

A Research on the Competitiveness of Xinjiang Export Trade

【作者】 顾成军

【导师】 龚新蜀;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 出口贸易竞争力在已有文献中被广泛认为一种直接或间接获取某种利益的能力,并且这种能力来源于出口产品具有的比较优势。实际上出口贸易竞争力来源下影响出口产品比较优势大小的内外两种因素。对于本文仅研究新疆对上合组织成员国出口特色加工食品类产品、机电设备类产品、能源加工制品类产品和矿产加工制品类产品四类产品来说,内部因素是生产出口产品的技术进步。由于产品的生产技术在短期内难以被竞争对手所破解进行仿造,所以技术进步导致出口产品技术含量提升而形成的竞争力为出口产品的品质竞争力。外部因素是削减阻碍产品出口的贸易壁垒,所以贸易壁垒削减使出口产品形成的竞争力为出口产品价格竞争力。由于新疆出口贸易实际受技术进步和削减贸易壁垒的共同影响,所以新疆出口贸易竞争力可能表现为出口产品的品质-价格综合竞争力。于是,出口贸易竞争力的内涵便被拓展了,而本文也是基于对出口贸易竞争力内涵的拓展对后续第三章至第七章展开分析的。第三章:新疆出口贸易的发展状况。本章主要依据四类产品对上合组织成员国出口表现出来的特征提出了两种出口贸易模式:出口驱动型出口和进口引致型出口模式。新疆特色食品加工类产品和机电设备类产品对上合组织成员国出口具有“为了出口而出口”和受市场机制“无形的手”影响的特征,从而将此两者纳入出口驱动型出口模式;新疆能源加工制品类产品和矿产加工制品类产品对上合组织成员国出口具有“为了进口而出口”和受政府问合作“有形的手”影响的特征,从而将此两者纳入进口引致型出口模式。然后,利用相关统计数据和格兰杰因果关系检验分析方法验证了出口驱动型出口和进口引致型出口两种出口模式的存在性。第四章:新疆出口贸易竞争力的机理分析。通过设定机理分析的基本假设、需求和成本函数的具体表达式,以及衡量出口贸易竞争力水平的抽象函数表达式,求解了出口驱动型出口和进口引致型出口两种出口模式成立的约束条件;同时给出了出口驱动型出口和进口引致型出口两种出口模式下基于价格竞争力、品质竞争力,以及品质-价格竞争力的提升和提升循环的机理分析过程和具体的数学表达式。第五章:新疆出口贸易竞争力的测定。在探讨了出口贸易竞争力的显示性指标法和分析性指标体系法的优劣的基础上,选取了价格水平、显示性比较优势指数和产品多样化指数3个显示性指标进行出口驱动型出口和进口引致型出口两种模式下将新疆对上合组织成员国出口特色加工食品类产品、机电设备类产品、能源加工制品类产品和矿产加工制品类产品的出口贸易竞争力的具体测定。但是竞争力测定排序分析的目的不是进行比较分析,而是分析出口产品竞争力排序的稳定性和一致性,从而验证出口驱动型出口和进口引致型出口两种模式的受市场机制“无形的手”影响的特征和受政府间合作“有形的手”影响的特征。第六章:新疆出口贸易竞争力主要影响因素的经济效应。一方面是分析技术进步(需求-价格弹性)和削减贸易壁垒(汇率变化率)对出口驱动型出口模式下新疆特色加工食品类产品和新疆机电设备类产品出口贸易竞争力的具体影响及其敏感程度和对进口引致型出口模式下新疆能源加工制品类产品和新疆矿产加工制品类产品出口贸易竞争力的具体影响及其敏感程度。另一方面是分析价格水平与出口量结构比在对新疆出口贸易竞争力影响因素中的地位。出口驱动型出口模式下新疆特色加工食品类产品和新疆机电设备类产品的出口应优先考虑从出口量的角度寻求方法,而不是先从价格水平的角度着手;而进口引致型出口模式下新疆能源加工制品类产品和新疆矿产加工制品类产品的出口应优先考虑从价格水平的角度寻求方法,而不是先从出口量的角度着手。第七章:新疆出口贸易竞争力提升的对策建议。主要分析了出口驱动型出口模式下新疆出口贸易竞争力的提升对策、进口引致型出口模式下新疆出口贸易竞争力的提升对策和新疆出口贸易竞争力提升的其他相关对策3个方面的内容。同时,两种出口贸易模式下的对策建议均是从技术进步和削减贸易壁垒两个方面提出的,只是出口驱动型出口模式下以技术进步方面的对策建议为主,而进口引致型出口模式下以削减贸易壁垒的对策建议为主。

