

Research on Methods of Assembly Sequence Planning for Complex Product

【作者】 李明宇

【导师】 吴波;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 装配序列规划方法是数字化工厂技术的重要组成部分,装配序列规划的结果在较大程度上决定了装配工艺的制定和产品的装配质量。本文针对目前复杂产品装配序列规划的特点及其存在的问题,开展基于装配序列规划方法与关键技术的研究工作,形成了一套以装配信息模型、装配矩阵、评价指标及优化方法为基础的较为完整的装配序列规划方法。在分析装配序列规划的技术特点和研究必要性的基础上,对装配序列规划在数字化工厂中的应用进行了研究与分析,确定了装配序列规划方法与数字化工厂技术的关系,分析了面向复杂产品的装配序列规划技术的功能模块。以技术支持层、基础数据层、应用层和交互层为基础,建立面向装配序列规划的体系结构,并确定了与装配序列规划相关的方法与关键技术。建立了基于模型定义的装配信息建模方法,对复杂产品装配序列规划所需的装配信息进行了分析,将装配信息建模技术划分为数据结构、信息模型和数据管理三部分。为实现对设计、加工、装配环节的各类信息准确与可靠的描述,将数据结构信息划分为零件坐标系、实体模型、基准、标注集和工艺属性等五类信息。建立了以装配产品信息、装配工艺信息和装配资源信息为基础的装配信息模型。提出了以设计层、工艺层与制造层三层结构为基础的数据管理模型,以完善基于模型定义的装配信息建模。基于模型定义的装配信息建模方法,不仅可实现单一产品源的数据表达,更可实现复杂产品在并行装配中的数据表达与传输。提出了以包围盒技术与连续式拉伸动态干涉检验算法为基础的干涉矩阵生成方法,实现了基于标准正交轴干涉矩阵和扩展干涉矩阵的干涉矩阵生成算法。构建了静态干涉检验与对性矩阵性质相结合联接矩阵生成算法,以实现对联接矩阵的快速生成。采用静态干涉检验与步进式干涉检验相结合的方法,实现了装配序列支撑矩阵的快速生成。最终实现了面向复杂产品装配序列规划的相关矩阵生成。分析了影响装配序列规划的各类因素,将影响因素分类为零件级影响因素与产品级影响因素两类。而后以单因素模糊评判矩阵、模糊综合评判法、层次分析法等方法为理论基础,建立零件级模糊综合评价指标与评价方法。构建了以装配序列的几何可行性、装配体的稳定性、装配操作的聚合性及装配重定向次数为评价目标的产品级评价指标及指标计算方法。通过将零件级综合评价指标与产品级评价指标相结合,建立了面向产品装配序列规划的评价指标和评价指标函数。通过将连续空间的粒子群算法离散化的方法,建立了以子装配体为面向对象的离散粒子群算法优化算法。为解决算法易于陷于局部收敛的缺陷,提出一种改进粒子群算法,使种群在进化的初期阶段,以较大的概率向种群中的其他粒子的历史最优解学习,在后期以较大的概率向种群中的全局最优解学习。为提高算法运算效率,提出一种将改进进化方法算子与改进粒子群算法混合的方法,以减少算法迭代步数,高效生成最优装配序列。本文针对装配序列规划过程中存在的问题,提出了面向复杂产品的装配序列规划方法。以基于模型定义的建模方法为基础,建立了包括数据结构、装配信息、管理信息为目标的装配信息模型。应用包围盒技术与干涉检验方法,建立了标准正交轴干涉矩阵、扩展干涉矩阵、联接矩阵和支撑矩阵快速生成方法,以实现面向复杂产品序列规划的装配矩阵快速生成。应用单因素模糊评判矩阵、模糊综合评判法、层次分析法等理论方法,建立了面向复杂产品装配序列规划的综合评价指标及评价指标函数。基于混合粒子群算法的装配序列优化方法,则实现了最优或近似最优装配序列的高效生成与输出。

【Abstract】 The method of assembly sequence planning (ASP) has been playing the most importantrole in the digital factory technology, and the optimization level of ASP technology has a largeextent determined the quality of the final design of the assembly process and product assembly.Based on the characteristics and problems of ASP in complex product, the method and keytechnologies of ASP has been researched. An assembly sequence planning method was buildedbased on assembly information model, assembly matrix, evaluation system and optimizationmethod in this thesis.Based on analyzing the characteristics and necessity of ASP method, the ASP methodapplied in the digital factory technology and the relationship between ASP and digital factorytheory are introduced in this thesis. The function module of complex product assemblysequence planning method were been established. Then, the structure system of ASP has beenbuild, which has technical support hierarchy, basic data hierarchy, application hierarchy andinteractive hierarchy, and the method and key technologies of ASP are also realized.Establishing the information modeling of ASP in complex product based on model baseddefinition (MBD) method, information modeling technology is divided into three parts of datastructures, information model and data management. To accurately describe the variousinformation types including design, process, assembly and product, the information of datastructures is divided into coordinate system information, physical model information, baselineinformation, annotated corpora information and process attribute information. The assemblyproduct information, assembly process information and assembly resource information areestablished in an assembly information model. In order to improve the information modelingtechnology of MBD, the data management model is divided into design hierarchy, processhierarchy and manufacturing hierarchy. The MBD method can not only realize single productsource data expression, but also realize complex products data expression in the parallelassembly.The method of interference matrix generation technology with bounding box technologyand continuous drawing dynamic interference testing algorithm is proposed. Based on thesetechnologies, the standard orthogonal axes interference matrix and extended interferencematrix are built. Then, the static interference testing and symmetric matrix have been proposed,and the generation technique of connection matrix is realized in this thesis. Combined withstatic interference test and step-by-step interference testing technology, the generationtechnique of support matrix is built. Four matrix generation technology of assembly sequence planning in complex product is realized.The effects of all kind of factors in ASP are analyzed, and the factors are classified aspart-level impact factors and product-level impact factors. And then, the part-level fuzzycomprehensive evaluation is established with the single factor fuzzy evaluation matrix, weightfuzzy comprehensive evaluation and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. To establishthe product-level comprehensive evaluation index and calculation method, the objective ofassembly geometry feasibility, assembly body stability, assembly operation convergent andassembly redirection are built. Finally, part-level evaluation index and product-level evaluationindex are combined, and evaluation index and evaluation function are established for solvingASP problems in complex product.In view of the local convergence problem with basic discrete particle swarm optimization(DPSO) in ASP, a hybrid algorithm to solve ASP problem is presented in subassembly. First, achosen strategy of global optimal particle in DPSO is introduced, and then an improved discreteparticle swarm optimization (IDPSO) is proposed for solving ASP problems. Subsequently, amodified evolutionary direction operator (MEDO) is used to accelerate the convergence rate ofIDPSO. The results show that the new hybrid algorithm MEDO-IDPSO is more efficient forsolving ASP problems, with excellent global convergence properties and fast convergence rate.To deal with the problems in assembly sequence planning process, the key technologiesand solving methods are proposed. The information modeling using model based definition(MBD) method of ASP in complex product is established, which is divided into data structures,information model and data management. The generation method of interference matrix,connection matrix and support matrix are established, with the method of bounding boxtechnology and interference testing technology. And the matrix generation method of assemblysequence planning of complex product is realized. Based on the methods of single factor fuzzyevaluation matrix, weight fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and analytic hierarchy process(AHP), evaluation index and evaluation function are established for solving ASP problems incomplex product. The optimization method of hybrid algorithm MEDO-IDPSO is proposed toobtain the optimal assembly sequence with the excellent global convergence properties and fastconvergence rate.
