

Consistency and Conflict: Research on Trust Type and Civil Society Structure

【作者】 唐琪

【导师】 唐兴霖;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 马克思主义中国化, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在当代社会科学研究的题域中,信任与市民社会作为两个研究的主题成为社会科学家关注的主题。在相当长的历史时期中,信任与市民社会只是分别作为研究命题吸引着社会科学家。到了20世纪80、90年代,市民社会在西方的复兴,为信任与市民社会关系探讨提供了历史性的契机。无论信任还是市民社会都与人密切相关,信任本质上归结为人的信任,而市民社会则本质上归结为人对良善社会秩序的追求。人们总是希望生活在良善的社会秩序之中,良善的社会秩序不仅仅能带来人的行为的确定性,同时人与人之间不是遵守霍布斯的丛林法则,而是信任的逻辑贯穿始终。当人们对某个事物需求迫切之时,恰恰是最缺乏。社会发展的悖论以及信任危机的全球化,使得人们生活的不确定性增加,不确定性带来的复杂性严重影响到人们的生存与生活,作为复杂性简化的信任的重要作用就更加凸显出来,同时,市民社会作为良善秩序的凭借,在晚期资本主义的逻辑下,市民社会也完全丧失掉了自主性,需要重建市民社会来达致良善的社会秩序。信任与市民社会在这里开始的联结。信任与市民社会的联结揭示了信任与市民社会之于社会的横断面的意义。并没有揭示信任与市民社会在社会历史变迁过程中关联。在社会变迁过程中,信任与市民社会结构都随之发生变化,信任与市民社会结构变迁在纵向的历史面向中其如何发生关联?信任类型是如何生发出来的?市民社会结构在不同历史阶段其本质的结构性特征是如何规制的?信任类型与市民社会结构变迁的内在联系如何?等等这些命题构成了研究起点。本文建构一个分析性框架,从历史的视角来对信任类型与市民社会结构关系进行阐释。人们从不同的视角出发来认识、分析和解释社会,传统社会—现代社会—后现代社会的三元结构成为经典的分析框架。结构功能主义理论和冲突理论从不同的面向来探讨社会变迁。本文以社会变迁的经典性分析框架和两种经典社会变迁理论为基础,建构一个分析框架,展开信任类型与市民社会结构关系的研究。本文共分为六个部分,第一部分,“绪论”。绪论主要提出了选题的背景以及选题的重要意义,并且对信任变迁、市民社会变迁以及信任与市民社会关系三个方面进行文献梳理,为理论框架的建构提供坚实的基础。第二部分,“信任变迁与市民社会结构变迁:概念、理论与框架”。首先,明确信任变迁的逻辑前提在于社会变迁,社会变迁分为广义的社会变迁和狭义的社会变迁,结构功能主义与冲突理论构成了社会变迁的两种经典理论,并且明确信任变迁的实质是指信任结构变迁,随着社会变迁,信任经历了特殊信任——普遍信任——制度信任的变迁过程。市民社会结构包括内在结构和外在结构,历史维度中,市民社会结构经历了古典市民社会结构——现代市民社会结构——当代市民社会结构的变迁。以结构功能主义与冲突理论为基础构建起来信任类型与市民社会结构变迁的分析框架,信任类型与市民社会结构变迁既有着统一的一面,也存在着分裂。统一体现社会秩序的稳定,分裂体现社会秩序的发展。第三部分,“特殊信任与古典市民社会结构”。首先,明确特殊信任是人类社会信任类型的首属形态,提出特殊信任的生发机理和特殊特质。其次,从公民社会、政治社会、文明社会三个维度来规制古典市民社会结构。再次,分析特殊信任与古典市民社会结构统一的原因以及分裂的趋势和过程。第四部分,“普遍信任与现代市民社会结构”。这一部分沿着特殊信任与古典市民社会结构分裂提出需要新的信任类型以及市民社会结构的变迁。对普遍信任兴起的背景的原因进行的了分析,并且从哲学、政治学、经济学、社会学四个维度对普遍信任进行了阐释;其次,提出现代市民社会结构主要具有经济内涵,经济社会与市场社会构成其本质属性。分析普遍信任与现代市民社会结构之间的关系,现代市民社会结构也经历了经济社会向市场社会的过渡,如果说经济社会与普遍信任是相互促进的关系,那么当现代市民社会结构转向市场社会时,反对封建等级秩序的现代市民社会结构的革命性就开始演变成为维护特殊利益的保守性,普遍利益极易发生逆转,变成维护利益集团的特殊信任。特别是当国家与社会交织在一起,国家社会化和社会国家化的风险要求新的信任基础以及重建市民社会。第五部分,“制度信任与当代市民社会结构”。这一部分分析制度信任兴起的背景及其特征,当代市民社会结构发生了四次大的变迁,文化本质揭示当代市民社会结构的共性。当代市民社会结构承认国家与社会分离的基础上,对国家社会化和社会国家化的反思提出国家、市场、市民社会三元结构,并在统一与分裂的框架中揭示了制度信任与当代市民社会结构的关系。第六部分,“结论”。这一部分总结本项研究的基本观点。

