

Research on Generating Dynamics of First-class Disciplines in Innovative University Based on Knowledge Network Perspective

【作者】 李春林

【导师】 丁云龙;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 公共管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着知识经济、全球化和信息时代的到来,大学已经从社会边缘走向社会中心,成为社会的知识中枢。以麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学为代表的研究型大学,利用自身研究成果,积极主动参与国家和区域经济发展,不断强化大学服务社会职能,引发了大学的第二次学术革命,催生了创新型大学的发展模式。目前,将基础研究和教学与创业创新相结合的创新型大学发展模式,正在成为学院界的榜样。许多国家都开始重视创新型大学建设,一些世界知名大学也积极向创新型大学转型。我国政府自20世纪90年代以来先后实施了“211工程”和“985工程”,出台多项规划和措施,积极推进世界一流大学建设。虽然国家已经明确提出到2020年,我国要有若干所大学达到或接近世界一流大学水平,但对于如何建设世界一流大学,目前许多中国大学还没有明确思路,还在积极探索中。随着创新型国家战略和科教兴国战略的提出和实践,大学作为国家创新体系的重要组成部分和人才培养的重要基地在国家现代化建设进程中必将发挥越来越重要的作用。创新型大学的发展为中国大学迈向世界一流水平提供了一种重要的参考模式。学科是大学的肌体和细胞,世界一流大学建设最终是个学科接轨的问题,要建设创新型大学首先要建设一流学科。因此,对创新型大学一流学科生成机理进行研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文在对国内外现有研究成果梳理和总结的基础上,以知识网络理论为理论基础,引入社会网络理论、组织成长理论、知识管理理论等多种理论和方法,从内部知识网络、外部知识网络和内外部知识网络耦合三个视角深入分析了创新型大学一流学科的生成机理,进而提出了创新型大学一流学科生成的治理策略。首先,本文分析了大学职能的演进及各类型大学的主要特征,凝练了创新型大学的典型特征。总结了对学科内涵的界定,回顾了大学学科的演进历程。将社会网络理论、组织成长理论、知识管理理论迁移到研究中,为后续研究提供理论支撑。界定了创新型大学、学科、一流学科、生成、知识、学科知识网络等核心概念,分析了创新型大学一流学科知识网络的功能及连接,总结了创新型大学与一流学科建设的关系,揭示了创新型大学一流学科的生成本质,提出了全文的研究架构。其次,从知识管理理论和社会网络的理论方法出发,结合定性和定量分析方法,分析了学科内部知识网络的内涵及成因,探讨了创新型大学一流学科内部知识网络的知识传播、知识生产和知识应用活动。选取了H大学D学科作为典型案例,深入分析了学科内部知识网络的演化和特征,进而从内部知识网络视角揭示了创新型大学一流学科的生成机理。从外部知识网络结构维度、关系维度和认知维度三个构面对创新型大学一流学科生成的外部知识网络影响因素进行实证研究。构建了概念模型并提出研究假设,进行问卷调查和回收并进行数据分析,运用结构方程模型方法,详细论证了假设中提出的影响因素的作用大小和作用方式,并据此对模型和假设进行了检验,揭示了各影响因素的作用机理与实际效应。再次,提出了创新型大学一流学科生成和演化机理理论模型,选取H大学W学科作为典型案例进行了纵向的精致案例研究,从初创期、恢复发展期、改革创新期和成熟期四个阶段详细分析了学科的发展演化进程,对案例学科的成长规律进行了总结,并通过多个案例对结论进行了验证。最后,结合当前我国创新型大学一流学科建设的实践,分别从内部知识网络、外部知识网络及内外部知识网络耦合三个角度提出了创新型大学一流学科生成的治理策略。

