

The Impact of Employees’ Work-related Flow on Job Performance

【作者】 祝丽怜

【导师】 陈志霞;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球化进一步深化,人才竞争日益加剧。组织亟需找到创新途径吸引、利用和开发人力资源,获得持久竞争优势,提高组织绩效。同时,过快的社会发展和一味追求效率的趋势导致员工工作压力过大,引发诸多健康问题。因此,研究者开始关注和探索人类积极心理品质对工作和生活的重要意义和巨大影响,积极心理学应运而生。在此基础上,研究者将积极心理学成果应用到组织行为学中,提出了积极组织行为学,通过开发和管理员工积极心理状态从而提高员工工作绩效。员工的工作绩效与组织发展密切相关,是人力资源管理和组织行为学研究的重心。沉浸是积极心理学的一个核心概念。工作沉浸一般是指个体在工作过程中出现的一种短时间的高峰体验。基于积极心理的视角,本研究通过问卷调查考察了员工的工作沉浸现状、工作绩效现状、心理资本现状以及工作要求-资源现状,主要关注工作沉浸这一积极心理状态对员工工作绩效的影响,围绕工作沉浸的三个方面问题展开:工作沉浸量表的初步修订;工作沉浸对工作绩效的影响及其预测作用;工作要求-资源、心理资本对工作沉浸的影响。最后,依据研究结果提出相关人力资源管理措施和建议。在分析和整合已有研究成果的基础上,本研究从理论上提出了员工工作沉浸影响工作绩效的假设模型以及其影响因素模型。采用判断抽样方法向全国15个省不同类型企事业单位员工发放书面调查问卷的形式收集数据,共收集到有效问卷458份。运用SPSS17.0和AMOS17.0进行量表的信效度检验、描述统计、相关分析、因子分析、差异检验、模型检验和修正。通过理论和实证探讨,得出以下主要结论:(1)员工工作沉浸的心理结构具体包括专注、工作享受、内在工作动机三个要素。中国文化背景下,修订后的工作沉浸量表具有良好的一致性信度和结构构想效度,信度和效度均达到了心理测量学的要求,可作为后续相关研究有效的测量工具。员工工作沉浸度总体处于中等水平。受教育程度、单位类型、工作岗位或职位以及专业技术职称等变量对员工工作沉浸状况存在不同程度的影响。(2)工作绩效量表具有良好的信效度。工作绩效总体处于中等偏上水平。不同受教育程度、不同岗位或职位、不同专业技术职称的员工工作绩效存在显著差异。工作沉浸对工作绩效具有显著正向影响。工作沉浸体验越强烈,工作绩效越好。(3)工作要求量表、工作资源量表和心理资本量表均具有较好的信效度。员工工作要求中等,工作资源比较丰富,心理资本水平较高。工作要求与工作沉浸负相关,对工作沉浸产生直接负向影响,其中,技能要求影响力最强。工作资源、心理资本都与工作沉浸正相关,对工作沉浸具有直接正向影响。其中,绩效反馈和希望影响力最强。

【Abstract】 With the further deepening of the globalization,the competition for talented personsis intensifying. Organization need to find innovative ways to attract and use and developof human resources and gain lasting competitive advantage to improve organizationalperformance. The rapid social development and the trend of blindly pursuing efficiencycauses high work pressure and lead to many health problems. Researchers began to focuson the human positive psychological quality and explore the significance and enormousimpact on life and work. Positive psychology emerged. On this basis, the researchersapplied the positive psychology achievements to the organizational behavior and putforward positive organizational behavior. It improves job performance through thedevelopment and management of employees’positive state of mind. Employees’ jobperformance is closely related to organizational development。It is the focus of the humanresource management and organizational behavior research。Flow is a core concept ofpositive psychology. Work-related flow generally refers to the short time of peakexperience of the individual in the process of work.Based on the perspective of positive psychology, this study discusses the currentsituation of employees’ work-related flow, job performance, psychological capital andwork demands-resources through the questionnaire investigation.This study focuses theimpact of work-related flow to the job performance. It is around the three issues:preliminary amendments of the Work—related Flow Inventory; the impact and predictionof work-related flow on the iob performance; the impact of psychological capital,workdemands-resources on work-related flow. Finally based on the results,the study putforward measures and recommendations of human resource management.This study proposed hypothetical model of the impact of work-related flow on the jobperformance on the basis of the analysis and integration of existing research results.Judgment sampling method is used to collected data from the employees of different typesof enterprises and institutions of15provinces all over the country though thequestionnaire survery.It collected458valid questionnaires.It used SPSS17.0and AMOS17.0to verify the reliability and validity of Scale,descriptive statistics,correlationanalysis,factor analysis,difference test and checking and correcting of the structuralequation model. Through the theory and empirical research, Research drew out thefollowing conclusions:(1)The psychological structure of work—related flow specific include the threefactors of absorption、 work enjoyment and intrinsic work motivation. Revised theWork—related Flow Inventory had good consistency reliability and structure constructvalidity,reliability and validity both reached psychometric requirements in the context ofChinese culture. The Inventory can become effective measurement tool for follow-upstudy. The degree of work—related flow is at the medium level. Level of education, unittype, job or position, and professional technical titles have different degrees of influenceto the employees’work—related flow.(2)The scale of Job performance has good reliability and validity. Job performanceis in an high level. Job performance of different level of education, job or position,different professional and technical titles has significant differences.The Work—relatedFlow has a significant positive impact on job performance. The more intense theWork—related Flow, the better the performance.(3)Scale of work-demands, scale of the work-resources and scale ofpsychologicalcapital have good reliability and validity. Employeesability and vaare at the mediumlevel.Work-resources are rich. Psychological capital is at higher levels. Work-demands hasdirect negative impact on the Work—related Flow, which skill requirements are mostinfluential. Work resources, and psychological capital has a direct positive impact on theWork—related Flow, Which performance feedback and hope are the strongest influence.
