

A Study of the Translation of Lin Shu:from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Writing-Studies

【作者】 林元彪

【导师】 潘文国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语文学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 文章学是中国历史最悠久的诗学理论,事实上也是中国传统译论之枢机。我国翻译史上的数次翻译讨论高潮,基本上均以“文章作法”为核心。这一文章学翻译传统在晚清发展到了巅峰:理论上,严复提出的“文章正轨”之说成为其最后的总结性陈述;而实践最成功、理论体现最完整的则是“林译”——林纾及其合作者独具特色的文言译著,值得专题研究。本文认为林译的灵魂在于以文章学的理论和方法,有机整合“语内翻译”、“语际翻译”、“符际翻译”(以下称“三译”),重识度、讲义法、有词采,译著独得一境。本研究的目的和意义在于从文章学入手还林译之本真,构建林纾“三译合一”的文章学翻译体系并确立其译学地位,深化中国古典译学研究、近代翻译史研究和翻译批评研究。所运用的理论主要包括文章学理论、中国古典译学思想、翻译类型学、翻译模因论、翻译伦理等。本文观点创新,认为“林译”同时包括“语际翻译”“语内翻译”和“符际翻译”。研究依据雅克布逊划分的三种翻译类型,第一次把林纾与其合作者的翻译过程分析为“语际翻译”和“语内翻译”两部分:首次澄清林纾的合作者之“口译”实际上是“视译”;首次指出林纾的“笔述”在翻译类型上属于“语内翻译”;同时研究通过文本细读首次发现了林纾在语内翻译过程中有参考原著插图的现象,进而揭示了“林译”中的“符际翻译”现象。本研究的理论贡献在于,经过全面梳理林纾众多的翻译散论,与林纾本人的文章学理论相对照,系统地总结了林纾的“文章学翻译学”理论体系,并提炼出一套有效的术语。研究分为七章。第一章“对林译的再认识”结合翻译模因论探讨林译的译学本真、林译的时代译学背景和林译的文章学体系,目的在于确立本研究采用的理论视角的适用性和实用性。主体部分包括从翻译类型学对林译“三译合一”之本质的重新认识、文章学翻译的内涵和方法、晚清以严译和林译为代表的文章学翻译理论与实践、林译的文章学特色。核心在于发明识度、义法、词采在林纾的文章学翻译理论体系当中的内涵和功能及其对严复“文章正轨”之说的继承和发展。本章对林纾文章学翻译的总结和理论化有助于提升中国古典译学思想的理论性,同时为沟通中西译学理论提供了一套有效的术语和比较合理的理论体系。第二章“林译研究纵横谈”以文章学翻译思想为线索,综述中外有关林译研究的文献。重点揭示文章学翻译思想从晚清的鼎盛时期逐渐被西方译学理论取代的过程,及这一译学发展背景下林译研究的成果和不足。进而论证本文设定的研究目标、研究对象和研究方法的缘由及必要性,有助于反思五四以来我国的译学建设,依托林译研究延续文章学翻译理论体系的译学地位。第三章“林译之识度”结合西方翻译伦理研究的成果和观点,重点阐述“识度”作为文章学翻译立意造境之根本保证的两方面,即守正和立言,并通过文本细读阐释其具体内涵。文章首先依据林纾和魏易的译论阐述“守正”的具体表现,肯定林、魏的翻译伦理,并提出林译独有的翻译热情。在此基础上分析林译籍译著“立言”的文章学翻译方法,及其瀹启民智的翻译策略。林纾的“识度论”对译者才学以及热情的关注足资为西方译学偏重理性分析之补充。第四章“林译之义法”以林纾的文章学文法理论、描写翻译学的研究方法为分析工具,一方面通过文本细读再现林纾依据语篇翻译程式对魏易的视译产品的结构性加工,并以林译比照魏易的独立译著,发掘林译文本中合作者的痕迹。阐明林译对文法规范的自觉接受以及合作者对译本语篇、语句层面的贡献,展示语际翻译和语内翻译在文章学翻译体系中的协作方式。另一方面,文章以林译迭更司的配图小说为据,揭示林译参考插图的现象,并例证林译运用符际翻译的主要方式。以上完成“三译合一”及其在文章学翻译体系中运作方式的论证。林译在“语内翻译”和“符际翻译”两方面打开了翻译类型学在全球译学中的困境,值得另题专门研究。第五章“林译之词采”使用文章学风格规范理论剖析林译标志性风格主要的三方面来源。首先通过整理林译使用的史传文学、古典散文笔法,实例探究“师古”这一文章学翻译规定的风格规范在林译中的系统体现。继而通过对比林译与林纾的古文创作,阐明林译沿袭林纾本人文章风格的具体方式,并证之原文说明林译风格应用之恰当。本章最后通过考察魏易以其西学功力和翻译技术为林译带来的风格特征,论证文章学翻译兼收并蓄的风格生成方式。“师法”提供了建立相对独立的译学风格理论的思考方向,值得专业译者借鉴。第六章“余论:译道精深是文章”以林纾的文章学创作论为纲,进一步揭示文章之学对于建设现代译学的理论启示。研究结合实例阐述“文章学翻译学”对翻译的写作任务的指导原理,重点论述了文章学翻译的翻译过程,并指出林纾文章学理论中的“理”“气”“神味”三个概念的翻译学价值。第七章回顾了本研究取得的主要结论。通过以上研究,本文认为林译的成功之根本在于译者精湛的文章学翻译素养,从纯粹的文章之学反观林译可启迪当代译学建设、丰富世界译学理论体系。林纾的文论与译论相互发明,其论“理解”、“文气”、“神味”可据为当代进一步发展文章学翻译理论、丰富现代翻译诗学的重要思想资源。本文的后续研究主要任务是:“符际翻译”的材料有待继续搜集整理;文章学翻译的传统有待充分向前拓展;立足林纾“意境论”构建的文章学翻译体系需进一步丰富。

