

Research on the Key Technologies of Temperature Field Measurement Based on Thermal Infrared Imager

【作者】 王华伟

【导师】 马彩文;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(西安光学精密机械研究所) , 光学工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着非制冷红外探测器技术的发展,基于红外热成像的测温技术得到了越来越广泛的应用。红外热成像测温技术逐渐成为研究的热点。本文根据航天应用需求,在研究了红外测温的原理的基础上,分析了影响测温精度的因素,针对这些因素,提出了一系列的解决措施,并应用于实践,研制出一套红外温度场测量系统,取得了较好的效果。针对红外成像系统应用于测温的特殊需求,本文采用FPGA单处理器的架构方法,设计了一种能够对环境自适应的长波非制冷红外成像系统。红外成像系统输出采用模拟输出和数字输出两种方式,模拟视频输出为图像增强后输出,便于人眼观察,数字输出为12bit量化原始输出,可用于测量,系统可同时满足监视和测量的要求。针对红外成像系统非均匀性随环境变化的问题,提出了基于动态参考温度场的非均匀性校正技术,实现了红外图像的实时校正,并有效补偿了外部环境的影响。针对红外探测器输出随自身温度变化的问题,采用ADN8830集成温控电路进行控温,使探测器工作在最佳工作温度点,保证了探测器的成像性能。针对定标时数据处理对测温精度的影响,本文研究了数据拟合产生的误差,确定了分段拟合的方法,可以有效减少拟合误差。针对红外温度测量时受镜筒及壳体辐射、环境辐射的影响,本文提出了基于合作定标的测温技术,利用合作黑体有效补偿了镜筒及壳体辐射、环境辐射的影响。使测温精度得到很大提高。针对发射率对测温精度的影响问题,本文分析了物体发射率的影响因素,并对典型材料的发射率进行了测量,研究了表面粗糙度、表面处理工艺对发射率的影响,为提高测温精度奠定了基础。针对图像压缩对测温精度的影响问题,本文通过分析选择了12bit的JPEG压缩方法,并通过试验分析了压缩对测温精度的影响,确定了合适的压缩比例,为红外图像的压缩奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 With the development of the Uncooled Infrared Focal Plane Array(UFPA)technology,Infrared Imager has been widely used in temperature measurementsystem.The technology of temperature measurement based on Infrared Imager isbecoming a new research hot issue. In this paper, we discuss the key technologies oftemperature measurement based on practical requirements. By analyzing theprinciple of infrared temperature measurement, this paper emphatically gives theprimary influential factors which affect the temperature precision. This paperproposes a series of solutions to eliminate and compensate these factors. The methodderived in this paper has been successfully applied to practice. The temperaturemeasurement system based on Infrared Imager has been developed and has achieveda good result.In view of the imaging system will be used to measure temperature, along-wave infrared uncooled imaging system which has adaptive correction functionwas designed. The system is based on FPGA, in which FPGA performs systemcontrol and image processing. The system has both analog and digital video output,in which analog video can be used to watch, while digital video with12bit precisioncan be used to measure. In order to correct non-uniform responses of the detector’sindividual elements, this paper proposed an adaptive non-uniformity correctionalgorithm based on dynamic reference temperature field, which can compensate theresponse drift according to ambient temperature. In order to eliminate the effects ofthe temperature change of the detector, a temperature control circuit based onADN8830was introduced, which can set temperature of the detector to a fixed point.Based on studies of calibration method,this paper studies the error introducedby data fitting. The data processing software adopted the curve segmented fittingmethod to build up a mathematic model of temperature and gray.IR sensor is receiving not only infrared radiation from surface of object whichtemperature is measured, but radiation from the drawtube, radiation from the shell of the camera, radiation from the environment. If nothing is done to compensate theradiation that not from the object, it is difficult to measure the real surfacetemperature. In this paper, a method that base on cooperation calibration wasintroduced. The experiment show the method has high precision.Since the emissivity of the object is an important factor influencing theaccuracy of measuring temperature, the factors that affect the emissivity werestudied. This paper presents an experimental study on the factors affect theemissivity. The factors include material,surface roughness and surface treatmenttechnology. The results of the experiment give basis to increase the temperaturemeasurement accuracy.How infrared image compression affects the temperature measurementaccuracy was studied. After analyzing the commonly used image or videocompression methods, the jpeg compression (12bit) is selected. The effects of imagecompression on the temperature measure accuracy are analyzed based on experiment.According to the analysis results, appropriate compression ratio is ascertained. Thestudy provides a good foundation for infrared image compression.
