

Research on the Theories and Methods of Chinese Art History in the First Half of20th Century

【作者】 曹贵

【导师】 陈池瑜;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 艺术学理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪上半叶是中国社会大变动大变革的时代。随着西学东渐与中国近代史学的牵引、新式美术教育与出版机构的推动以及近代美术考古学的促进等多方面的原因,中国美术史学实现了由传统形态向现代形态的转型。20世纪以前,以书画为主要研究对象的中国美术史学是古典形态或是传统形态的,其著述最鲜明的特点是以兴成教化为主要的美术史观;以画家传记、作品著录、题跋考辨等为主要内容;以品评、鉴赏为主导,以史论评相结合而重记载轻阐释为主要的写作方法。20世纪上半叶,姜丹书、黄宾虹、陈师曾、潘天寿、傅抱石、滕固、李朴园、胡蛮、郑午昌、俞剑华等杰出美术史家,受到日本学者、德国模式、苏联模式,以及中国传统之美术史学的影响,撰写的一大批拓荒性且具分量的中国美术史学著作,为现代形态的中国美术史学之建立,以及为当时的美术史教学和普及美术史知识起到了重要作用。20世纪上半叶的中国美术史学著作在写作的过程中,由于受到四种不同模式的影响,每一类著作具备了各自不同类的特点。因此,本文设定四个重点章节,分别是日本学者影响下中国美术史学成果及自主研究成果之考察、德国模式影响下中国美术史学研究成果之考察、苏联模式影响下中国美术史学研究成果之考察以及传统模式影响下中国美术史学研究成果之考察。在对每种模式的具体把握上,本文选取该时期有代表性的中国美术史学著述进行解读,尝试从美术史观、美术史分期、研究方法及编撰体例等方面深入分析每本著述各自的成书特点及其价值。论文的结语分为两小节。首先对20世纪上半叶美术史家之中国美术史学研究从理论和方法上进行了总结和归纳。然后讨论了这些研究成果给予当下美术史学研究的影响和启示:一、中国美术史的撰写形式由单一模式走向多元发展;二、综合性的中国美术史的写作,和20世纪上半叶相比,变得更加成熟和完善;三、唯物史观成为20世纪下半叶以来美术史家撰写中国美术史的指导思想。这样安排,从而使得本博士论文的研究不仅对20世纪上半叶的中国美术史学进行了分析和考察,同时也获得了研究的当下意义。

【Abstract】 The first half of the20th century is a time of great change in China.Pushing by the entrance of the western culture, Chinese modern history, newarts education and publishing agencies, modern art archaeology, and so on,Chinese art history has transformed from the traditional form to the modernform. Before20th century, Chinese art history that took the calligraphy andpainting as the main research object, was a classical form or traditional formwhose most distinctive feature was the predominant sense of art history withenlightment, the major content with artist biography, records of art work,inscriptive writings and so on, the leading writing method that was of the recordrather than the illustration with combination of history, theory and criticism,dominated by criticism, appreciation. A large number of remarkable arthistorians, such as Jiang Danshu, Huang Binhong, Chen Shizeng, Pan Tianshou,Fu Baoshi, Teng Gu, Li Puyuan, Hu Man, Zheng Wuchang and Yu Jianhua,appeared during the first part of the20th century. They who influenced byJapanese scholars, German pattern, Soviet pattern, and Chinese traditional arthistory, wrote a lot of pioneering and influential works of Chinese art historywhich played an important role in the establishment of modern Chinese arthistory, as well as the teaching art history at that time and the popularization ofart history knowledge.In the first half of the20th century, each kind of works of Chinese arthistory has their different characteristics of class due to the influence of fourkinds of patterns. Therefore, this paper set up four key chapters, includingresearch on Chinese art history studies under the influence of the Japanesescholars and independent studies, research on Chinese art history studies underthe influence of the German pattern, research on Chinese art history studiesunder the influence of the Soviet pattern, and research on Chinese art historystudies under the influence of the traditional pattern. In the concreteunderstanding of each pattern, this paper selects the period of representative ofChinese art history works, and tries to analyze the characteristics and the value of each work from sense of art history, stages of art history, research methods,compilation style and so on.The conclusion of the paper is divided into two sections. The first part isabout overall understanding of the studies of the art historian on Chinese arthistory in the first half of the20th century. And the second part is the discussionof influence and enlightenment that these research results give on the currentstudy of Chinese art history: first, Chinese art history writing form has becomemultiple patterns from the single mode; second, comprehensive Chinese arthistory writing becomes more mature and perfect, compared with the writing ofthe first half of the20th century; third, historical materialism has developed intoa guiding ideology of art historian writing the Chinese art history since thesecond half of the20th century. It is this arrangement which makes the doctoralthesis not only analyzes and researches on the first half of the20th centuryChinese art history, but also has the current significance of studies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期