【Abstract】 As the oldest theoretical system on written texts, writing-studies possesses central topics in traditional Chinese translation discussions prior to the "May Fourth Movement". This academic lineage of traditional translation study reached its peak in the later Qing Dynasty (清朝) when its theoretical essentials were concluded into "wen zhang zheng gui"(文章正轨) by Yan Fu who synthesized a systematic Writing-intentioned Translation (Abbr., WIT) Theory. At the same time, WIT theory witnessed its most successful and systematic practice in the decent renderings of Western writings co-translated by the monolingual translator Lin Shu (1852-1924) and his multilingual partners, including fictions, academic works, and numerous news writings, thus presenting a worthy research subject. This dissertation argues that Lin’s Translation owns its success to the translators’ exquisite accomplishments in writing-intentioned translation. It claims Lin’s Translation emphasises Insights, Approaches, and Wording during its text-processing, and in nature is a successful integration of "Translation Proper","Rewording" and "Transmutation" into theories and methods of traditional writing-studies, which benefits its translations with a unique flavour.The purpose and significance of this research lies in attempting to explore the nature of Lin’s integrated translation from the perspective of traditional Chinese writing-studies, to restore the academic position of WIT Theory in global translation studies, and to deepen the research on traditional Chinese translation theories, modern translation history and translation criticism. The important theories employed include theories of traditional writing-studies (mainly Lin Shu’s theory), theories of Literati Painting, Chinese classical translation theories, translation typology, translation memes, and translation ethics. The dissertation is creative in its theoretical perspective, namely theories of traditional writing-studies, and it uses these to closely analyse the text-processing of Lin’s TRANSLATION.This dissertation consists of seven chapters. Chapter I A reacquaintance with Lin’s Translation opens with an introduction to three aspects of Lin’s Translation, its nature in both translation typology and WIT Theory, its ideological background in the WIT studies of the later Qing dynasty, and finally, its specific WIT system. The main content includes a new interpretation of Lin’s integrated translation in translation typology and a theoretical exploration of WIT, which is followed by a detailed account of the features of the theories and translations of its two representatives during the later Qing period:Yan Fu and Lin Shu. After a systematic analysis of the connotation and function of the three key components in Lin’s integrated translation, namely Insights, Approaches and Wording, efforts are made to investigate its unique system and memes inherited from Yan Fu’s WIT theory. Not only do these efforts provide a new theoretical framework for deepening the research on traditional Chinese translation theories, they also offer a set of effective terms for communicating with global translation studies.Chapter Ⅱ A WIT-based review of the literature on Lin’s Translation assesses the strengths and weaknesses of related researches in China and abroad, with special reference to the evolution of Chinese modern translation theories and its comprehensive influence on modern translation criticism, including that of Lin’s Translation. After unveiling the Western-sourced development of Chinese translationology since the "May Fourth Movement", the main content demonstrates the theoretical significance and necessity of this paper’s main objective, discusses methods to be used as well as their intent, and asserts that a reappraisal of Lin’s Translation can be a meritorious chance for reestablishing the academic position of WIT Theory in contemporary translationology discourse.Chapter Ⅲ The Insights of Lin’s