

Basic Research on Standard System of Residential Building Energy Consumption Index Classification

【作者】 张卫华

【导师】 刘加平;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 当前,我国新建城镇住宅建筑按照国家建筑节能设计标准设计建造,符合国家建筑节能标准,但是,由于生活质量的提高,人均住房面积的增加,导致人均建筑能耗和户均建筑能耗的差异性扩大。控制建筑能耗的增长,根本途径在于设计建造低能耗的建筑物。由于住宅建筑的质量等级有所差别,造成了不同质量等级建筑的人均能耗差异巨大。20%的高收入人群大约消耗了40%的能源。因此,控制建筑能耗的增长,应该对不同质量等级的住宅建筑实行不同的节能标准,使高能耗建筑的节能责任更大。我国公民有平等地使用能源的权利,住宅建筑的能耗也是和人的活动密切联系的,因此,要研究建筑能耗使用的公平性,不能撇开人均能耗这个指标。作者针对不同质量等级的住宅建筑的能耗问题,开展了大量研究,尝试对不同质量等级的住宅建筑进行能耗指标的分级,以实现能源使用的公平性。作者以西安市的既有住宅建筑为例,选取不同年代、不同面积和不同构造的住宅建筑作为样本,对既有数据、图纸进行整理编订,实地调研住宅建筑的热工参数、住户的收入情况和家庭人口数量等等。通过对不同质量等级典型建筑的热工性能和能耗指标现场测试、计算和模拟分析,建立了不同质量等级住宅建筑单位面积耗热量指标的分布规律。在此基础上,结合居民生活现状分析城镇住宅建筑的单位面积耗热量指标以及人均和户均耗热量指标的分布特征和规律,运用公平理论和需求层次理论,参考阶梯电价的方法和原理,初步为城镇住宅建筑的能耗指标做出了分级。得到主要研究成果如下:1.随着建筑技术的提高,建筑物单位面积的耗热量指标下降。单位面积的耗热量指标和住宅建筑的构造、建筑技术关系密切。2.以西安市为例,占人口比例80%的人群,单位面积人均能耗指标是3Kw·h/m~2·人·年,占人口比例为15%的人群,单位面积人均耗热量指标是3-3.5Kw·h/m~2·人·年,占人口比例为6%的人群,单位面积人均耗热量指标在3.5-4Kw·h/m~2·人·年。3.以西安市为例,占人口比例80%的人群是中、低收入人群,20%的人群是高收入人群,根据测算和换算,单位面积人均耗热量指标,随着住宅面积的增加而增加。我们调研的住宅面积,也随着户均收入和人均收入的增加而增加。城镇住宅建筑的单位面积人均耗热量指标与各户经济收入之间呈正比关系。4.根据研究结果,依据单位面积人均耗热量指标,将城镇住宅建筑耗热量指标做出如下分级:第一级:单位面积人均能耗在大于1Kw·h/m~2·人·年小于3Kw·h/m~2·人的,为第一级,此为基准建筑能耗指标,在此能耗指标区间的,不加收能耗使用费;第二级:单位面积人均能耗在3-3.5Kw·h/m~2·人·年以上的,为第二级,在此能耗指标区间的,加收能耗使用费10%;第三级:单位面积人均能耗在3.5-4Kw·h/m~2·人·年以上的,为第三级,在此能耗指标区间的,再加收能耗使用费10%;补贴级:单位面积人均能耗小于1Kw·h/m~2·人·年的,为补贴级,在此能耗指标以下,不但不加收能耗使用费,相反还应该进行能耗补贴。5.依据分级研究成果,对我国建筑节能技术标准体系和法律体系的完善提出了立法建议。本文通过对城镇住宅建筑能耗指标的分级研究,可以为相关建筑设计规范的制定提供指导,对单位面积人均耗热量指标超过社会平均值的大户型建筑提出了更高的节能指标要求,以利于实现能源使用的真正公平。通过这些措施,可以有效降低高能耗人群的建筑能耗,控制未来新增建筑的能耗增长,实现建筑节能的目标。此外,本文的研究成果还可以为立法机关提供一定的立法技术支持。以研究成果推动立法机关制定具有强制执行力的规范性文件,对促进建筑节能法律体系的完善同样具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 At present, China’s new residential building have been built in accordance with thenational building standards of energy-saving design.With the improvement of lifequality, the increase of the per capita housing area, which resulted in the expanding ofdifference of the energy consumption per capita and the average energy consumption.To control the growth of building energy consumption, the basic way lies in design andconstruction of low energy buildings. Due to the quality level of residential building isdifferent, resulting in the difference of per capita energy consumption of buildings indifferent quality level buildings. About20%of the high income people consume about40%of the energy. Therefore, controling of the growth of building energy consumption,it should be execute different energy-saving standards in different quality level ofresidential buildings.So that, the high energy buildings have greater responsibility ofsaving building energy.Our citizens have equal rights to use energy, energy consumption of residentialbuilding is closely linked to human activities.Therefore, to study the fairness of buildingenergy consumption, energy consumption per capita of the index can not be ignored.The energy consumption problem in view of different quality level of residentialconstruction, carried out a large number of research. In order to realize the fairness ofenergy consumption,we try to classify with different quality grade residential buildingenergy consumption indicators..In Xi’an City, both residential building as an example, select a different age,different area and different structure of the residential buildings as the sample, collected and compiled the existing data and drawings,investigate and collect the thermalparameters, household income, family population and so on. According to the indicatorstest, calculation and simulation analysis of different quality grades of typical buildingthermal performance and energy consumption, established the distribution of heatconsumption index of different quality grade residential construction unit area. On thisbasis, combined