

Study on the Key Technology of the3D Seismic Exploration in the Loess Plateau Area and Its Application

【作者】 罗建峰

【导师】 柴敬;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 矿业工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 开展矿区地质勘探,查明研究区地质概况是矿区规划设计、矿井安全高效生产的前提。九龙川矿区属典型的中国西部黄土塬覆盖区,其黄土巨厚,地貌主要由黄土塬、河谷阶地和低山丘陵组成。针对九龙川矿区这一典型区域,开展巨厚黄土沟壑地区三维地震勘探中的关键技术问题及其应用研究意义重大。本文以宁中煤田九龙川煤矿为工程背景,采用理论分析与工程实践相结合的方式对厚黄土沟壑地区三维地震勘探技术进行了系统的研究。通过对巨厚黄土塬区深层结构特点、地震激发参数特点的研究,提出了巨厚黄土塬区野外地震合理激发方法,分析了研究区地表、浅层及深层的地震条件。对比分析了不同激发层位、激发主频对地震勘探的影响,给出了巨厚黄土塬区三维地震勘探激发参数的选取方法。塬上井深在10m~16m之间的硬层激发,沟中井深在3m~12m之间的硬层激发;黄土厚潜水位深的地段采用6井组合激发,沟中黄土较薄地段3~5井激发;每井药量1kg~3kg之间,总药量不要超过12kg,可获得较好的资料。详细地分析三维地震处理技术包括静校正方法、能量补偿技术、综合去噪技术、地表一致性反褶积技术以及DMO处理技术等,并针对巨厚黄土塬区的地震特点,对上述技术进行了相应的处理和试验,通过对比分析,得到了巨厚黄土塬区关键处理技术和相应参数,基准面1200m;替换速度3500m/s;地表一致性反褶积预测步长12ms等。研究了巨厚黄土塬区煤层构造及煤层厚度预测方法及理论,建立了巨厚黄土塬区构造解释方法,得到了九龙川矿区三个区块的构造分布规律。查明了研究区主要的煤层构造及厚度变化情况,全区共控制背向斜10个,其中背斜5个,向斜5个。一块区勘探查明落差大于5m的断层2条,走向近EW,均为正断层。通过调谐理论、波阻抗反演方法对煤层厚度及变化趋势进行了预测,建立了基于调谐理论、波阻抗反演方法的巨厚黄土塬区煤层厚度预测方法,对九龙川矿区三个区块的煤层厚度及变化趋势进行了预测。建立了基于双相介质理论和神经网络理论的巨厚黄土塬区煤层瓦斯预测方法。对一块区、三块区煤层瓦斯相对富集区进行了预测,并通过三维地震探明一块区煤8层瓦斯相对富集区有三处:相对富集区Ⅰ位于测区中北部NZ512钻孔处面积约0.04km2;相对富集区Ⅱ位于测区中东部NZ702钻孔处面积约0.78km2;相对富集区Ⅲ位于测区东NZ814钻孔处面积约0.39km2。三块区煤8层瓦斯含量的两极变化为0~7.5ml/g。最后,通过对三维地震勘探和钻探结果进行分析对比,基于上述研究成果,对九龙川矿地质勘察结果在宁中煤田的矿区规划、矿井开拓方案研究以及煤层开采建议等问题进行了研究。为九龙川矿区的科学规划和绿色开采提供了可靠的技术保障。

【Abstract】 Carrying out geological exploration and identifying the general geology is the premiseof planning and design of mining area. It’s also the premise of safety and high efficiencyproduction. JiuLongChuan mining area belongs to typical loess plateau area, which is coveredby the huge thick loess and whose landscape is mainly composed of loess tableland, valleyterraces and low hills. In view of the typical region, it is of great significance to carry out theresearch on the key technical problems and application of3D seismic exploration in loessplateau area.Taking JiuLongChuan coal mine as engineering background, this paper combinestheoretical analysis and engineering practice to study the technology of the3D seismicexploration in loess plateau area. Through the research on characteristics of deep structure andseismic excitation parameter, a reasonable method of field seismic excitation is proposed andthe seismic conditions are analyzed in the surface, shallow and deep layer. Based oncomparing different excitation horizons and excitation frequency, the paper analyses theinfluence to the seismic exploration and obtains selection method of3D seismic excitationparameters in loess plateau area. Excitation is selected in hard layer whose well depth isbetween10m~16m on the plateau. The well depth is between3m~12m in the ditch.6wellscombinational was adopted to stimulate in the areas where loess is thick and water table is deep,3~5wells combinational was to stimulate adopted in the areas where loess is thin; each wellcontains1~3kg gunpowder, and total dose should not exceed12kg, good information can beobtained.Under the detail techniques analysis in3D seismic data process, include staticcorrection, energy compensation, comprehensive eliminating noises, surface-consistentdeconvolution and DMO, aimed at the seismic characteristic of loess plateau, seismic dataprocess and relative test have been done using those techniques accordingly.Though the wayof contrast and ayalysis of data and test results, the key process techniques and corresponding parameters that suitable to loess plateau have been given, datum select as1200m, replacementvelocity as3500m/s, and prediction step as12ms in surface-consistent deconvolution.The paper studies on the prediction method and theory about coal seam structure andthickness in the loess plateau area. It establishes a interpretation method about structure andgives structure distribution about the three blocks of JiuLongChuan mining area. It identifiesthe main coal seam structure and variations in thickness. There are10fold, including fiveanticlines and five synclines. Exploration of the first block find out2normal faults whosefalls are more than5m and which are broadly in NW direction. Coal seam thickness andvariation trend are forecasted by adopting tuning theory and wave impedance inversionmethod. Based on the tuning theory and wave impedance inversion method, the predictionmethod about coal seam thickness in the loess plateau area is established. It forecasts coalseam thickness and variation trend in the three blocks of JiuLongChuan mining area.Based on two phase medium theory and the neural network theory, it establishes theprediction method of coal bed gas in the loess plateau area. It predicts the gas enrichmentzones in the first and third block. The3D seismic exploration has obtained three gasenrichment zones. The no.1relative enrichment zone is located in the north-central detectionarea, it is near NZ512drill-hole and its area is about0.04km2.The no.2relative enrichmentzone is located in the middle-east detection area, it is near NZ702drill-hole and its area isabout0.78km2. The no.3relative enrichment zone is located in the east detection area, it isnear NZ814drill-hole and its area is about0.39km2. The polar change of gas content of eightcoal layer is0~7.5ml/g in the third block.Finally, by contrast results of3D seismic exploration with results of drill-holeexploration, in the basis of above-mentioned research results, the paper studies questions suchas planning of mining areas, mine development plan and coal seam mining suggestion inNingZhong coal field based on geological investigation results of JiuLongchuan coal field,and provides reliable technical guarantee of scientific planning of mining area green miningfor JiuLongchuan coal field.
