

Business Ecosystem Perspective of Dynamic Capabilities and Business Model Interactive Research

【作者】 孙连才

【导师】 王宗军;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工商管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 从战略管理理论未来发展趋势来看,商业生态系统、商业模式和企业动态能力是战略管理理论未来发展的主流趋势,同时预示着他们之间有着某种值得学者关注的内在联系和必然规律。商业生态系统的研究到目前虽然已经达到一个开创性的阶段,但也仅仅是停留在理论层面,在企业战略规划制定的实践中并没有有效的工具和模型指导企业使用。不少学者对从不同层面对商业生态系统进行了研究,并将商业生态系统引入企业战略管理规划的实践当中,为企业在制定战略规划时致力于构建有利于自身的商业生态系统,制定未来的企业竞争与战略拓展了新的思路。通过企业动态能力与环境不确定性的实证研究分析,本研究发现,企业外部环境的变化会促使企业更好的进行组织学习从而更好地适应环境,也就是说,组织的学习是企业适应外部环境的关键因素之一;同时,当企业外部环境发生变化时企业的信息传导系统是企业能否快速反应的决定性因素。不同的动态能力调整对企业的绩效也会产生不同的影响,企业员工个人的学习进而转化成组织的学习对企业外部环境的适应起决定性的作用。打造学习型组织对企业动态能力的培育有至关重要的作用,而信息系统的建设是企业个体连接外部商业生态系统的关键,外部关键因素的识别与传导对企业调整动态能力有决定性的作用。商业模式最重要的价值就是实现企业内部资源能力和外部环境同时纳入企业持续、健康成长的框架。企业商业模式只有与企业外部环境高度匹配,才有可能有助于企业战略绩效的提升。商业模式的动态演化是企业进行商业模式创新的动力,商业模式是企业内部资源和能力与外部环境匹配时的阶段性产物,一旦这种平衡发生错位或偏移,企业就要进行商业模式创新,这种创新也就是在企业动态能力传导下的商业模式重构。商业模式是企业在一定战略意图的指导下做出的设计,是对具体环境的反应。如果外部环境和企业战略发生变化,就需要根据新的企业内外部环境改变原有的商业模式规则,即任何一种商业模式都有特定的适用范围和方式。企业选择任何商业模式,很大程度上都依赖于所处的宏观环境、行业特性和自身的资源和能力。商业模式与企业战略是一个互补而非替代关系,商业模式与战略的匹配是一个动态的过程,在任何不确定性的环境下没有绝对的商业模式与企业战略的匹配,他是一个相对平衡的过程。企业在动态环境中,自身资源能力与外部环境的匹配必须及时调整,企业动态能力在商业生态系统下主要分为五大子能力,其中包括环境感知能力、整合重置能力、组织柔性能力、学习吸收能力和变革创新能力,这五种能力构成了BDBC模型的基础,也是从商业生态系统——企业动态能力——商业模式——企业战略模型构建信息传导的基础,通过动态能力指标体系的设计,为进一步做实证研究和构建模型提供了理论上的可能。

【Abstract】 From the standpoint of future development trend about theory of strategicmanagement, business ecosystems, business models and corporate dynamic capabilitiesare the main trends of development of strategic management and indicate some intrinsiclinks among them concerned by scholars. Up to now, the study about business ecosystemhas reached a groundbreaking stage, but it still stay at the theoretical level, not tomentioned the practice of corporate strategic planning in which no effective tools andmodels are used by enterprises. Many scholars have researched on business ecosystemfrom different aspects and introduced business ecosystem to the practice of strategicmanagement planning useful to build a suitable and extends new ideas in developingfuture enterprise competitive strategies.This empirical study about dynamic capabilities and environmental uncertaintyindicates that enterprise can be better adapt to the environment by organizational learningwhen external environment changes. That is to say, organizational learning is on of keyfactors to adapt to environment. At the same time, enterprise information transfer systemis the decisive factor to rapidly response to change of external environment. Differentadjustment of dynamic ability will have different impacts on enterprise performance, andwhether employees personal learning converts rapidly into organizational learning plays adecisive role in the adaptation of the external environment for enterprises. Establishmentof learning organization plays a vital role in the nurture of dynamic capabilities, while theconstruction of information systems is the key to individual enterprises to connect externalbusiness ecosystem, and the identification and conduction of the external key factors playthe same critical role in adjusting dynamic capability of enterprises.The most important value of business model is to incorporate achieve internalresources and external environment simultaneously into the framework of sustainable andhealthy growth. Business model only match the height of the external environment forenterprises, which can be contribute to the strategic performance. The dynamic evolutionof business model is the power of the enterprise business model innovation, and businessmodel is initial result in the match of internal resources and capabilities and external environment. Once this balance dislocation or offset, enterprises have to innovate businessmodel which is the reconstruction of business model in the conduction of dynamiccapabilities.Business model is designed under the guidance of some strategic intent by enterprises,in response to the specific environment. If there are some changes in the externalenvironment and business strategy, rules to construct business model have to adjust withnew enterprise environment, which means any kind of business model has its specificscope. Which business models enterprises choose largely depends on the macroenvironment, industry characteristics and its own resources and capacities. Business modeland corporate strategy is complementary rather than substitutes. Match of business modeland strategy is a dynamic process, in any environment of uncertainty, there is no absolutebusiness model and corporate strategy match, which is a relative balance process.In a dynamic environment, enterprises resource capacities have to adjust timely toexternal environment. Dynamic capabilities in the business ecosystem is divided into fivesub-capacity including environmental awareness capability, integration reset capability,organizational flexibility skills, learning and absorption capacity and innovative capability,which form the basis of the model of BDBC, but also build the basis of informationtransmission from the business ecosystem-dynamic capabilities-business model-corporate strategy model. Combining with design of indicator system of dynamiccapabilities, there is theoretically feasible to further empirical study and construction ofmodel.
