

The Extension Research of Characteristic Agricultural on Sloping Farmlands Utilization

【作者】 张炜

【导师】 刘晓君;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 坡耕地占我国耕地面积的比例较高,由于人地矛盾突出,加之传统的耕作方式,坡耕地不仅产量低而且水土流失严重,对生态环境造成极大破坏。国家高度重视坡耕地的合理利用,通过小流域综合治理以及退耕还林工程,生态环境得到一定改善,综合生产能力提高,并为发展特色农业创造了条件。但在坡耕地发展特色农业的过程中仍然存在一些问题,特色农业种植结构不合理,发展过程中未能正确处理经济与生态的关系,经济发展和生态重建不能协调统一;未能理顺坡耕地特色农业发展中利益主体间的关系。因此,调整坡耕地土地利用结构和特色农业产业结构,是坡耕地特色农业可持续发展战略的必由之路。本文的研究思路和相关成果不仅对于坡耕地特色农业可持续发展具有重要的理论意义和参考价值,而且对于调整特色产业结构,增加农户收入等具有现实意义和实用价值。(1)论文在分析坡耕地特色农业涵义及基本要素的基础上,运用可拓学理论和分析方法(蕴含分析、发散分析、相关分析和共轭分析),得到坡耕地特色农业发展中的不相容问题及产生的原因,构建了特色农业发展的可拓决策模型及可拓策略集,在此基础上建立了特色农业种植结构优化的多目标规划模型,并以榆林市总体规划及县级规划和产业集群规划为例进行实证分析,以横山县为例进行种植结构优化多目标规划实证分析。(2)论文对坡耕地特色农业的三个子系统(经济系统、生态系统、社会系统)进行研究,分析了坡耕地特色农业发展的各种因素及相互制约相互促进的关系,应用系统动力学方法建立了特色农业发展的因果关系图及系统流程图。以此为基础构建了坡耕地特色农业的系统动力学模型,并对坡耕地特色农业发展进行模拟仿真和预测。以米脂县坡耕地特色农业为例进行实证分析,根据不同发展模式确定出动力学模型中相关参数值,米脂县坡耕地特色农业的发展水平、经济效益和生态效益。(3)论文在对坡耕地特色农业利益相关者分析的基础上,利用经典博弈理论和进化博弈理论对农户参与坡耕地特色农业的行为选择机理进行分析。政府应该在特色农业发展初期给予一定补助吸引农户参与,发展中应确保参与农户获取一定的经济收益,才能使农户积极参与特色农业的建设。

【Abstract】 Slope in China accounted for the proportion of cultivated land area is higher, due tothe obvious contradiction between human and land, together with the traditionalfarming methods, not only low yield of slope and soil erosion is serious, the ecologicalenvironment caused great damage. Countries pay much attention to the rational use ofslope, through the small watershed comprehensive management and returning farmlandto forest project, the ecological environment have been improved, improve thecomprehensive production capacity, and for the development of characteristicagriculture created conditions. But in the slope in the process of the development ofcharacteristic agriculture there are still some problems, the characteristic agriculturalplanting structure is not reasonable, in the process of the development of failed tocorrectly handle the relationship between economic and ecological, economicdevelopment and ecological reconstruction can not harmonious and unified; Failed torationalize slope characteristic agricultural development in the interests of therelationship between the main body. Therefore, adjust the slope land use structure andcharacteristic agricultural industrial structure, characteristic agriculture is the slope ofthe strategy of sustainable development way. This paper research ideas and relatedresults not only for slope characteristic agriculture sustainable development hasimportant theoretical significance and reference value, and to adjust the industrialstructure, increase farmers characteristics such as income has practical significance andpractical value.(1)Based on analyzing slope characteristic agriculture meaning and basicelements of the basis, using extension theory and analysis method (contain analysis,divergent analysis, correlation analysis and conjugate analysis), get slope in thedevelopment of characteristic agriculture incompatible problems and reasons, and constructs the development of characteristic agriculture extension decision model andextension strategy set, on the basis of the established characteristic agricultural plantingstructure optimization of the multi-objective programming model, and use the overallplanning of yulin city and county planning and industrial cluster planning as an example,the empirical analysis in hengshan county were taken as an example for plantingstructure optimization multi-objective programming empirical analysis.(2)Papers on slope characteristic agriculture three subsystem (economic systemand ecological system, social system, analysis of the slope of characteristic agriculturedevelopment of all kinds of factors that restricts each other and promote each otherrelations, the application of system dynamics method to establish the characteristicagriculture development of causality diagram and system flow chart. Based on the slopeconstruction of characteristic agriculture system dynamics model, and the slopecharacteristic agriculture development in simulation and prediction. To MiZhiXianslope characteristic agriculture as an example for empirical analysis, according todifferent development model to determine the dynamic model of the relevantparameters, MiZhiXian slope characteristic agriculture development level and economicbenefit and ecological benefit.(3)The thesis is on slope characteristic agriculture based on the analysis of thestakeholders, the use of classical game theory and evolutionary game theory to slopecharacteristic agriculture farmer participation in the behavior choice mechanism to carryon the analysis. The government should be in the characteristic agriculture developmentinitial period is certain to give subsidies attract farmers to participate in, developingshall ensure that participate in farmers get certain economic benefits, to make farmersactively participate in the construction of characteristic agriculture.