【Abstract】 The export trade competitiveness in the existing literature is widely considered as a kind of direct or indirect ability to obtain certain benefits, and the ability comes from the comparative advantage of export products. Actually, the export trade competitiveness comes from the inside and outside factors that influences the level of the comparative advantages. As to this paper only studied four categories of products that are the characteristic processed food products, the mechanical and electrical equipment products, the energy processed products and the mineral processed products exported by Xinjiang to the SCO Member States, the internal factor is technological progress in the production of export products. The production technology is difficult for competitors in the short term to copy, so the competitiveness, which improves the technological content by the technological advances, is called the quality competitiveness of export products. The external factors are cutting down export trade barriers, so the competitiveness that comes from cutting down export trade barriers is called the price competitiveness of export products. Actually, the export trade of Xinjiang is influenced by the technological progress and cutting down export trade barriers, so the Xinjiang export trade competitiveness may be manifested as the quality-price competitiveness. Therefore, the connotation of the export trade competitiveness be expanded, and the analysis of chapter3-7of this paper is also based on it.Chapter3:the development status of Xinjiang export trade. This chapter that mainly based on the characteristics of the four categories products exported to the SCO Member States puts forward two kinds of export trade mode:the export driven by export and the export caused by import. The characteristic processed food products and the mechanical and electrical equipment products of Xinjiang exported to the SCO Member States have the characteristics:"export for export" and influenced by "the invisible hand" of market mechanism, so they are belong to the export driven by export mode. The energy processed products and the mineral processed products of Xinjiang exported to the SCO Member States have the characteristics:"export for import" and influenced by "the visible hand" of intergovernmental cooperation, so they are belong to the export caused by import mode. Then, by using statistical data and Grainger Granger causality analysis method, the existences of two export modes are tested.Chapter4:the theoretical analysis of Xinjiang’s export competitiveness. By setting the basic assumptions of the theoretical analysis, the specific expression of the demand and cost functions, and the abstract expression of measuring the level of the export trade competitiveness, the constraint conditions are established for two export modes. At the same time, the theoretical analysis process and the specific mathematical expressions of its improvement and improvement circulation for the price competitiveness and quality competitiveness and quality-price competitiveness are analyzed.Chapter5:the admeasurements of Xinjiang’s export competitiveness. Based on discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the methods of the revealed index and the analyticity index to the export trade competitiveness, the Xinjiang’s export competitiveness of the four categories products that are the characteristic processed food products, the mechanical and electrical equipment products, the energy processed products and the mineral processed products and are exported to the SCO Member States under the two export mode are admeasured by3revealed index of the Price Index and the Comparative Advantage Index and the Product Diversification Index. However, the purpose of admeasuring the export competitiveness and sequencing analysis is not for the comparative analysis, is to analyze the stability and consistency of sequencing to the competitiveness of export products and to test the characteristics of "the invisible hand" of market mechanism of the export driven by export mode and "the visible hand" of intergovernmental cooperation of the export caused by import mode.Chapter6:the economic effects of main influencing factors of Xinjiang’s export trade competitiveness. The main one is to analyze the influences and the sensitive degrees caused by the technological progress (the demand-price elasticity) and cutting down export trade barriers (the rate of the exchange rate) under the export driven by export mode for the characteristic processed food products and the mechanical and electrical equipment products, and under the export caused by import mode for the energy processed products and the mineral processed products. On the other hand is to analyze the impact positions of the price level and exports structure ratio in the factors of Xinjiang’s export competitiveness. The export of the characteristic processed food products and the mechanical and electrical equipment products should give priority to seek the methods for the export quantity, not for the price under the export driven by export mode; but the export of the energy processed products and the mineral processed products should give priority to seek the methods for the price, not for the export quantity under the export caused by import mode.Chapter7:the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the competitiveness of Xinjiang export trade. This chapter mainly analyzes3aspects of:the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the competitiveness of Xinjiang export trade under the export driven by export mode; the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the competitiveness of Xinjiang export trade under the export caused by import mode; the other countermeasures and suggestions to improve the competitiveness of Xinjiang export trade. At the same time, the countermeasures and suggestions of two export modes are presented from two aspects of the technical progress and cutting down export trade barriers, but the countermeasures and suggestions mainly are presented and based on the technological progress under the export driven by export mode and cutting down export trade barriers under the export caused by import mode.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期