

A Research on the Ecological Space Frame and the Protection Strategy in Densely Urbanized Region of Rapid Growth

【作者】 王智勇

【导师】 黄亚平;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 城乡规划学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 中国的快速城市化进程及其对全球的影响已成为21世纪最大的世界性事情之一。随着城市化的快速发展,城市区域化及区域城市化趋势明显,城市密集区成长迅速。城市密集区作为我国工业化和城市化的主要空间载体,区域工业化和城市化的快速发展,必将加速推动城市密集区的快速成长。2005年以来,我国先后批复了20多个地区类似的空间规划和发展政策,实际上佐证了城镇化主战场转向城市密集区的趋势明显。面对城市化快速发展带来的城市扩张和蔓延的大潮,尤其是城市密集区人口和空间的快速膨胀,生态空间保护的紧迫性日益凸显,人口、资源、环境协调可持续发展的压力越来越大,城市密集区生态系统的健康与安全、生态服务质量的好坏已面临严峻挑战。论文从实证案例分析入手,系统探讨了国内外城市密集区空间发展态势与问题,总结其生态空间保护与控制的经验。通过比较研究揭示了快速成长期城市密集区空间发展态势,并探讨了其快速发展所产生的生态效应。在研究并提出了生态空间状况的测度方法的基础上,结合实证案例的测度并分析其生态空间状况,由此判断区域生态空间的合理格局。论文基于博弈论的视角,系统的探讨了生态空间变化的动力机制;构建快速成长期城市密集区生态空间结构要素及结构框架,并对其加以解析;通过多元的分析视角,从整体上提出未来城市密集区生态空间的保护策略。本文共分为六大部分。第一部分为国内外城市密集区空间发展与生态控制的经验借鉴。在系统分析国内外城市密集区空间发展的基础上,揭示其空间发展的主要矛盾与问题,分析其生态保护与控制的经验得失,并总结出对快速成长期城市密集区空间发展及生态保护的启示。第二部分为快速成长期城市密集区空间发展态势及其生态影响。比较国内成型期与成长期城市密集区在土地、人口、空间、经济等方面的状况,以明确快速成长期城市密集区的相对优势、现状问题及未来发展方向。并以武鄂黄黄城市密集区作为实证主体,研究快速成长期城市密集区的发展概况及空间发展态势,揭示快速成长期城市密集区由于快速发展所产生的生态效应。第三部分为快速成长期城市密集区生态空间测度及评价。以AHP层次分析法和GIS技术建立生态空间状况测度方法,并以武鄂黄黄城市密集区作为案例,在测度其生态空间状况的基础上,提出其生态空间现状存在的问题,并提出未来合理的生态空间格局。第四部分为快速成长期城市密集区生态空间变化的动力机制。基于博弈论的视角,围绕政府、企业、公众三方博弈对城市密集区生态空间的影响机制进行研究,分别从政府调控力、经济驱动力、社会生长力来解析城市密集区生态空间变化的深层次原因。第五部分为快速成长期城市密集区生态空间构成要素及结构框架。在分析总结国内外对生态用地分类已有研究和规划实践的基础上,探讨快速成长期城市密集区生态空间结构要素的构成,提出快速成长期城市密集区共通性的生态空间元素,构建城市密集区生态空间结构框架。第六部分为快速成长期城市密集区生态空间保护策略研究。分别从优化区域生态空间结构、创新区域生态空间管治、完善生态空间规划体系、建立规划实施保障机制等方面,提出快速成长期城市密集区生态空间的保护策略。

【Abstract】 The rapid urbanization in China and its impact on global has become one world thingin21st Century. With the rapid urbanization, there is a apparent sign that urbanregionalization and regional urbanization become the trend. The densely urbanized regio ns,as the spatial carrier of the industrialization and urbanization in China, driven by the rapiddevelopment of regional industrialization and urbanization, has been growing rapidly.Since2005, China has approved spatial planning and development police of more than20areas in similar, which actually proved the main battlefield of urbanization has turned tothe densely urbanized regions.Faced with the tide of urban sprawl and spread brought by the rapid urbanization,especially the rapid expansion of population and space in densely urbanized regions, theurgency of the ecological space protection has become increasingly prominent and thesustainable development of population, resources, environment is of the growing pressure.The health and safety of ecosystem and the ecological quality of service in denselyurbanized regions has been facing serious challenges.The paper starting from the empirical case analysis, discusses the trend and problemsof the space in densely urbanized regions at home and abroad and sums up the experienceabout the protection and control of ecological space. The comparative study reveals thedevelopment trend of the space in densely urbanized region of rapid growth and exploresthe ecological effects of its rapid development. On the base of researching and raising themeasurement of ecological space conditions, the paper combining the measure ofempirical case and analyzing the conditions of ecological space, which helps to infer thereasonable regional ecological space pattern. Based on the perspective of game theory, thepaper systematic discusses the dynamic mechanism of the ecological spatial variation.Also it builds and explains the structural elements and frame of the ecological space indensely urbanized regions of rapid growth. By multivariate analysis perspective, it raisesprotection strategy of the ecological space in densely urbanized regions in the future. This thesis includes the following six parts:The first part is to learn the experience of space development and ecological controlin densely urbanized regions at home and abroad. On the base of analyzing cases above,this part reveals the major contradictions and problems in its space development andanalyzes the experience of ecological protection and control. Also, it sums up therevelation of space development and ecological protection in densely urbanized regions ofrapid growth.The second part is to analyze the development and trend of space and impact onEcology as well. In order to make clear the comparative advantage, and futuredevelopment direction in densely urbanized regions of rapid growth, it makes comparisonbetween the situations of the Land, population, space, economy and so on in denselyurbanized regions in forming period and in growing period at home. TakingWu-E-Huang-Huang Metropolitan Interlocking Region as the empirical case, it studiesdevelopment general situation and the trend of space development in densely urbanizedregions of rapid growth. And it also reveals the ecological effects as a result of rapiddevelopment.The third part is to discuss measurement and evaluation of the ecological space indensely urbanized regions of rapid growth. Via AHP and GIS, it builds measurementmethods of ecological space condition. Taking Wu-E-Huang-Huang MetropolitanInterlocking Region as the empirical case, based on measuring the condition of ecologicalspace, it raises the present issues and the reasonable pattern of the ecological space.The fourth part is to consider the dynamic mechanism of the ecological spatialvariation in densely urbanized region of rapid growth. Based on the perspective of gametheory, the paper discusses the effects that tripartite game around the government,enterprises, public have to ecological space in densely urbanized regions. It analyzes theunderlying causes of the ecological spatial variation in densely urbanized region from theaspects of government regulation force, economic driver, society growth force.The fifth part is to build the structural elements and frame of the ecological space indensely urbanized regions of rapid growth. On the base of analyzing and summing up theexisting researches about ecological land classification and planning practice at home and abroad, it discusses the structural elements of the ecological space, puts forwardecological space elements in common and builds a frame of the ecological space indensely urbanized regions of rapid growth.The last part is the research about the protection strategy of the ecological space indensely urbanized regions of rapid growth. It puts forward the protection strategy from theaspects of optimizing regional ecological space structure, innovating regional ecologicalspace governance, perfecting ecological space planning system, building safeguardmechanism of planning and implementation and so on.

  • 【分类号】TU984.115
  • 【被引频次】33
  • 【下载频次】2670
  • 攻读期成果