

Study on Matching and Assignment Model of Public Housing Based on Demand Perspective

【作者】 葛怀志

【导师】 张金隆;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 住房保障是政府动用国家和社会力量,为住房困难群体提供住房救济和援助以解决其基本居住需要的一系列住房政策措施的总和,是解决我国现阶段城镇住房问题、实现“住有所居”的重要政策制度保障。本文以城镇居民住房需求和住房选择、城镇住房保障对象细分、公共住房的撮合分配为研究对象,旨在探讨以下问题:1)如何根据城镇居民的各项特征属性识别和分析其住房需求;2)城镇居民各个维度的属性特征对其改善住房条件意愿和住房选择的影响;3)住房保障政策制度下基于住房需求的住房保障对象细分和公共住房撮合分配方法。针对上述问题,本文的研究工作和主要贡献集中在以下几个方面:首先,基于需求识别的视角,以人口统计特征和现住房条件特征两个维度构建了城镇居民住房需求识别指标体系和城镇居民住房需求识别模型。通过随机抽取的2142个住房普查数据样本,从城镇居民住房需求特征属性约简筛选出对区分城镇居民住房需求最重要的5个属性指标。通过基于差异度改进的Fuzzy k-prototype聚类方法,应用构建的城镇居民住房需求识别模型,对黄石市城镇居民住房需求进行了聚类识别,分析了不同住房需求城镇居民的特征与区别。其次,基于88793个住房普查样本和城镇居民住房需求识别模型指标体系,构建了影响城镇居民改善住房条件意愿的Logistic分析模型,实证分析了人口统计特征和现住房条件特征对城镇居民改善住房条件意愿影响的显著性和影响程度。基于有改善住房条件意愿的7912个样本对象,分别通过对城镇居民在改善住房条件时的租买选择、政策选择和住房类型选择的影响因素建模分析,深入分析了城镇居民在改善住房条件时的住房选择特征及其影响因素。再次,结合我国当前住房保障政策制度和实际运作,在理论与实践层面构建了黄石市住房保障对象细分指标体系。通过对822名新就业人员居住情况的调查,研究全面地分析了新就业人员的人口统计、居住状况及其住房需求特征。基于调查数据的统计分析,对新就业人员租房时的住房属性需求的偏好信息进行了集结和分析,为新就业人员的住房保障实物分配提供了现实依据。最后,针对当前住房分配研究和公共住房分配实践中的问题和不足,在对公共住房分配中的住房保障对象和公共住房的多属性匹配问题进行描述的基础上,设计了公共住房撮合分配的规则。借鉴双边匹配思想,给出了一种基于公理设计和功能过剩的公共住房撮合分配方法,构建了一个公共住房撮合分配多目标优化决策模型,通过隶属度函数加权和方法对优化模型进行求解并得到相应的撮合分配结果。基于隶属度函数系数权重的数值模拟试验,进一步探讨了住房保障的发展阶段、住房保障策略与最优撮合分配结果的关系,并为公共住房分配提供了一些策略。

【Abstract】 Housing security is a sum of policies and measures carried out by the government,the purpose of which is to support urban residents with housing difficulties to meet theirbasic housing needs. It is the policy guarantee to solve the urban housing problem andreach the goal of “housing everyone”. This research focus on urban residents housingneeds and choice, housing security object segmentation and the matching assignment ofpublic housing, and the research questions are as follows:1) To identify the housing needsthrough the attributes of urban residents.2) The influences of urban residents’ attributes tothe willingness of improving housing condition and housing choice.3) The study onhousing security object segmentation and public housing matching assignment methodbased on housing needs under the housing security policy. To investigate the abovequestions, the main work and contributions of the thesis are as follows:First, the research divides the urban residents’ attributes into “demography” and“current housing condition” based on literature review and the housing investigationquestionnaire, and constructs the urban residents housing needs identifying indexes andmodel. Using2142random samples of housing investigation, five most importantattributes for housing needs identifying are filtered through the attribute reduction method,and the characters of urban residents with different housing needs are analyzed based onmodified diversity fuzzy k-protype clustering method.Second, based on88793samples of housing investigation and the indexes of housingneeds identifying model, a Logistic model to analyze the influence factors of the urbanresidents’ willingness to improve housing condition is proposed, and the influence of“demography” and “current housing condition” to the willingness of housing conditionimproving is analyzed by the Logistic model. Based on the7912samples that have thewillingness to improve housing condition, the research studies the influence factors ofhousing tenure choice, housing policy choice and housing type choice of urban residentswhen they improve their housing condition.Third, combined with the policy and operation of housing security, this researchanalyzes the meaning and constructs the indexes of housing security object segmentation.The housing conditions of822new employees are investigated to analyze the demography,housing condition and housing needs of this group. Based on the quantitative statistic ofthe investigation data, the housing attribute preferences of new employees when rentingare aggregated and analyzed, which provides the realistic basis to the public housing assignment of new employees.Finally, based on the analysis of the problem and shortage in the housing assignmentliterature and public housing assignment practice, the study proposes the description ofmulti-attribute mathing problem between public security object and public housing, andseveral regulations of public housing matching assignment are designed. Referring to thetheory of dual-matching, a public housing matching assignment method is proposed basedon axiomatic design and excess functionality. A public housing matching multi-objectiveoptimizing decision model is proposed, and the matching assignment solution of themodel is solved by membership function weighted sum method. Through the experimentof membership function coefficient, the research discusses the relationship of developmentstage of housing security, housing security strategy and matching assignment solutions,and some policy suggestions are proposed.

  • 【分类号】F299.23;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】216
  • 攻读期成果