【Abstract】 As the times of knowledge economic, globalization and informatization hasarrived, universities have transited from the margins to the center of our society,which have become the main knowledge center. Some research universitiesrepresented by MIT and Stanford utilized their own research accomplishments totake an initiative part in domestic and regional economic development, which havetriggered the second academic revolution and in turn promoted the developmentpatterns of innovative universities. So far, the development patterns of innovativeuniversities which integrated fundamental research, teaching and entrepreneurialinnovation are becoming the representative models of the academic community.Many countries have started to focus on the establishment of innovative universitiesand many world-famous universities have been transforming into innovativeuniversities initiatively.Since1990’s, Chinese Government had been implementing the "211project"and "985projects" successively, and had established a series of schemes andmeasures to enhance the construction of world-class universities vigorously.Although China has specifically proposed that several universities should haveachieved or approximated the criteria of world-class universities by2020, yetuniversities in China have not come up with a specific plan and have always beenexploring it actively. As the strategy of "building up an innovative country" and"revitalizing China through science and education" being proposed andimplemented, universities, which are the significant part of domestic innovationsystem and talents’ cultivation, have been making tremendous influence in themodernization process of China. The development of innovative universities hasprovided an important reference pattern for universities in China to approximate thecriteria of world-class universities. Disciplines are the body and cells of universities,and the construction of world-class universities will ultimately become the issue ofdisciplinary integration, the construction of innovative universities must focus onestablishing first-class disciplines. Therefore, the study for the generating dynamicsof first-class disciplines in innovative universities has both theoretically andpractically Significance. This paper analyzed and summarized domestic and overseas accomplishments,and introduced many theories and methods, such as the theories of social network,organizational growth and knowledge management.from the internal knowledgenetwork, external knowledge network, internal knowledge network and externalknowledge network coupling perspectives, revealed the generating dynamics offirst-class disciplines in innovative universities,and then the governance strategiesfor establishing first-class disciplines in innovative universities were presented.Firstly, this paper analyzed the evolution of university function and the maincharacteristics of universities in various types, and then summarized the typicalfeatures of innovative universities. Summed up the meaning of the definition ofdiscipline and recalled the Evolution of the disciplines in university.The coreviewpoints of social network, organizational growth and knowledge managementtheories were introduced, which provided theoretical foundation for this research.The concept of innovative universities, disciplines, first-class disciplines,generating, knowledge and knowledge network of disciplinary were defined, thenode function of external knowledge network was analyzed, and the relationshipbetween the construction of innovative universities and first-class disciplines wassummarized, revealed the generate essence of first-class disciplines in innovativeuniversities, and the research framework was proposed finally.Secondly, based on the theoretical methods of knowledge management andsocial network, integrated with the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis,the connotation and Causes of disciplinary internal knowledge network wasanalyzed, and the knowledge transmission, production and application activitieswere discussed from the perspective of disciplinary internal knowledge network.Taken the D discipline in H University as representative cases, the evolution andcharacteristic of internal knowledge networks was analyzed deeply, and thenrevealed the generating dynamics of first-class disciplines in innovative universitiesfrom the internal knowledge network perspective.a practical study on theinfluencing factors of external knowledge network in establishing first-classdisciplines of innovative universities was conducted based on dimensionalities ofexternal knowledge structural, relationship and connotations. A conceptual modelwas constructed and research hypothesis was proposed. Then a questionnaire surveywas performed and the data was collected and analyzed. Ultimately, the impact and pattern of the influencing factors presented in hypothesis was particularlydemonstrated, and based on which the model and hypothesis was inspected, and thefunction mechanism as well as realistic effect of various influencing factors wasproclaimed.Thirdly, the study framework on the generation and enovation mechanism offirst-class disciplines in innovative universities was presented. Taken the Wdisciplinary in H University as representative cases, the disciplinary evolutionprocess was analyzed according to the phases of establishment, redevelopment,revolutionary innovation and maturity and then the development patterns of thecases were summarized, the Conclusion were verified through many cases.Finally, the governance strategies for establishing first-class disciplines ininnovative universities were presented from the perspectives of internal knowledgenetwork, external knowledge network as well as internal knowledge network andexternal knowledge network coupling integrated with the current practice inestablishing first-class disciplines in innovative universities of China.
