

Researchs on Biological Control of Agrilus mali Matsumura (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in Stands of Malus sieversii in Xinjiang

【作者】 王智勇

【导师】 杨忠岐;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林保护学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 苹小吉丁Agrilus mali Matsumura,又名苹果金蛀甲、旋皮虫、串皮虫,分布于俄罗斯,日本,朝鲜半岛以及我国北方十多个省。主要危害苹果、梨、桃、杏、沙果、海棠等树木枝干。该虫于1993年在新疆首次发现,20年来在新疆野果林中迅速蔓延,并发展为当地珍贵的新疆野苹果Malus sieversii的头号杀手。2011年其发生面积达到5.8万亩,占野果林总面积的40%,并已导致约1万亩果树枯死。由于苹小吉丁以幼虫在树皮下蛀食危害,生活隐蔽,常规方法很难防治。为此,我们开展了苹小吉丁生物防治技术研究,结果如下:1.研究了苹小吉丁生活史。结果表明,苹小吉丁在新疆巩留县和新源县一年发生一代,以2-3龄幼虫越冬,越冬代幼虫5月中旬开始陆续化蛹,6月中下旬为化蛹高峰,蛹期一直持续到8月中旬;5月下旬成虫开始羽化,6月初可在野外发现成虫,7月中下旬为羽化高峰;6月中旬成虫开始产卵,产卵一直持续到9月中旬;第一代幼虫从6月下旬开始孵化,到11月初进入越冬期。苹小吉丁的发育很不整齐,这也是防治困难的原因之一。2.通过调查取样,研究了苹小吉丁的分布规律。表明苹小吉丁广泛分布在巩留县和新源县的野果林中。在受害程度方面,新源县的受害程度总体上较巩留县的严重,海拔越高受害越轻,靠近水源的树相比远离水源的树受害轻。将调查的枝条按照着生方位、着生高度、受害程度以及每头苹小吉丁危害处枝条的直径来统计虫口。结果表明,幼虫的分布与枝条的方位和高度的关系不明显。但是在枝条受害程度上,严重受害的枝条(树叶枯死率为76~100%)上虫口数显著少于对其他3种受害程度(树叶枯死率0~25%;26~50%;51~75%)的枝条。枝条的直径对苹小吉丁虫口影响也较大,直径20~55mm的枝条,集中了81.78%的虫口。此外,还根据调查的数据,拟合了苹小吉丁虫口数量的线性回归方程,并分别根据苹小吉丁在不同受害程度及不同直径的枝条上的分布规律,总结出了另外两种苹小吉丁虫口数量的计算方式。3.测定了苹小吉丁幼虫的龄数。通过人工饲养苹小吉丁卵,获得一龄幼虫,然后在林间定期采集不同发育阶段的幼虫进行度量,分别测量了幼虫的口缘宽、尾叉长和体长,根据这三个指标的数据,依据Dyar定律,通过频次统计分析方法,结合Crosby指数及蜕皮幼虫进行验证,将苹小吉丁幼虫分为5龄。其中口缘宽和尾叉长是比较准确的分龄指标。4.系统调查了苹小吉丁各发育阶段的自然控制因子及其控制作用。研究中发现了苹小吉丁天敌11种:卵期、幼虫期捕食性天敌1种;幼虫期寄生性天敌茧蜂7种;蛹期寄生性天敌姬蜂1种;幼虫期和蛹期跨期寄生性天敌小蜂1种;寄生苹小吉丁越冬代幼虫、蛹、成虫以及第一代幼虫的蒲螨1种。另外,还记录了3种其他制约因子。这些因子合在一起,分别导致了巩留和新源两地苹小吉丁种群67.66%和68.57%的自然死亡率。在调查到的天敌中,乌黑刻柄茧蜂Atanycolus denigrator寄生率最高,在巩留和新源两地分别达到19.10%和12.00%,球腹蒲螨Pyemotes sp.的寄生效果率次之,在巩留和新源分别为6.30%和10.13%。5.对球腹蒲螨的生物学特性进行了研究,并进行了室内寄生苹小吉丁试验。结果表明,球腹蒲螨为胎生,7天左右就可发生一代,平均每头雌螨可产雌87.5头、产雄5.5头。蒲螨对繁殖的环境要求不严,寄主选择范围较广,可以蜂类幼虫作为繁殖寄主。蒲螨在室内对苹小吉丁幼虫的寄生率最高达到47.83%。由于蒲螨在野外可以靠风力传播,因此可以进行野外大规模淹没式释放,应用前景良好。6.测定了4种肿腿蜂对苹小吉丁幼虫的寄生作用。选用白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂Sclerodermuspupariae、落叶松吉丁肿腿蜂Sclerodermus sp.、苹小吉丁肿腿蜂Sclerodermus sp.和管氏肿腿蜂Sclerodermus guani分别按5个放蜂比例(0.5:1、1:1、2:1、4:1、8:1)(天敌:寄主),对苹小吉丁进行了林间套袋放蜂防治试验,30d后检查效果显示:4种肿腿蜂对苹小吉丁虫均有一定的寄生防治效果,但以白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂效果最好,以蜂虫比8:1的数量放蜂的虫口校正减退率达65.56%。次年,在苹小吉丁虫口调查的基础上,将白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂按这5个比例在林间直接释放进行防治试验,分别在放蜂后30d、45d、60d进行防治效果调查,结果显示:放蜂比例越大,防治时间越长,防治效果越好,以8:1的放蜂比例的校正虫口减退率达到50.97%。结果表明,白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂是苹小吉丁的优良天敌,结合苹小吉丁其他种群制约因子,可以达到控制苹小吉丁的防治效果。7.研究了色板对苹小吉丁的引诱效果。利用红、粉红、黄、蓝、浅蓝、绿、紫、白、灰、黑10种颜色的色板,在林间按东、南、西、北四个方向,以及在树高2.5m和4m两种高度悬挂,进行了苹小吉丁诱集试验。结果表明:黄色和白色粘虫板引诱效果显著好于其他8种颜色;悬挂于北方的色板诱集的苹小吉丁最多,与其他3个方向差异显著,悬挂高度为4m的色板效果显著好于悬挂高度为2.5m的色板。但是从整个色板诱集苹小吉丁成虫的效果来看,最好的色板20天内诱集到46头苹小吉丁,起到的防治效果还比较有限,有待进一步研究和改进。通过调查和研究,明确了苹小吉丁的生活史、幼虫龄数、危害规律以及虫口调查方法,总结出了人工释放肿腿蜂防治苹小吉丁技术,以白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂防治效果最好。研究了球腹蒲螨防治技术,为利用其防治打下了基础。掌握了苹小吉丁种群制约因子的种类及自然控制能力的大小,对利用自然天敌和色板防制苹小吉丁进行了探索并提出了苹小吉丁综合防治建议。

