

Analytical Approach of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Policies during Building’s Life Cycle and Its Application

【作者】 汪涛

【导师】 方东平;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 温室气体排放造成全球气候系统变暖,中国已将发展低碳经济、实施温室气体减排纳入政府长期规划,并向世界做出了减排承诺。建筑相关的温室气体排放是最主要的温室气体排放来源之一,建筑相关减排的成本低、效果好,也是最值得关注的重点减排领域。温室气体排放具有负外部性,无法通过市场机制自我调节实现减排,需要政府通过政策工具调节各相关方的利益关系,促进减排的实施。本文探索单体建筑生命周期温室气体减排的政策分析方法,进行定性与定量相结合的分析研究,提出相关政策建议。首先对建筑的生命周期及温室气体排放的核算范围进行了界定,建立了建筑生命周期中温室气体排放的核算体系及公式。通过识别建筑生命周期中的主要利益相关方,根据利益相关方影响和决定温室气体排放的能力,建立了适用于政策分析的单体建筑生命周期温室气体排放责任模型。通过文献综述对国内外建筑温室气体减排政策工具的具体形式和功能进行归纳和总结,建立了单体建筑温室气体减排政策功能及关联体系。基于温室气体排放责任模型,采用成本收益法分析减排障碍中各相关方的利益关系及障碍的产生原因。根据建筑温室气体减排政策功能及关联体系,归纳得出建筑温室气体减排所需的主要政策工具。同时,利用专家知识和经验,使用层次分析法(AHP)得出建筑温室气体减排政策的评价指标及权重,为减排政策的选择和决策提供依据。基于建筑生命周期温室气体排放核算体系与责任模型、建筑温室气体减排政策功能及关联体系,采用文献综述、专家研讨、专题访谈、问卷调研等定性研究方法以及对案例的定量研究,识别、分析建筑温室气体的减排措施、减排障碍及减排政策。通过对定性与定量研究结论的互相比较,验证了利用建筑温室气体核算体系与责任模型、减排政策功能及关联体系分析所得结论的适用性。基于分析结论,得出定性与定量相结合的建筑温室气体减排政策建议。最后,应用本文提出的政策评价指标体系,对中国建筑温室气体减排政策进行归纳、评价、分析,得到现有减排政策的不足。基于定性与定量分析结论,提出中国建筑温室气体减排政策建议。

【Abstract】 It has been a consensus that greenhouse gas emission is one of the main reasons ofglobal warming. The implementation of greenhouse gas emission reduction and lowcarbon economy development has been listed into the government’s long-term plan inChina. Greenhouse gas emission from buildings is one of the main sources ofgreenhouse gas emissions. Reducing the greenhouse gas emission from building, whichis effective and inexpensive, is the most remarkable reduction field. Due to the negativeexternalities of greenhouse gas emissions, the market can not be self-regulated toachieve emission reduction. The government needs to conduct policy tools to regulatethe interests of all the stakeholders and to promote the implementation of emissionreduction. In this paper, the measures, barriers and policy instruments of emissionreduction of single buildings were researched. The building emssion policy advices inChina were proposed.Firstly, this research defined the concept of building’s life cycle and the accountingboundary of greenhouse gas emissions during building’s life cycle. The accountingsystem and calculation formula of greenhouse gas emissions during building’s life cyclewere built up. The main stakeholders during buidling’s life cycle were identified.According to the abilities of the stakeholders to determine the quantity of greenhousegas emissions, Greenhouse Gas Emission Responsibility Model was established toanalyze the stakeholders’ responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions during building’slife cycle.The categories and functions of the building greenhouse gas emission reductionpolicy instruments were reviewed and analyzed. The Policy Correlation System was setup to identify the relationships among the policy instruments. Based on Greenhouse GasEmission Responsibility Model, cost and benefit analysis was applied to clarify themechanisms of the emission reduction barriers and identify the policy instruments toremove the emission reduction barriers. According to the policy correlation system, themain emission reduction policy instruments were summarizd. Using the knowledge andexperience of the experts from the consulting project, evaluation index for buildinggreenhouse gas emission reduction policies was identified and weighted by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to help the government make decision on choosing theemission reduction policies.Based on Greenhouse Gas Emission Accounting System and Responsibility Modeland Policy Function and Correlation System, the main greenhouse gas emissionreduction measures, barriers and policies during building’s life cycle were identified andanalyzed, using both qualitative methods (literature review, expert seminars, thematicinterviews, questionnaire surveys, etc.) and quantitative methods (case study). Theresults from qualitative and quantitative analysis were compared and mutual verified tovalidate the applicability and the analysis results of Greenhouse Gas EmissionAccounting System and Responsibility Model and Policy Function and CorrelationSystem. Qualitative and quantitative policies suggessions were proposed based on thequalitative and quantitative analysis.Finally, the current building greenhouse gas emission reduction policies of Chinawere summarized. Using the policy evaluation index, the current greenhouse gasreduction policies were analyzed and evaluated. The defects of the current buildinggreenhouse gas emission reduction policies were summaried to put forward the specificpolicy recommendations. The building greenhouse gas emission reduction policysystem was introduced to achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction during building’slife cycle in China. According to the results of qualitative and quantitative analysis, thebuilding implementation suggestion of the greenhouse gas reduction policies wasproposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】TU-023;X322
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】469
  • 攻读期成果