

Research on Active Fault Tolerant Control and Experiment of the Varistructured Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor

【作者】 唐梓力

【导师】 郝明晖; 郝双晖;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 电磁弹射系统具有重量轻、体积小、效率高、维护方便、可控性好等优点,成为了各国航空母舰新装备升级的研究热点。直线电机控制的可靠性问题是该系统研究领域的一个重要问题。根据近年电磁弹射系统的研究文献,相关研究中大部分与直线电机控制可靠性技术直接或间接相关。但根据目前的研究,直线电机的结构和控制方法设计多采用集中式或分段式方案,采用这些方案的电磁弹射系统容错能力有限,无法充分满足电磁弹射系统对可靠性的要求。因为集中或分段结构的电机及其驱动系统局部或整体失效,将降低系统推力输出性能,甚至导致系统整体故障。针对目前相关研究存在的一些问题,本文在分析了电磁弹射系统直线电机需求特性、电机高效驱动原理、电机故障检测与诊断等若干关键技术及待解决科学问题的基础上,以提高直线电机控制的可靠性为目标,提出了一种面向电磁弹射系统的变结构永磁直线同步电机及其主动容错控制策略,研究了变结构永磁直线同步电机主动容错控制相关的若干关键技术方法,并实验验证了所提控制策略和相关方法的正确性和可行性。集中式和分段式的直线电机容错能力有限,且在效率方面,结构参数固定不变的特性不适合于电磁弹射单向全程加速的特点。为此,本文提出了结构参数变化的永磁直线同步电机,并分析了电机的变结构特性。通过有限元分析,研究各线圈对应的速度段电机结构参数变化对气息磁密的影响。同时,研究结构参数变化对永磁直线同步电机推力大小及推力波动的影响,给出研究和分析的结果。电机结构参数的变化,使电机定子齿线圈面对的控制对象特性发生改变,电机线圈须独立控制,以适应不同控制对象的要求。对此,本文对基于线圈独立控制的电机绕组进行了设计,研究了结构参数变化对线圈的异质特性的影响,并建立了考虑线圈异质特性的永磁直线同步电机电气数学模型。以这些研究和分析结果,为独立线圈节点自律分散控制研究奠定基础。基于自律分散控制方法,提出并研究了面向容错控制的变结构永磁直线同步电机自律分散控制策略。基于节点显式协调理论,研究了采用多节点实现永磁直线同步电机矢量控制的方法。并且,针对变结构永磁直线同步电机参数非线性的特性,提出电机的推力控制模型和基于反电势补偿的推力控制策略。同时从提高系统响应频率的角度出发,提出了基于状态观测器的速度和位置控制策略,并进行了仿真和实验研究。针对变结构永磁直线同步电机及其特殊的控制方法,提出并研究了电机其节点控制系统故障检测的方法,为容错控制研究奠定基础。针对变结构永磁直线同步电机控制特点,对电机控制系统节点故障进行分类,研究了节点线圈故障、逆变器故障、电流传感器故障和基本定子单元衰减等故障环节的检测方法。并针对提高故障检测准确性问题,进行故障信号数字滤波器设计。在电机及其控制系统故障检测研究的基础上,深入研究了基于控制律重构的、针对变结构永磁直线同步电机的主动容错控制策略。基于变结构永磁直线同步电机其控制系统故障检测结果,对变结构永磁直线同步电机各种故障状态的故障特性进行了分析,在此基础上,提出了针对不同故障特性的控制律重构数学模型,并深入探讨控制律重构后系统的稳定性问题。为验证所提出得容错控制方法,建立了变结构永磁直线同步电机主动容错控制的实验平台,并论述系统的算法和软件的实现。针对变结构永磁直线同步电机的各种故障情况进行容错控制实验,给出电流重构实验结果,并对比故障前后动子加速度和速度变化特征。用实验结果证明了本文提出的主动容错控制策略的有效性和实用性。

【Abstract】 Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) is used for take-offassistance of the carrier aircraft; it is becoming a popular research subject in thecarrier-related area. Control reliability of the linear motor is a key issue for theEMALS project. According to the literatures found, nearly seventy percent of theliteratures in this area are somehow related to the control reliability of the linearmotor problem. However, in the literature, all the proposed solutions are based on thecentralized or segmented linear motor. These kinds of motors are low reliable interms of their lack of system redundancy, once a segment of the motor collapses, thewhole launch system fails.For the unreliable problem of the research in the literature, we propose avaristructured permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) withindependent winding of each stator tooth, expecting to solve the problem ofefficiency optimization、 dynamic thrust control quality, and the motor controlreliability; And propose an active fault tolerant control methodology for thevaristructured PMLSM used in EMALS; study the key technologies for the reliabilityrelated issue the PMLSM. And experiments were carried out to prove the proposedmethod.The centralized or segmented linear motors are low reliable; and in the aspect ofthe efficiency, motors with constant structural parameters are unsuitable for theunidirectional working condition. First of all, this paper studies the structurevariation of the proposed varistructured PMLSM, and analyzes its attribute. In thispart of the job, the structural parameters variation of the motor is analyzed. Theinfluences of the structural parameters in different speed section on the air gap fluxdensity, and the influences of the structural parameters variation on the thrustmagnitude and thrust ripple, are studied based on the finite element analysis. Thecontrolled objects of every coil are different due to the variation of the motorstructure, so independent control of each coil is needed. For this requirement, thewound method of the PMLSM and the influence of the variable structure on coilattribute are studied. Mathematical model of the PMLSM considering coil attributedifference is built. These studies and their results provide reference to theautonomous decentralized control of the proposed PMLSM.For the control methodology, this paper proposes the autonomous decentralizedcontrol strategy for the fault tolerant control. The vector control of the PMLSM bymultiple autonomous atoms is proposed, based on the explicit coordination of the atoms. In addition, thrust control model of the motor and a back-electromotive forcebased control methodology are proposed, according to the nonlinear variation of thestructural parameters. In order to improve the system response frequency, strategiesbased on state observer for the velocity and position control are proposed, andsimulations and experiments are carried out.For active fault tolerant control of the varistructured PMLSM, this paperproposes a corresponding fault detection and diagnosis methodology. In this part ofthe job, the faults of the autonomous decentralized atoms are categorized, accordingto the special feature of the PMLSM control. And fault diagnosis method of themajor faults of the atoms and basic motor unit output decrement are studied. Inaddition, a digital filter for fault signal is designed, for the improvement of the faultdetection accuracy.For the most important part of the paper, an active fault tolerant control strategyfor the PMLSM is proposed based on the control law reconfiguration. And based onthe fault detection and diagnosis result of the motor and its autonomous controlatoms, we analyze different fault features of the PMLSM. On the basis of the faultfeature analysis, we propose the mathematical model of the control lawreconfiguration, and study the stability of the reconfigured system.In the end, we build a test bench for the fault tolerant control of the PMLSM,and describe the algorithm of the system. In the fault tolerant control of theexperiment of the PMLSM, the results of the faults diagnosis and the current controllaw reconfiguration are shown. The comparison experiments of the acceleration andvelocity of the PMLSM’s secondary are carried out. The experiment results prove theproposed fault tolerant control methodology.