【Abstract】 The apple buprestid, Agrilus mali Matsumura (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), is a devastatingborer of apple trees (Malus spp.). The damage is caused by larvae as they bore in the phloemand the cambium, with serious infestations, dieback of branches can be led, and even death ofthe whole tree. In1995, A. mali was found in Xinyuan, Yili, Xinjiang Uygur AutonomousRegion, attacking the endangered Xinjiang wild apple Malus sieversii (Ledeb.) Roem, the soleancestor of nowadays cultivars of the apple Malus domestica. After nearly20years of spread,40%of the Xinjiang wild apple forest, over3866.67hm2stand was damaged, and another666.67hm2stand has dead. Agrilus mali has became the primary threat of M. sieversii. For thelarvae living under the bark, insecticide are hard to contact, consequently, biocontroltechnologies were researched, and the results are as fallowed:1. Field survey of A. mali life history has been executed. Results indicated that, A. malihas one generation annually in Xinjiang, and overwinters in larval stage. Pupating takes placein mid May, till in mid August. Emerging begins in late May, and the adults appear about10days later. Oviposition begins in mid June and lasted in three months. In late June, the firstgeneration larvae begins to hatch, and in November they go into overwintering period. Thisresults are mainly consistent with previous studies, but all four stages of A. mali appear earlierand last longer, which means that its development is more irregular than the previous studies.2. Distribution patterns of A. mali larvae has been researched by field survey. At15subquadrats in Gongliu and Xinyuan,150M. sieversii were checked and all of them weredamaged in different degrees. Generally, the wild apple forests of Xinyuan were damaged moreseriously than Gongliu, and the tree grows at higher altitudes or closer to the water sourceusally suffered less. The populations of A. mali were counted by surveyed branches in differentways (i.e. the branch direction, the branching height, the damage degree and the branchdiameter measured for each larval gallery). It showed that the larvae distributions at different directions and heights has no significant difference, but populations in the branch with76~100%dead leaves, are significant less than other three damage degrees of branches (percentageof dead leaves:0~25%,26~50%,51~75%), and81.78%of larvae distribute on the branchwith20~55mm diameter. In addition, three calculating methods of A. mali population havebeen concluded, to meet different case.3. Determination of A. mali larval instars was studied. The larvae were sampledperiodically in forest, and the eggs were collected to hatch the first instar larvae. Threecharacteristics (i.e. peristoma width, urogomphus length and body length) were measured.According to the Dyar’s law, the data was managed with frequency analysis, and examined byone-way ANOVA method, Crosby ratio and checked with molting larvae, A. mali larva hasbeen divided into five instars, and all three determination characteristics are effective exceptbody length.4. Population limiting factors of A. mali were surveyed in Gongliu and Xinyuan.11species of natural enemies and3other factors were found. They totally caused67.66%and68.57%mortality of A. mali in Gongliu and Xinyuan respectively. The parasitoid waspAtanycolus denigrator (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is the dominant natural enemy, caused19.10%and12.00%parasitization in Gongliu and Xinyuan respectively, Pyemotes sp. takessecond place, caused6.30%and10.13%parasitization in Gongliu and Xinyuan respectively.5. Biological habits of Pyemotes sp.