

A Study on the Housing Security Standard, Pattern and Strategy in China Based on Social Welfare

【作者】 侯淅珉

【导师】 张金隆;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 住房是人类生活的基本物质条件。为促进社会和谐发展,国家推出了一系列基本住房保障政策措施。相对于西方发达国家而言,我国住房保障体系在制度设计、法律制定、组织构架等多方面存在一定差距。在当前保障性住房大规模推进阶段,如何完善住房保障体系,提高住房保障管理水平和效率,显得十分迫切和重要。在这种情势下,本研究将着重探讨住房保障准入条件设计、模式选择和住房保障实施策略,以期为我国住房保障体系的科学构建提供智力支持。首先,论述了住房保障的相关理论,系统梳理和总结了世界典型国家的住房保障政策经验。分析认为:①住房保障是一个动态的调整过程,住房保障水平与一国或地区财政支付能力、住房发展阶段、住房供求状况和人口结构特征及其演变趋势有关;②住房保障是运用政府这只“看得见的手”来修正和弥补市场失灵。其次,在分析城镇居民住房供求状况及其趋势的基础上,研究了住房保障准入条件确定的方法与依据。研究认为:①从户籍准入条件看,基于城市化、乡城人口迁移和公共财政能力有限这些事实,具体政策策略可以是“先城市居民后流动人口,先稳定就业人口后流动就业人口”;②住房保障收入线有绝对和相对两种方法,从时间和地域可比性的角度看,宜采用绝对收入线方法,特别是本研究提出的住房保障收入线测算新方法;从政策实践角度看,宜于采用相对收入线方法;③住房保障面积准入条件是整个识别指标,甚至是住房保障体系的核心要件,它可以将住房属性有效控制在消费属性之内,有利于住房保障政策自我实现的需要。再次,比较和分析了不同住房保障模式的效率、特征及其适应性并进行了典型案例分析。研究发现:①从消费者偏好的角度看,需方补贴有效地将住房保障政策融入到市场机制之中,使住房保障对象获得更高的效用;在住房供求矛盾不突出的情况下,需方补贴优于供方补贴;②从成本的角度看,供方补贴与需方补贴到底哪一种效率高,关键取决于住房租赁价格与住房销售价格之间的权衡;③从政策实践来看,当住房市场上面向低收入家庭住房供给不足时,应选择供给面住房保障政策;当住房市场供求基本平衡,仅仅存在结构性矛盾时,应选择需求面住房保障政策;当住房保障对象住房支付能力绝对不足时,应该采用租赁式住房保障政策;当住房保障对象拥有一定的住房支付能力时,产权式住房保障政策是合适的选择。最后,从保障对象住房困难的性质和程度等角度,对保障对象进行了细分并构建了住房困难发生率、住房困难差距率和住房困难强度三个测算工具,来刻画住房困难发生的广度、深度和强度,讨论了不同类别群体的政策实施策略。研究发现:①从保障对象住房困难的性质看,保障对象可细分为:持久性住房困难、暂时性住房困难和脆弱性住房困难;②在满足激励相容和不同约束条件下,从效率和公平的角度看,我们应选择当0<α <1时的H α住房困难指数作为住房困难评估的方法,以实现Type-lh类住房保障政策。

【Abstract】 Housing is a basic material condition for human well-being. The state launched aseries of policies aimed at guaranteeing basic housing, effectively solving the housingproblem for certain urban residents. However, China’s housing security system is behindthose of western Countries both in the system design, law-making, organizational structureand other aspects; it is extremely urgent and important to improve housing security systemtogether with management level and efficiency of housing security in current large scaleprotective housing promoting stage. In order to provide intellectual support to building ascientific security building system, this research focused on the standard-setting ofhousing security, the measurement and targeting efficiency of housing difficulties based onsystematic research experience on housing security at home and abroad.First, we discussed relevant theories of housing security, and summarized experiencesin the housing security policies of the typical nations in the world. These analyses showthat:①Housing security is a dynamic adjustment, which is closely relevant to thefinancial ability of a nation or a region government, housing development stage, supplyand demand situation of housing market and trends in the demographic characteristics;②Housing security is the "visible hand" to correct and remedy market failures. Despite themerits of effectively allocating resources, playing price discovery role, solving theinformation asymmetry problem, the market is not perfect: Markets would probablybroaden the gap between people’s original endowments, even helps to form socialstratification, and continually widen the distance between the various levels.Second, the thesis discussed the method and basis of the housing securitystandard-setting based on the analysis of the supply and demand situation and trends ofurban residential housing market, which deems that:①from the time and geographicalcomparability perspective, especially considering the basic living cost method used in thispaper, we should adopt the absolute income standard method between the absolute andrelative method of making housing security standards. However, the stringent requirementto data, poor practical application together with computational complexity of the absolutemethod impels us to adopt the relative standard method at last.②Housing security spacestandards is the core elements both in the whole set of identification standards and in thehousing security system. The principle of housing security is to guarantee the gratificationof people’s basic housing needs, to compulsorily define a space standard of securityhousing to make sure the houses are big enough to meet people’s basic living needs. More importantly, this space standard could effectively define the housing property within theconsuming property, and is conducive to the needs of self-realization of the housingsecurity policies.③Housing security assets standard is an important and somewhatprudential standard. To improve the targeting efficiency of the housing security policies, itis better to include the assets standard as selection criteria for policy practice.Third, we made comparisons between a variety of housing security models, andanalyzed their efficiency, features and adaptability one by one. The results demonstratesthat:①from the consumer perspective, demand-side subsidies will be more effectively inintegrating the housing security policies into the market mechanism, and render higherutility to the targets of housing security policy. Demand-side subsidy is better thansupply-side subsidies when there is no prominent contradiction between the housingsupply and demand.②from the cost perspective, the efficiency of the supply-sidesubsidies and demand-side subsidies depends crucially on the balance between the rentalprices and the sale prices of housing.③from the policy practicing perspective, when thereis short of supply to the lower-income groups in the housing market, the governmentshould choose the supply-side housing security policies; when the supply and demand isbasically balanced with the mere existence of structural contradictions in the housingmarket, the government should select the demand-side housing security policies. When theaffordability of targets of housing security policies is absolutely insufficient, thegovernment should adopt rental-type housing security policies; when the targets possesscertain housing affordability, the property-type is an appropriate choice.Finally, the thesis build an indicator to measure the breadth, depth and intensity ofhousing problems, then explore the relationship between the method of measuring thehousing problem and the target of housing security policy under different constraints. Theresearch concludes that:①the housing security objects can be classified into persistenthousing difficulty,temporacy and weak housing difficulty families;②from theperspective of efficiency and fairness, we should select housing problems index as amethod of assessing housing difficulties to achieve Type-lh types of housing securitypolicies..