with the distribution characteristic and rule, status quo analysis ofunit area residents living consumption index of residential building as well as per capitahousehold consumption index and using the equity theory, hierarchy of needs theory,method and principle of ladder price reference, made the initial grading for urbanresidential building energy consumption index. The main research results are as follows:1.With the improvement of construction technology, building’s heat consumptionindex per unit are decreased. The heat consumption index and per unit area is close tothe residential building structure, building technology.2.In Xi’an, for example,80%of the population, per capita energy consumption perunit area index is3Kw·h/m~2·man·year, population is15%people, accounts for15%ofthe population, the population proportion index of heat consumption per unit area is3-3.5Kw·h/m~2·man·year, accounts for6%of the population, the population proportionindex of heat consumption per unit area in3.5-4Kw·h/m~2·man·year people.3. In Xi’an, for example, account for80%of the population is the medium andlow-income people,20%of the population is high income people.According to themeasurement and conversion, heat consumption index per unit area is increase with theincrease of the residential area. Our investigation of the residential area, with worth alsoincrease with the increase of the income and the per capita income. Urban residentialbuilding’s index of heat consumption per capita and per unit area have inverseproportion relation between family economic income.4. According to the results, based on the index of heat consumption per unit area,the urban residential building heat consumption index to make the followingclassification:The first stage: per capita energy consumption per unit area in greater than1Kw·h/m~2·man·year, who, in less than3Kw·h/m~2·man·year.This is the index ofbenchmark for building energy consumption, energy consumption index in this interval, no energy consumption fees to be charged.Level second: per capita energy consumption per unit area in3-3.5Kw·h/m~2·man·year, who, for the second level, within the range of the energyconsumption index, additional energy consumption costs10%.Level third: the per capita energy consumption per unit area in3.5-4Kw·h/m~2·man·year, who, for the third level, within the range of the energyconsumption index, further increase energy use fees for10%.Subsidy level: per capita energy consumption per unit area less than1Kw·h/m~2·man·year, who, to subsidies under the energy consumption index, not onlyno energy consumption fees to be charged, instead it should be given energy subsidies.5. According to the classification results, put forward the suggestion on perfectingthe construction onf energy-saving technical standards system and legal system.In this paper, the classification study of urban residential building energyconsumption indicators, can provide guidance for related building design code, theindex of heat consumption per unit area than the social average energy-saving index oflarge family construction put forward higher requirements, in order to realize the fairuse of energy. Through these measures, can effectively reduce the high energyconsumption of building energy consumption crowd, control the future energyconsumption growth in new construction, realize the goal of building energy efficiency.In addition, the results of this research can also provide certain legislation technicalsupport for the legislature. Based on research results to promote the legislature hasnormative documents enforced formulation, also has an important significance toimprove legal system of building energy conservation.

  • 【分类号】TU241;TU111.195
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】544
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