

Studies on the Herdsmen Residential Space Construction Mode of Inner Mongolia Grassland in New Period

【作者】 马明

【导师】 李志民;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 内蒙古草原牧民居住建筑是草原人民聪明智慧的体现,是在一定历史时期的人适应自然环境一种建筑形态,是与其特定的生产和生活方式相协调的,具有极其朴素的生态思想。在当今快速城市化的时代背景下研究草原牧民居住建筑有益于内蒙古草原地域建筑文化的保护和传统建筑技术的发扬。研究不仅寻求继承优秀的草原文化的精髓,而且也是探索可持续发展的草原人居环境理论的重要部分。研究对于更好地开展草原定居点建设,改善牧区人居环境和生活状况有重要的现实意义。研究的成果将为内蒙古地区建设可持续发展的、和谐的社会主义新型牧民定居点和社会主义新农村提供理论依据和实践基础。本文从草原牧民居住空间形态的演变出发,系统分析和总结其中的生态经验,从生态和技术的角度重新诠释草原居住空间形态和构筑形态,发掘与提炼传统建筑的技术模式与建筑语汇,丰富地域建筑的创作源泉。本论文通过对内蒙古草原牧民生产方式、生活方式发展变化的历史过程与现状的分析研究,结合建筑学、城市规划、类型学和环境行为学等多学科对内蒙古传统草原牧民定居点和生态移民定居点居住空间的形成、演变和发展进行研究与分析,总结各个时期的牧民定居点居住空间的特点及演变过程,探索草原牧民定居点居住空间的发展轨迹及其模式语言。(l)内蒙古草原居住建筑空间形态在草原自然环境、气候、地形、资源等因素影响下产生的,牧民在生产的生活实践中总结了许多有效的技术措施来应对草原的气候和环境。内蒙古地区特有的气候特点在牧民居住建筑中得到了充分的体现。本文基于对内蒙古草原传统居住建筑营建体系和传统草原文化的追溯,通过对其传统文化和生态观的认识与理解,讨论了生产方式、生活方式和草原文化对草原传统居住空间形态影响以及居住建筑的基本构成关系。揭示了传统草原和谐发展和人居环境建设的核心是“以畜为本、以草为根、逐水草而居”的基本生态原则。(2)在类型学方法的启示下,以科学发展观为指导原则,以人居环境科学为理论基础,结合规划设计实践,对内蒙古草原传统民居建筑的发展演变进行了原型分析,经过对比、归纳和分析,总结了草原居住建筑的营建模式语言,探索适宜的草原牧民定居点居住空间模式。(3)分析了由于草原牧民生产生活方式的转变,所引起的居住建筑形态及其空间形态的演变过程,结合居住建筑实例分析总结了各种居住形态下的居住建筑空间的构成与特征,及其对传统文化的体现;分析了草原居住建筑与聚落形态的产生、演变和传承的过程中的特征语言,在此基础上,对草原传统居住建筑从生态建筑的概念出发,分析与归纳了其营建特征及经验。为探索适合牧民居住的适宜的居住建筑规划设计提供了思路。(4)蒙古包是草原游牧人民传统文化的精华,是内蒙古草原民族的象征。通过对传统蒙古包的再认识,并结合实地调研中的现代牧民的居住现状,通过与当地牧民共同完成建筑实践,尝试了传统民族建筑文化与现代建筑的结合的路径。使得新的居住建筑更加的贴切于牧民的生产、生活方式、实际需要与文化精神,并且更加的人性化,合理化。基于特殊的自然环境、人文环境和生产生活方式而产生的内蒙古草原定居点聚落及居住建筑,是“以畜为本、以草为根、逐水草而居”基本生态理念的完美体现,它和谐地统一了“天、地、人、畜、神”等多方面的因素,这样的聚落和居住建筑是草原牧民特定生产生活、生存方式的物质载体,也是内蒙古草原牧民实现“诗意地栖居”的理想模式。这种模式在当今快速城市化的时代背景下为内蒙古草原地区建设可持续发展的、和谐的社会主义新型牧民定居点和“人、畜、草原”和谐的草原人居环境提供理论依据和实践基础。

