693个样本的统计分析,验证了大学生专业承诺影响学习投入和学习收获的因果关系,学习投入是专业承诺影响学习收获的中介变量。本研究涉及到三个核心变量:大学生专业承诺是一个多维构念,大学生专业承诺包括情感承诺、规范承诺、持续承诺和经济承诺四个维度。学习投入是一个多维概念,学习投入包括活力、奉献和专注三个维度,这三个维度具有较高的相关性。学习收获可以分为两个方面,一个方面是应用技能,一个方面是自我完善。本研究的主要结论是:专业承诺当中,情感承诺对于学习投入的三个维度都有显著的正向影响,规范承诺对于奉献和专注两个维度都有显著的正向影响,经济承诺和持续承诺对于学习投入没有影响。专业承诺当中,情感承诺和规范承诺都对学习收获有显著正向影响,情感承诺影响应用技能的程度大于规范承诺,规范承诺影响自我完善的程度大于情感承诺。学习投入当中的奉献维度,在专业承诺影响学习收获的作用机制中起到了中介作用,对于情感承诺影响应用技能和自我完善都是完全中介作用,对于规范承诺影响应用技能也是完全中介作用,对于规范承诺影响自我完善是部分中介作用。通过对上述结果的分析,可以得出结论,大学生的学习态度是影响其在大学学习期间的是否能够投入学习,获得专业技能,提升自身综合素质的最重要因素,影响大学生学习态度的主要因素是学生对于所学专业的认同和喜欢程度,但是大学对于学生的思想教育,培养大学生的社会责任感和承担义务的精神也是重要的影响因素。

【Abstract】 The objective of this study is to explore the mechanism of that college students’ professionalcommitments influence on their study engagement and acquisition. In the research, a college student’sprofessional-commitment-scale is self-designed, a learning-engagement-scale is revised, and a collegestudent’s acquisition-scale is amended. An effect-result relationship model of college student’sprofessional commitment affecting study engagement and acquisition is built. Questionnaires aredistributed to eight colleges.1693valid samples are collected and analyzed to verify the effect-resultrelationship of the college students’ professional commitment affecting the study engagement andacquisition. Study engagement is the intervening variables between professional commitment andacquisition.The study involves three core variables: college student’s professional commitment is amultidimensional construct including four dimensions which are affective commitment, normativecommitment, continuous commitment, and economic commitment. Study engagement is amultidimensional concept including three dimensions which are vigor, dedication and absorption. Thesethree dimensions are highly correlated. Acquisition can be divided into two aspects: one is practicalability, another is self-improvement.The main conclusions of this study are: comparing professional commitment with studyengagement, the affective commitment has significantly positive impact on the three dimensions oflearning engagement, and normative commitment has significantly positive impact on dedication andabsorption dimensions, but economic commitment and continuance commitment have no significantinfluence on study engagement. Comparing the professional commitment with acquisition, affectivecommitment and normative commitment show significantly positive impact on acquisition. Affectivecommitment has bigger effect on practical ability than normative commitment, while normativecommitment has bigger effect on self-improvement than affective commitment. The dedicationdimension in study engagement serves as the media of the influencing mechanism between professionalcommitment and acquisition. Affective commitment plays a fully intermediary role to its influence onpractical ability and self-improvement. So is normative commitment to practical ability, while normativecommitment serves as partial media to self-improvement.Through the analysis of the results, conclusion could be drew that college students’learning attitudehas vital influence on whether the students would commit to study, acquire professional skill, andenhance overall quality during college year. The main factors affecting college students’ learningattitudes are students’ recognition and preference to their majors; additionally, the university’s socialobligation education to students is equally important.
