

Research on the Key Technology for New Cryogenic Superfluid Gyroscope Based on Matter Wave Interference Effect

【作者】 谢征

【导师】 刘建业;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 导航、制导与控制, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 4He超流体的交流约瑟夫森效应和物质波干涉技术是低温凝聚态物理学领域取得的前沿研究成果,基于此技术实现超流体陀螺仪是当前世界上新概念陀螺技术研究的一个重要方向,其中,从物理效应研究到形成超流体陀螺仪理论还面临若干关键的问题。本文针对这些问题开展了研究,主要工作包括:开展了超流体物质波干涉仪模型研究与实现超流体陀螺技术的分析。对4He超流体物质波干涉仪的典型基本结构和数学模型进行研究,分析了超流体物质波干涉(Sagnac环路)模块、驱动模块和振动信号输出模块的机理。开展超流体量子干涉仪敏感角速度机理的仿真,通过仿真结果分析了线性、非线性、大动态、小动态情况下输入角速度的影响特点。根据理论和仿真结果总结分析了超流体量子干涉仪实现成为陀螺的四个关键问题:角速度解算、角速度检测范围、稳定驱动和超流体干涉特性的陀螺误差性能分析等。在超流体陀螺角速度检测技术方面,论文研究了两种有效的技术方案:时域分析的薄膜位移增量法;频域分析角速度解算方法。并通过解算效果的对比,优选得出时域分析的薄膜位移增量法能够直接而准确地解算得到角速度值。针对此方法产生的偏值和跳变误差,研究给出了相应的抑制误差处理,使误差水平得到了显著抑制,降低了一个数量级。该角速度检测技术解决了目前超流体干涉陀螺在有角加速度情况下角速度信息提取的问题。论文研究了扩展超流体陀螺量程的问题。首先对超流体干涉仪的角速度检测范围进行了原理研究和仿真分析,总结了量程限制以及影响因素。采用加热补偿方式设计了两种工作点控制方案:幅值锁定法和历程监测法,两种方案均能有效达到扩展角速度检测范围的目的。通过仿真对比了两种方案,结果显示历程监测法综合效果更好。研究进一步提出了避免加热补偿超过超流体上限的限制补偿技术。为扩展监测灵敏度,提出了一种新型的多层多超流回路干涉盘结构,在使用同等面积的情况下,能将超流体陀螺的灵敏度和分辨率提高2~3个数量级,进一步增强了超流体陀螺在这些方面的优势。对于超流体陀螺的稳定驱动和动态相差补偿,论文开展了超流体热动力学问题分析。以超流体双分量模型及其理论为基础,通过数值模拟超流管路中的非定常热扩散和势差驱动非定常对流,得到了热扩散和势差驱动对流在超流体管路中演变到稳定所需的时间(即响应滞后时间)。分析指出了势差驱动对流是动态响应的主导机理,并根据数值计算结果总结了超流体势差波传播特征和响应滞后时间与音速和管路长度的关系。首次给出了超流体陀螺干涉环路中对动态输入的响应滞后特性,并在分析掌握了热驱动和压差驱动各自优缺点的基础上,设计了一个兼顾两者优势的组合驱动补偿方案。最后,研究建立了一套具有稳定热驱动、相位动态补偿、角速度位移增量提取、滞后校正模块等环节的超流体陀螺性能仿真模型。以该模型为基础开展了陀螺特性的仿真分析,分析了超流体陀螺的误差特性。结果显示,本课题新提出的新型超流体物质波干涉陀螺,在变输入角速度输入情况下的物质波Sagnac干涉信号检测方法、兼顾高灵敏度和大工作范围的超流体陀螺仪方案、超流体陀螺稳定驱动和补偿技术、动态响应滞后及校正等方面的技术方案是有效的。本文基于发展新型超流体陀螺理论研究的需求,对4He超流体物质波干涉陀螺理论和方案进行了深入和系统的研究,为后续超流体陀螺的研究和工程实现提供理论基础和参考。

