

Design, Fabrication and Applications of Microstructured Optical Elements and Devices

【作者】 孔德鹏

【导师】 王丽莉;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(西安光学精密机械研究所) , 光学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 微结构聚合物光学元件以其灵活多变的微结构特征、新颖的光学特性以及独特的加工方法,已成为现代光学技术领域的重要组成部分,是国内外专家学者不断开拓创新的热门领域。本论文将以微结构光纤技术为切入点,开展规模化制造与应用技术研究。近年,3D光学技术也在快速发展,而3D光学获取是该领域的的重点研究领域之一。本论文将尝试以梯度折射率透镜阵列获取3D光学信息为新的切入点,开展梯度折射率透镜阵列在多孔径3D成像装置中的应用研究。本学位论文共分为7章,主要包括以下内容:第1章介绍光纤的发展历史和光在光纤中的传输理论,微结构光纤的概念、分类及研究现状,聚合物光纤传像束、微结构传像光纤的特点、常用制作方法和发展现状,内窥镜的发展历史和立体窥镜的特点与研究现状,多孔径3D成像技术的发展概况。在此基础上,提出了本论文的研究目标。第2章介绍微结构光纤预制棒的制作方法,在比较分析几种方法优缺点的基础上,提出用注塑成型法制作聚合物微结构光纤预制棒的设想。研究聚合物微结构光纤预制棒的成型工艺,拟用PMMA和TOPAS COC两种材料制作光纤预制棒。研究聚合物微结构光纤的拉伸工艺,对光纤的结构和TOPAS COC微结构光纤在太赫兹波传输中的应用做探索性研究。第3章在介绍聚合物微结构传像光纤的材料特性和常用材料种类的基础上,选择本论文制作聚合物微结构传像光纤的材料。研究聚合物微结构传像光纤器件的制作流程和工艺,对传像器件的传像特性做理论分析和实验表征。第4章拟用排丝法制作长距离的聚合物光纤传像束。研究长距离聚合物光纤传像束的制作工艺,分析传像束的图像传输特性。然后探索长距离聚合物光纤传像束作为超长窥镜的应用。此外,拟研究结构紧凑的整体式聚合物传像光纤预制棒制作及拉伸工艺,研制圆形、正六边形的传像光纤预制棒及传像光纤,探索其应用。第5章基于双目立体视觉原理,设计、制作3D光纤窥镜系统。在此基础上,利用自制的整体式聚合物传像光纤,目镜、物镜搭建双目立体视觉光纤窥镜样机。第6章在阐述多孔径3D图像光学获取的基本原理、研究现状和几种典型结构的基础上,将梯度折射率透镜阵列应用于多孔径3D成像系统。试制四方紧密排列梯度折射率透镜阵列,对尼康J1型数码相机进行改装,匹配主镜头后组装多孔径3D相机。第7章对攻读博士学位期间的研究工作取得的成果进行总结,提出今后的发展方向。

【Abstract】 With unique structural features, novel optical properties and excellentprocessing performance, the polymer microstructured fiber has become an importantpart in the research field of fiber optics, as well as a research hotspot at home andabroad.3D stereoscopic imaging technology is also a research focus with importantresearch significance and application value. In this thesis, we focus on thefabrication of polymer microstructured optical fiber and its applications in imagetransmission and3D fiber-optic endoscope, fabrication and application of thepolymer fiber bundle and fabrication of gradient-index lens array and its applicationin3D multi-aperture imaging device.The first chapter of this thesis is a brief introduction of the following contents:the development of optical fiber and the light transmission theory in optical fibers;the concept, classification and current research works of microstructured fiber; thecharacteristics, commonly used production methods and the research status quo ofthe polymer fiber-optic image bundles and microstructured image fibers; the historyof the endoscope and the characteristics of stereo endoscope; the status quo of themulti-aperture3D imaging technology. On this basis of this introduction, theresearch purpose, significances and the characteristics of this thesis are proposed.In the second chapter, several fabrication methods of the microstructure fiberpreforms are introduced. Based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantagesof these methods,a new method, injection molding method, is proposed. Moldingprocess of the polymer microstructured optical fiber preform is researched, and thematerials used in experiment are PMMA and Topas COC. Polymer microstructuredfiber drawing process and the transmission loss of Topas COC microstructuredterahertz fiber are also studied experimentally. As the experimental result shows, thetransmission loss of suspended core sub-wavelength THz fiber at206GHz is0.034dB/cm, and for anti-resonant reflection type THz fiber, the transmission loss at206GHz and1.2THz are0.122dB/cm and0.120dB/cm, respectively.In the third chapter, the properties and types of materials commonly used in thefabrication of polymer microstructure imaging fiber are introduced firstly. Based on this introduction, the polymer material for microstructured polymer imaging fiber ischosen. Then the fabrication process of the microstructured imaging fiber is studied,and the imaging properties of this fiber are analyzed theoretically and characterizedexperimentally. The results show that the polymer microstructured imaging fiber hasgood imaging capability, wherein for microstructured imaging fiber with an outerdiameter of250μm, monofilament diameter is3μm, the theoretical limit resolution isup to192lp/mm, and the scale image of10μm can be transmitted.In the fourth chapter, we make a long polymer imaging fiber bundle with thelength of15m by arranging and lamination method. The fabrication process andtransmission characteristics of this polymer imaging fiber bundle are also studied.With matched eyepiece (or coupling lens) and image sensors, this long polymerimaging fiber-bundle can be used for exploration application after earthquake. Then,the study of the fabricating and stretching processes of compact polymer imagingfiber performs is shown as well, and both circular and regular hexagon polymerimaging fiber preforms are developed. The pixel number of this imaging fiber is upto approximately7100. At the same time, with matched eyepiece and image sensors,the application of this imaging fiber in safety monitoring is explored initially. Theresults show that the imaging fiber has a good image transmission capability whichcan be applied in some special occasions.The fifth chapter introduces the basic principle of binocular stereo vision firstly.Based on this principle, the structure of the3D fiber-optic endoscope system isdesigned, and the selection principles and methods of objective lenses and eyepiecesin this system are shown, as well as the design principles of angle between twoobjectives. On this basis, with home-made polymer imaging fibers and matchedeyepieces and objective lenses, a3D fiber-optic endoscope binocular stereo visionsystem is built, which has been proven to have good stereoscopic image capturingcapabilities. Finally, a compact eyewear-style3-D endoscope derived from polymerimaging fiber is designed and fabricated.The sixth chapter introduces the basic principles, research status and severaltypical structures of multi-aperture3D image optical obtainment devices firstly. Onthis basis, the gradient-index lens array is used in the3D multi-aperture imagingsystem. Then, the12×8gradient-index lens array is fabricated, and assembled witha modified Nikon J1digital camera which has a matched camera lens with35mm focal length and super-large aperture. After analyzing and calculating the depthresolution, the depth of field and field angles of this imaging system theoretically,moreover, testing the depth resolution and field angle experimentally, the resultshows that theoretical and experimental results are basically identical. The depthresolution and field angle of the camera are4%and29.4°respectively.Chapter7is the summary of the research works undertaken during my PhDprogram and the development direction of my academic career.
