

Research on Resouce Scheduling Problems during Ship Block Assembly Process

【作者】 陶宁蓉

【导师】 蒋祖华;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 机械工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在现代造船模式下,船体分段建造过程是整个造船的瓶颈,其生产周期长,生产过程中的资源约束多。优化调度分段建造中各类资源,合理地计划和控制其生产建造过程,是缩短船舶建造周期、提高我国造船业竞争力的关键因素之一。分段建造过程可以分解为车间建造成型、堆场修补打磨以及过程中的运输。而分段建造与一般工件生产的最大不同在于其对空间资源的需求,如对建造空间、堆放空间和运输空间的需求等。此外,负责建造分段的劳务队和负责运输分段的平板车也属于分段建造过程中的核心资源。基于此,本文具体的研究内容包括以下几个方面:(1)针对分段建造车间的空间资源需求,分析了船体划分分段的特性,提出分段的空间约束处理方法。基于三维时空调度模型,引用三维装箱中一种较新的定位算法并进行改进,提出了一种同时优化时间和空间资源的分段建造空间调度优化算法。(2)针对负责建造分段的劳务队资源受限,而各劳务队的工艺水平和能力的差异导致分段所需的建造周期偏离标准周期从而带有不确定性的特点,综合考虑了空间利用率和劳务队负荷平衡两个优化目标,构建了分段建造车间空间调度和劳务队分配的组合优化模型,运用遗传算法与时空定位算法,得到较优的空间及劳务队的调度计划。(3)考虑到分段堆场空间资源的不合理利用是造成厂区内交通阻塞的重要因素之一。研究了堆场上分段的堆位选择、分段临时移动等问题,并在此基础上,以最少分段临时移动次数为优化目标,以满足分段存取时间、堆放空间和运输空间的需求等为约束,建立了分段堆场调度模型,并提出基于禁忌搜索的优化算法。(4)为了实现分段在堆场和场间的运输,研究了存在多车运一物的运输调度问题。基于平板车的数量和运输能力的限制,以最少物流时间为优化目标,考虑了平板车空载行驶时间、任务等待时间以及任务延迟时间,构建了分段运输的调度优化模型和混合优化算法。(5)结合国内船舶建造企业的分段建造管理实际,构建分段建造管理信息系统。以某企业的分段建造过程中空间等资源的调度优化为例,验证了算法对解决实际生产调度问题的有效性。

【Abstract】 In moden shipbuilding mode, ship block assembly process has a longproduction time and multi-resource constraints, which is the bottleneck of theentire shipbuilding cycle. Thus research on how to optimally schedule therelated resources during the ship block assembly process would help tomanage and control the shipbuilding process, shorten the shipbuilding cycle.It is a key to improving the productivety and competitiveness of shipbuildingenterprises.The ship block assembly process can be viewed as including: assemblingin ship block assembly workshop, repairing in ship block storage yard andship block transpoortation therebetween. The ship block assembly process isdifferent from normal production process because of the requirement ofspatial resource, such as, assembly space, storage space and the space fortransportation. Besides, working teams for assembling work and flattransporters for transporting work are also very important resources. Withrespect to the above analysis, the main contents of this dissertation areoutlined as follows:(1) For the spacial resource requirement in ship block assemblyworkshop, analyze on the characteristics of shape of ship blocks, and proposea method to handle spatial cosntraint. Based on the three dimensionaltime-spacial model, a new positioning algorithm is proposed and improvedreferencing to the three-dimensional packing algorithm. The objective of thealgorithm is to optimize the time and spacial resources in ship block assembly workshop simultaneously.(2) For the limited resource of working teams which are the units of shipblock assembly work, and the differences in the technology and the ability ofeach working team would lead to the asssembly time of ship block uncertain,a combinational mathematical model of the spatial scheduling and theworking team assignment is built, with the multi objectives on both thetime-spacial optimization and the workforce balance. A method combininggenetic algorithm and the time-spacial positioning algorithm described aboveis proposed for a better scheduling plan in ship block assembly workshop.(3) One of the key factors that cause traffic jams in shipbuildingenterprises is the unresonable spacial resource utilizaiotn in ship blockstorage yard. With the objective on minimizing the block temporarymovements in the ship block storage yard, research on the locationassignment algorithm, the temorary movement strategy and the ship blocksequence optimization is made in order to meet the time and spacialrequirements of storing ship blocks and the space and path contraints of flattransporters.(4) In order to transport ship blocks among different locations, thetransportation scheduling problem considering multi cars for one object at atime is researched. Since the quantity and ability of flat transporters arelimited, an optimization scheduling model and method are proposed with theobjecitve to minimize the logistics time, which includes the nun-load time offlat transporters, the waiting time and the delay time of ship block tasks.(5) Considering the practice of ship block assembly management inshipbuilding enterprises of our country, a ship block scheduling system isconstructed. Take the data of the ship block assemly process in one of the shipbuilding enterprises for example, the resource scheduling methods areillustrated to meet the actual requirement of the shipbuilding enterprise.