(Acariformes: Pyemotidae) were researched. Resultsshowed that the mite has strong reproductive capacity. Its reproductive modes is viviparity, andits generation cycle is about7days, each female mite can produce87.5female progenies and5.5male progenies in average. Requirements of reproductive condition for this mite is easy tosatisfy. Its host selection range is wide, and the larvae of wasps are the best. Using Pyemotes sp.to control A. mali with indoor test, the highest parasitization gets47.83%. According to theresearch, Pyemotes sp. is a promising natural enemy, attaching with its wind dispersal ability,the application prospect of Pyemotes sp. is bright. 6. Four species of bethylid wasp, i. e., Sclerodermus pupariae, S. guani and another twospecies in the genus Sclerodermus,were applied under five different releasing ratio (0.5:1,1:1,2:1,4:1,8:1)(parasitoid number: host number) by bagging. Results showed that, after30d, allof the four parasitoids are effective, and the best is S. pupariae, making A. mali65.56%rectified reducing rate at ratio of8:1. After investigating the population of A. mali, S. pupariaehas been released directly on the damaged M. sieversii with the5ratio, and checked after30d,45d, and60d. The results showed that, the reducing rate is not only increasing as the timegoes by, but also increased by the higher releasing ratio. The best treatment is using8:1releasing ratio for60d, making A. mali50.97%rectified reducing rate. This result showed that,S. pupariae is an excellent parasitoid of A. mali. Combined with other natural limiting factors,A. mali would be completely controlled.7. Color traps were tested with different patterns of color and setting mode to learn ofattraction of A. mali adults. Results indicated that, the color of yellow and white aresignificantly more attractive than red, pink, blue, light blue, green, purple, grey and black; trapshanging in north are significantly more effective than the others; traps hanging at4m heightare significantly better than those hanging in2.5m height. The best board caught46A. maliadults during20days testing, which was lower than the expectation, the color traps still need toimprove.Through these surveys and researches, A. mali life history, larval instars and damageregulation has cleared; three calculating methods of A. mali population have been concluded;technique of using parasitoid S. pupariae to control A. mali in the forest stands was summarize;population limiting factors of A. mali had been mastered; color traps for adult were tested. Atlast the integrated management measures for A. mali were recommended.