Translation looks into the two aspects of Insights in Lin Shu’s integrated translation,"shou zheng"(守正), a Confucianism-oriented translation ethic, and "li ya(立言), an opinion-intentioned translation strategy, the two of which serve as the foundation of Lin’s WIT Theory. The nature of these strategies is illustrated by abundant close readings of Lin’s translations. Special attention is paid to Lin’s passion for translating following a detailed discussion of the Confucianism-oriented translation ethic of Lin Shu and his most successful co-translator, Wei I, based on which attempts are made to explore the opinion-intentioned translation strategies Lin employed while conducting the noble task of enlightening the mass of his countrymen in rendering Western fictions. By emphasizing translators’ passion and learning, the ideas of Insights should accord with the more analytical bent of Western translation theory.Chapter IV The Approaches of Lin’s Translation focuses on Lin’s integration of "Intralingual Translation", or Translation Proper,"Interlingual Translation", or Rewording and "Intersemiotic Translation", or Transmutation. Lin’s WIT approaches to textual processing are first presented by means of close reading carried out under the theoretical framework of traditional writing-studies, with which textural features in the independent translations of Wei I are compared in the hope of elaborating co-translators’ contributions at a text level where "Intralingual Translation" and "Interlingual Translation" are integrated into Lin’s WIT system. A further effort is made to elucidate the functionality of "Intersemiotic Translation" in Lin’s WIT system with examples from Lin’s rendering of Dickens’illustrated fictions, and some others Victorian writings. The functionality of "Interlingual Translation" and "Intersemiotic Translation" in Lin’s WIT system should help to liberate global translation typology studies, and is worthy in itself of another specific study.Chapter V The Wording of Lin’s Translation dissects three major shi fa (师法: stylistic resources in writing), in the formation of a writing style. Rich examples of wording techniques stemming from gu wen (古文), among them classical prose and historical and biographical writings, are employed to determine Lin’s acceptance of the stylistic rule of WIT Theory:shi gu (师古), that is, to build translation styles according to gu wen writing conventions. The stylistic comparisons among Lin’s translations, source texts and his gu wen writings claim that the styles in Lin’s translations are both effective and appropriate. A study of Wei I’s contribution to the Western styles in Lin’s translations indicates that Lin’s integrated translation is all-encompassing in terms of style-building. Lin’s WIT style methods would help in founding a specialized style theory for translation studies, which would be beneficial to professional translators.Chapter VI The Way to a Writing-intentioned translation endeavours to conclude the essence of Lin’s integrated translation. Being the major contributor to Lin’s Translation, Lin Shu’s own ideas in writing-studies can be a valuable source for the future development of WIT Theory and even that of Western translation theories, especially his arguments on lijie(理解),the philosophical interpretation of writings, wen qi (文气), text principles for writing, and shen wei(神味),the stylistic taste based on shi-fa, all three of which would be appropriate for future study. Although much of the theoretical aspects of Lin’s integrated translation will be discussed, it is also necessary to mention those parts of the dissertation that could be built upon:more examples of "Intersemiotic Translation" in Lin’s translations are waiting to be discovered, there are more trends and traditions of WIT Theory than will be discussed here, and WIT Theory is only addressed insofar as it relates to Lin’s Translation.

  • 【分类号】H315.9;I046
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