

【作者】 王丽媛

【导师】 黄树先;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 核心词是语言中最基本最核心的部分,它变化缓慢,具有非常大的稳定性。这些核心词除了本义外,还发展出其他的义项,而这些义项的得来并不是任意的,而是遵循着一定的规律,反映人类的认知思维。词义的引申,并不是只在某一个语言中有,在其他语言中也存在着,反映了认知的相似性。当然,不同的民族,也有认知的差异性。我们以斯瓦迪士的《百词表》为依据,对俄语中有关身体器官或身体器官的组成部分进行穷尽式地搜集,整理同一概念下语义场内的所有成员的形式及其语义发展演变规律,尤其是一些比较具有斯拉夫民族特色的认知,做出适当的合理的解释。我们以身体词为研究的中心,身体词都属于核心概念,每个概念下都有很多词,构成一个语义场,穷尽式地找出场里的所有有关词语,然后进行细致的研究。虽然对汉语和俄语的词义对比的研究也很多,但从核心词的角度,从语义场的角度出发研究俄语身体词及以身体器官的组成部分作为研究对象,我们的研究属于开创性的。在每个语义场内,我们把所有的代表词一一列出,仔细分析。在我们所掌握的范围内,把斯拉夫语系的三大语支——东斯拉夫语支、西斯拉夫语支、南斯拉夫语支——也找出其中的同源词,并在印欧语系的语言中也找出一些类似的例证进行补充,尽量用大量的语言事实来说明语义演变的共性。我们对前后一百核心词表中有关的33个身体词进行了综合阐述,前一百核心词分为六个部分,其中第一部分包括“女、男、人”3个;第二部分包括“皮、肤、肉、血、骨”5个;第三部分包括“油、卵、角、尾、羽、发”6个;第四部分包括“头、耳、眼、鼻、嘴、牙、舌”7个;第五部分包括“爪、脚、膝、手”4个;第六部分包括“腹、颈、胸、心、肝”5个;第七部分为后一百核心词表中的“背、肠、腿”3个。每个语义场内的词,我们都给出一个表格,给出这个词应用的范围和场内的相关词义,使之一目了然。全文共由几章组成、第一章为绪论,主要介绍了研究对象和范围、研究的目的和意义、研究的现状、研究的材料和方法、研究的步骤等。第二章为“女、男、人”;第三章为“皮、肤、肉、血、骨”;第四章为“油、卵、角、尾、羽、发”;第五章为“头、耳、眼、鼻、嘴、牙、舌”;第六章为“爪、脚、膝、手”,第七章为“腹、颈、胸、心、肝”,第八章为“背、肠、腿”;第九章为结语,概括俄语身体核心词的特点及其状况。身体词的代表词一般都具有很大的稳定性,尤其是解剖学术语。词义的演变主要是按着两个途径来引申:一是基于相似性联想的隐喻,一是基于相关性联想的转喻。同时也指出了本研究的创新点和不足。我们这个研究的创新点主要有:(1)以斯瓦迪士的《二百词表》中的身体词为基础,将每个身体词都看做一个语义场加以研究,这在俄语词汇的研究中尚属首例。我们对俄语身体核心词进行了相对穷尽的描写分析,同时尽量找出其斯拉夫语系的同源词,不仅可以看到俄语词义演变的过程,还可以看到这个词形的演变过程。这一研究大大填补了俄语研究的一块空白之地。(2)通过对身体核心词语源的描写,可以追溯其来源。它们或是俄语或斯拉夫语本身就有的固有词,反映了这个词特有的斯拉夫民族的特性。或是借自于其他印欧系语言中的词,在借用的过程中,或者按着斯拉夫语原来的构词形式有所改变,或者借用了一部分词根,这一部分词中,在印欧语系中可以找到很多词义相对应的词,词义演变过程中,显示了人类认知的共性。(3)通过词义演变的考察,我们不仅了解到词汇的发展历史,而且也看到了俄语历史文化发展的轨迹。如俄语中的“牙”还可以指“(城堡的)雉堞”,这是因为世界各地在修筑城墙或城池时采用了类似凸凹的齿形的这一外形,从词义的演变中可以看出古文化的遗迹。俄语中表示“爪”意义的词,还可以表示印刷术语“引号”,这二者又是相似性基础上所产生的词义引申。这样的例子举不胜举,这可以使我们的研究进一步的扩大,不仅从语言学的角度去考察,还可以从历史文化的角度考察。