【Abstract】 Grasslands of Inner Mongolia herders homes is architectural embodiment of theprairie intelligence and stand for wisdom of the people and have an architectural formfor people to adapt to the natural environment in a certain historical period and specificproduction and lifestyles in harmony with the extremely simple ecological thinking. Onthe background of rapid Urbanization, research on pastoralist’s current homesconstruction is beneficial for the grasslands of Inner Mongolia regional architecturalculture protection and traditional building techniques to carry forward. The study notonly seeks to inherit the essence of the prairie culture, but also to explore the importantpart of the sustainable development of grassland living environment theory. Research tobetter carry out the prairie settlement construction and improve the pastoral areas livingenvironment and living conditions have important practical significance. The results ofthe research will provide a theoretical basis and practical foundation for building asustainable, harmonious socialist novel herdsmen settlements and new countryside forMongolia.The paper has given an analysis and summary of the ecological constructionexperience from the evolution of the spatial form of building construction pastoralistshomes,from the point of view of the ecological and technical re-interpretation of theprairie homes. Spatial form of the building and build morphological explore the modeof traditional architecture and refining the technology architectural vocabulary richsource of the creation of the regional architecture.Access to the multidisciplinary analysis of the papers by herders on the grasslandsof Inner Mongolia mode of production, development and change of the course of history and current situation of lifestyle, combining architecture, urban planning,typology and environmental behavior of the traditional pastoralists settlements in InnerMongolia and the ecological migrants settle and the formation of point current homesspace evolution and the development of research and analysis, the paper hassummarized the characteristics and evolution of the space of the current homes of theherdsmen settlements of various periods, and explored the steppe nomads settlementscurrent homes space development trajectory and its pattern language.(1) The grasslands of Inner Mongolia Residential architectural formed under thefactors of grassland natural environment, climate, terrain, resources, pastoralistssummarized effective technical measures to respond to the climate and environment ofthe prairie in the production life practice. The unique climate characteristics of the InnerMongolia region has been fully reflected herder’s residential buildings. Based on theretrospective of grasslands of Inner Mongolia traditional residential buildingconstruction system and traditional grassland culture, learning about their knowledgeand understanding of traditional culture and ecology concept, we discussed the effectsof the means of production, lifestyles and grassland culture grasslands on space form ofthe Traditional Residential and The Relationship of building structure. Reveals thetraditional grasslands harmonious development and the construction of humansettlements environment is the core of "animal husbandry oriented, with grass root,chase aquatic and reside" basic ecological principles.(2) On the typological method enlightenment, to the Scientific outlook onDevelopment as the guiding principle, the science of human settlements as theoreticalbasis, combining the practice of planning and design, the steppe of Inner Mongoliatraditional residential architecture evolution for the prototype analysis, by comparison,induction and analysis, summarizes the construction of grassland dwelling patternlanguage, exploring suitable grassland herdsmen settlement residential space model.(3) On the grassland herdsmen production and lifestyle changes, caused theresidence architecture form and spatial form evolution process, combined with livingexample analysis of architecture summarizes various residence under the form ofresidence building space form with the feature, and the traditional culture embodiment;analysis of grassland dwelling building and settlement pattern generation, evolution and inheritance of features in the process of language, on the basis of this, on the set oftraditional residential.(4)Ger is grassland nomadic people’s traditional culture essence, is the InnerMongolia grassland national symbol. Based on the understanding of the traditional ger,and based on the investigation of the present situation of the modern nomads residence,through with the local herdsmen to complete the construction practice, try to thetraditional national architecture culture and modern architecture of the combination ofthe path. Make the new residential building more appropriate nomads in the production,life style, the actual needs and cultural spirit, and more human, rationalization.The Inner Mongolia prairie settlement and residence building which base on thespecial natural environment, humane environment and mode of production life is theperfect embodiment unity of the basic concept of ecological that’ animal husbandryoriented, with grass root, chase aquatic and reside’. it harmoniously unified’ the heavens,the earth, human, animal, God "and so on many factors, such settlement and residencebuilding is the steppe nomads specific production life, way of the material carrier life,but also in Inner Mongolia steppe nomads realize" poetic dwelling" is an ideal model.Nowadays, under the fast city changes background, this pattern provide the InnerMongolia prairie area construction sustainable development, harmonious socialist newtype herdsmen settlement and" people, livestock, prairie grassland habitat environment"harmony and provide a theoretical basis and practical foundation..