【Abstract】 A new superfluid Sagnac effect, which can be obtained by interference of matter-waves in a4Hesuperfluid loop, was presented innovatively by recent advanced progress of the low temperaturecondensed matter physics, such as: AC Josephson effect waves, etc. Then, it is became a veryimportant direction to develop the superfluid gyro-scope based on the new superfluid Sagnac effect,because the superfluid gyro-scope has a very high potential precision. There are several key problemsin developing superfluid gyroscopes theory based on the current research results in superfluidphysical effects. This paper focused on those key problems, and the main works and results of thisdissertation are following:At first, the modeling of superfluid matter wave interferometer and the technology frame analysisof superfluid gyroscope was studied.4He superfluid matter wave interferometer typical configurationwas presented and mathematical model was explored. Then superfluid matter wave Sagnacinterference mechanism in a loop was presented, drive module and the vibration signal output modulewere analyzed. The simulation of the superfluid quantum interference device shows how themeasurements of angular velocity is affected by virous rotation conditions, such as linear or nonlinearchanged rotation speed, large or small angular acceleration velocity. The theory analysis andsimulation results show that the following four problems must be solved to develop a superfluidquantum interference device to a gyro:1) calculating of the variable angular velocity,2) enlarging therange of angular velocity detection,3) steadily driving superfluid,4) the performance and erroranalysis of superfluid interference gyro.In second stage, to develop angular velocity detection technology of superfluid gyroscope, twomethods were studied, one was based on time domain analysis of thin film displacement incrementand the other was based on frequency domain analysis. The comparison between the results of suchtwo methods indicated that the method of time-domain analysis of thin film displacement increment isbetter. By using it the angular velocity value can be solved directly and accurately. There are the biaserrors and fluctuation errors emerging in calculating results, so the corresponding research in handlingthis error was carried out and the error level was significantly suppressd by one order of magnitude.This work obtained an effective method to solve the variable angular velocity.Moreover, the method of extending measurement range of superfluid gyroscopes was investigated.First, the range of angular velocity detection of the superfluid interferometer was analyzed inprinciple and simulation, and the factors affecting the measurement range were summarized. Then two methods based on heating compensation were proposed to control the work point of superfluidgyro: amplitude locking method and history monitoring method. Both of the two methods caneffectively extend the range of measurement. Comparison between the two methods throughsimulation. The results showed that the history monitoring method is better. To avoid heatingcompensation larger than the upper limit of the superfluid without quantum noise,a limitcompensation method was studied. Further more, in order to increase the sensitivity of superfluid gyro,a new type of superfluid interference disk with multi-layer and multi-loop configuration was proposedand researched. With same sense aeras, the new superfluid interference disk can be more sensitivewith two to three orders of magnitude than single loop design, and the sensitivity advantages insuperfluid gyroscope was further improvedd.To develop the technology of stable driving superfluid and dynamic compensation of phasedifference, the numerical computation and analysis of superfluid thermo-dynamics was carried out inthis dissertation. Based on superfluid two-component model, unsteady convection and transient heatdiffusion driven by the potential difference in superfluid tube were numerical simulated. Respondingtimes of superfluid in straight tube and circus tube, in which the thermo-dynamic motion reachssteady status, were obtained by numerical simulations. Analysis showed that the potentialdifference-driven convection is the dominant mechanism of the dynamic response of superfluid. Therelationship between responding time and the characteristics of potential difference wave propagationincluding the speed of superfluid sound and the length of tube was explored and presented. The valuesof responding times of the superfluid gyroscope under dynamic input were obtained for the first time,which is a key characteristic parameter to analyse the dynamic performance of gyroscope.At last, a set of superfluid gyro-scope performance model, including stable thermodynamic drivingmodule, dynamic phase compensation system, angular velocity detection technology, lag correctionmodule was established. The simulation analysis of a superfluid gyro performance was carried out.The results showed that the newly proposed superfluid matter wave interference gyroscope designwas effective and feasiblewith, which is based on above research works in calculating of the variableangular velocity, enlarging the range of angular velocity detection, steadily heat driving andcompensation, and handling the response time lag..Closely linked to the demand of developing the new superfluid gyroscope theory, a thorough andsystematic research on4He superfluid matter-waves interference gyroscope has carried out in thisdissertation. Achievements of the study will be valuable reference to form the new superfluidgyroscope theory and promote the superfluid gyroscope technique.