【Abstract】 Core word is the language most central part of the most basic, it changes slowly, witha very large stability. In addition to the original meaning of these core terms, but alsodevelop other meanings, and meanings of these come not arbitrary, but follow certainrules, reflecting human cognitive thinking. The extended meaning, not only in onelanguage has, in other languages also exist, reflecting the perceived similarities. Of course,different nationalities, there are cognitive differences. We Swadesh’s "one hundredvocabulary" as the basis for Russian concerning bodily organ or part of the body organs toconduct exhaustive collection, collation semantics venue under the same concept in theform of all the members of its semantic evolution law, especially some of the morecognitive Slavic ethnic characteristics, make the appropriate reasonable explanation.Our word for the study of body center, words are part of the core concepts of thebody, each concept has a lot of words, constitute a semantic field, exhaustive field whereto find all the relevant words, then a careful study. While Chinese and Russiancomparative studies are also many meanings, but the core words of view, from theperspective of semantic field study Russian words and the body part of body organs as theresearch object, our study is groundbreaking.In each of the semantic venue, we put all the representatives of words to list,carefully analyzed. In our understanding of the range, the three Slavic language branch-East Slavic language branch, West Slavic language branch, Yugoslavia language branch-also figure out which cognates, and in the Indo-European languages also find some similarexamples to supplement, try to use a lot of facts to illustrate the semantics of languageevolution in common. We are about one hundred core vocabulary words related to33body conducted a comprehensive exposition before the one hundred core words dividedinto six parts, the first part includes "female, male, man," three; second part consists of " skin, skin, flesh, blood, bones "5; The third part comprises the" oil, egg, horn, tail feathers,hair "6months; fourth part includes the" head, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue "7;fifth section includes" claws, feet, knees, hands "4; sixth section includes" belly, neck,chest, heart, liver "5; seventh part of the core vocabulary after one hundred The "back,intestines, legs"3. Each floor of the word semantics, we are given a table, given the scopeand application of the word venue related meaning, so that at a glance. The full text iscomposed of several chapters, the first chapter is an introduction, describes the researchobject and scope of the purpose and significance of the status of research, researchmaterials and methods to study the steps and so on. The second chapter is "female, male,man"; Chapter III "skin, skin, flesh, blood, bone"; fourth chapter,"oil, eggs, horns, tail,feathers, fat"; fifth chapter "head, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue"; sixth chapter is"claws, feet, knees, hands," Chapter VII "abdomen, neck, chest, heart, liver," Chapter VIII"back, intestines, legs"; Chapter IX of conclusion, summarize Russian physicalcharacteristics and condition of core words. The representative body word words generallyhave great stability, in particular anatomical terminology. According to the evolution ofmeaning is mainly two ways to extended: one is based on the similarity of Lenovometaphor, one is based on correlation Lenovo metonymy. It also points out the lack ofresearch and innovation. Our main innovations of this study are:(A) to Swadesh’s "two hundred vocabulary" in the body of the word, based on thewords are seen as an every body to study semantic field, which in Russian is the first casestudy of vocabulary. Our Russian word for core body relatively exhaustive description ofthe analysis, and try to find out the Slavic cognates, not only can see the Russian wordmeaning the process of evolution, you can see the evolution of the word form. This studygreatly filled Russian studies a blank place.(2) Through the physical description of the core words in the source can be tracedback to its source. They are either Russian or Slavic word itself has inherent, reflecting theSlavic word peculiar characteristics. Or borrowed from other Indo-European languages the word, in the process of borrowing, or according to the original Slavic word formationchange, or borrow a portion of stem, this part of the word, in the Indo-European You canfind a lot of meaning corresponding word, meaning evolution, showing the commonalityof human cognition.(3) through the examination of the evolution of meaning, we not only learnedvocabulary development history, but also saw the Russian history and culture of the track.As in Russian "teeth" can also mean "(castle) battlements", this is because the world inbuilding a wall around the city adopts a similar or concave shape of the tooth, from themeaning of a word can be seen in the evolution of ancient cultural relics. Russian that"claw" sense of the word, but also a printed terms "quotes", both of which is generated onthe basis of similarity in meaning extended. Such examples abound, which allows us tofurther expand the study, not only from a linguistic point of view to study, but also fromthe perspective of history and culture.