【Abstract】 In the contemporary social sciences domain, trust and civil society as the twotopics have become a focal point, more and more social scientists pay more attentionto them. In a long historical perod, trust and civil society is respectively attracts socilscientists.In80s and90s of20thcentury, the revival of the civil society in the westprovides a opportunity for talking about the relationships between trust and civilsociety. Both trust and civil society are closely related with people, in essence, trust isrelated to relations between people and people, and civil society is essentially relatedto the pursuit of perfect social order. People hope to live in perfect social order, itbrings to the certainty, and every body is not abide by the law of the jungle of Hobbes,but the logic of trust throughout the development process. When people start to needsomething, finding to it is disappearing. The paradox of social development and theglobalization of trust crisis, has led to increasing uncertainty, it influences to people’ssurvival and life, trust plays an important role in simplifying the complexity, and atthe same time, civil as a symbol to a perfect social order has completely loses theautonomy under the logic of the late capitalism, it provides a new need to get theperfect social order throughout rebuild the civil society, trust and civil society start tointerweaving.The relationship between trust and civil society reveals the importance ofcross-section to the society, but it not reveals the relationships in the process of socialchange. In the process of social change, the structure of trust and civil society are allchanged, what is the relationships between trust and civil society and how it happen?How trust type is produced? civil society structural charaterisitc in different historicalperiods is how to regulate? what is the inner link between trust types and civil society?these topics constitute the starting point. This paper hope to propose a analyticalframework, to analyse the relationship between trust and the structure of civil society.People stand different standpoint hold different perspective for understanding,analysising and interpretating society. The traditional society, the modern society andthe postmodern society constitute a classical analytical framework.The structuralfunctionalism theory and conflict theory are different two classical theory of socialchange, they explore the social change frome different aspects.Based on the theory ofsocial change, construct a analytic framework, to analysis the relationships betweentrust types and the structure of civil society.This paper will be divided into six parts.The first part of “introduction”.this part mainly puts forword the subjects of the background and the importancesignificance,and make a literature review on trust, civil society and the relationshipsbetween trust and civil society, and provide the solid foundation for the constructionof theoretical framework.The second,“trust structure change and civil society structure change:concept,theory and frame work”. First of all, propose the social change is the logical premiseof trust structure change and civil society structure.it contains two concepts:the broadand the narrow. Structural functionalism and conflict theory constitue the classicaltheory of social change. Trust change means trust structure change in essential, withthe social change, trust experienced special trust, general trustand system trust. Thestructure of civil society including internal and external structure. In historicaldimension,civil society structure has undergone a classical civil society structure,modern civil society structure,and the contemporary civil society structure.Based onthe structural functionalism and conflict theory, we build up a analytical framework oftrust types and civil society structure change.on the one hand, they have a unified side,on the other hand, there are separated. Unity reflects the stable of social order,separation reflects the development of social order.The third,“special trust and the classical civil society structure”. The specialtrust is the first type, it needs special occurrence mechanism; the classical civilstructure has different aspects and significance; explaining the cause of unity andanalysis the division of the trend and the process.The fourth,“universial trust and the modern civil society structure”. With thedevelopment of society, it needs a new trust type and civil society structure. Here,analysis the background of the general trustand interpretate the general trust fromphilosophy, political science, economics, sociology. Secondly, The modern civilsociety is difined as the economic society and market society, the economic andmarket society constitute its essence attribute, economic society and market societyare different stage, they reflect the developing stage of modern civil society structure,the economic society is the first stage, the market society is the second. The formerand the general trust are promete each other, the latter show the other side. Especiallywhen economic society turn to market society, the modern civil society against thefeudal hierarchy structure and once revolutionary forces begin to lost revolutionary,gradually becoming the conservative fore. The general trust dissimilated, the specialinterest replace the general interest constitue the foundation of society, especially when the state and the society are intertwined, the risk of state socialization andsociety nationalization require new the trust foundations and rebuild the civil society.The fifth part,“system trust and the contemporary civil society”. This partanalysis the background and characteristic of the system trust. The contemporary civilsociety has experienced four great changes, there are four representatives.cultureessence is the common nature attribute, reveal the common characteristic of thecontemporary civil society. Based on the separation of the state and the society, putforword the three dimension structure of state, market and society through reflectionof state socialization and society nationalization, and analysis the relationshipbetween the system trust and the contemporary civil society.The final part,“conclusion”. This part makes a conclusion, summarizing thebasic argument.
