

A Research on Neighborhood Built Environment and Household Travel Energy Consumption in Jinan

【作者】 杨阳

【导师】 张杰;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 城乡规划学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 现阶段,中国交通能耗已约占社会总能耗的20%,与工业能耗和建筑能耗共同组成我国三大能源消费大户。特别是近年来随着城市化水平的提高,私人汽车数量的增长,我国城镇家庭出行能耗持续攀升,从而使得控制家庭出行能耗显得尤为重要。与技术创新侧重于交通工具能源利用率的提高不同,受田园城市、邻里单位、新城市主义等一系列科学规划思想的启发,本研究侧重探讨通过提倡混合的土地开发、宜人的步行环境、便捷的公交系统等措施鼓励城市居民更多的采用绿色交通出行,降低家庭出行能耗。本研究依托美国能源基金会资助项目“节能城市设计研究”课题(G-1008-13176),清华大学自主科研计划资助项目“华北南部地区特大城市节能住区形态与设计研究”课题(2011THZ0)和低碳能源大学联盟资助项目“低碳城市设计:从选择评估到政策实施”课题(2011LC002)完成。全文基于2009-2010年济南市20个小区的家庭出行数据,应用多元线性回归方法,构建了以住区建成环境变量、家庭社会经济特征变量、家庭交通工具所有情况变量和家庭态度偏好变量为自变量,家庭出行能耗为因变量的统计模型,就住区建成环境与家庭出行能耗关系进行经验研究;希望从降低家庭出行能耗的视角,对现阶段住区规划设计提出有益的建议。其中,住区建成环境变量不仅采用了土地混合度、路网交叉口密度、目的地可达性等建成环境指标;还基于中国居住区规划背景,设计了公共服务设施步行可达性指标。家庭出行能耗也按照出行目的不同进行了更详细的划分,不仅包括家庭总出行能耗,还包括家庭通勤能耗、家庭非通勤能耗、家庭日常购物出行能耗和家庭使用服务设施出行能耗。模型显示,住区建成环境与家庭出行能耗相关。其中,与家庭社会经济特征的影响相比,住区建成环境对家庭总出行能耗和家庭通勤能耗的影响相对较小;而对家庭非通勤能耗、日常购物出行能耗和使用服务设施出行能耗的影响相对较大。故本研究建议,住区规划设计可以通过居住和就业平衡、宜人的步行环境、良好的公共服务设施可达性等设计策略,实现降低家庭出行能耗。

【Abstract】 At present, the transportation sector has consumed nearly20%of total energy inChina, which is one of the3biggest energy users as the industry sector and buildingsector. And with the rapid economic growth and urbanization happened in lastdecades in China, household travel energy is playing a more and more important role inthe transportation sector. Different with the manufacturing industry has relied almostexclusively on technological advances to address the problem of energy crisis, the paperbelieves that we can reduce the household travel energy through outstanding builtenvironment design which may lead to more walking, bicycling or public transit travel,such as mixed landuse, comfortable pedestrian environment, convenient public transitsystem and so on.This paper is supported by the “Making the Clean Energy City” Project funded bythe U.S. Energy Fundation, the “Energy-saving Neighborhood Urban Form Researechin Mega Cities in the Southern Region of North China” Project funded by theIndependent Research Fund of Tsinghua University, and the “Low Carbon UrbanDesign: From Options Assessment to Policy Implementation” Project funded by LowCarbon Energy University Alliance.Based on the Jinan household data collected in2009and2010, a multipleregression model was applied to test the relationship between neighborhood builtenvironment and household travel energy. It concluded that neighborhood builtenvironment has a significant relationship with household travel energy. This researchfinding suggests that the neighborhood planning and design should limit the householdtravel energy by job-housing balance, walkable environment design, convenient publictransit and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】TU984.12;U12
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】342
  • 攻读期成果