

Yi Shun-ding Chronicle

【作者】 范志鹏

【导师】 黄珅;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 易顺鼎(18581920),字實甫,亦作實父、石甫、硕甫,又字中實,亦作仲硕。少時自號眉伽,中年後號哭庵,亦作哭盒、哭厂。湖南能阳(今漢夀縣)人。光緒元年(1875)中舉,此後五赴舍试不第。报捐刑部郎中,改河南候補道。甲午戰後曾隻身赴臺参與抗日救臺活勤。光绪二十八年(1902)授廣西右江道,旋调太平思顺道,在任三月,被劾罷官。光緒三十四年(1908)年授霎南臨安阴廣道,未赴任。明年,调廣東廉欽道,又署廣肇羅道,移高陽雷道。辛亥革命後避居上海,民國二年定居北京,三年官印鑄局参事,後颓唐潦倒以终。易顺鼎身处的時代是勤盪燮革的時代,他的一生也是跌宕起伏、富於傅奇色彩的一生。晚清民初中國社舍所发生的一系列大事,如太平天國戟争、甲午中日战争、戊戌燮法、庚子事燮、辛亥革命、袁世凯稱帝、五四连勤等,易顺鼎或多或少、或主勤或被勤,都曾参與其中。易顺鼎早年受到洋務迢勤主要人物之一的郭嵩熹的赏識,後来又拜入張之洞门下,畏期在張的幕府中。他與维新派的主要人物之一隙寶箴關保也非常密切。他也經常奔走於其他權要之门,干褐求进,如左宗棠、劉坤一、王文韶、柴禄及袁世凯等。易顺鼎是一位天才的詩人,晚清詩壇分爲漠魏六朝詩派、宋詩派、中晚唐詩派三大主要流派。他是汉魏六朝詩派代表人物王闓運的晚辈,王闓運呼其爲“仙童”,数十年間交往频繁;他舆宋詩派的主将隙三立是世交,總角相契,至老不渝;他自己是中晚唐詩派的雨位代表人物之一,另一位是他的晚年密友樊增祥。易顺鼎是中國最後一代文人士大夫的典型,他是中國古典詩歌最後的驕子,他也是中國古代社舍最後的殉葬品。從這一角度來說,易顺鼎的一生是很值得後人去發掘、整理和研究的。《易顺鼎年譜畏编》将易氏一生六十三年按照時代的節點劃爲三佃階段:咸同時期(18581874);光宣時期(18751911);民國時期(19121920)。大致可以相應概括爲:神童;才子加名士;老名士。或者:少年得意;中歲憂樂;老境颓唐。本譜在群细爬梳易氏詩文作品的基礎上,廣泛搜集舆易顺鼎有關的人物詩文集、笔記、日記、方志、档案及报刊资料,盡最大努力去还原譜主一生行跡,见微而知著,藉以反映畴代燮遥的方方面面,希望能封今後的近代文学、文化研究有所裨益。

【Abstract】 YiShunding (1858-1920), the Courtesy name Shi-Fu,(also實父、石甫、硕甫)alother Courtesy name Zhong-Shi, as well as Zhong-Shuo. Literary name was Meijia When he was young, Literary name change to Ku-An after middle age, also Cry(哭盦、哭厂).From LongYang county (now county of HanShou) Hunan province. He passed the provincial civil service examination under the old Chinese examination system in the first year of Guangxu (1875), He failed in the imperial examination five times. Then he spent money and got a government official lower than the Ministry of Punishments in feudal China. He participated in the activities of anti-Japanese in Sino-Japanese war. The28th year of Guangxu (1902) granted as Guangxi Youjiang-dao(廣西右江道),after three months he was impeached to remove from office. In the34th year of Guangxu (1908) he granted as Yunnan Linankaiguang-dao(云南臨安開廣道), but not to accept. The next year he transferred to Guangdong Qinlian-dao(廣東欽廉道),and then transferred to Guangzhaoluo-dao(廣肇羅道),next as Gaoyanglei-dao(高陽雷道).After Xinhai revolution he lived in Shanghai, then he settled in Beijing two years of the republic of China and granted as counselor of the bureau of engraving and printing, From that time he is poor until he died.Yi Shunding lived in the era of volatile change, he had the ups and downs of life and legendary life. Series of events occurred in the late Qing dynasty, such as taiping rebellion, the sino-japanese war, Wuxu political reform, Gengzi Boxer Rebellion, Xinhai revolution, Yuan Shikai(袁世凯)proclaims oneself emperor, The May4th Movement. Yi Shun ding were involved more or less, participated active or passive.Yi Shunding appreciated by Guo Songtao(郭嵩燾),a chief person of westernization movement at an early age, then to be the pupil of Zhang Zhidong(張之洞)and work for him for a long time. He close to Chen Baozhen(陈寶箴),one of the chief person of reformists. He often contacted with influential officials, such as Zuo Zongtang(左宗棠),Liu Kunyi(劉坤一),Wang Wenshao(王文韶),Rong Lu(榮祿)and Yuan Shikai(袁世凯),etc. Yi Shunding is a talented poet, There were liu-chao poetry and song poetry, middle and late tang dynasty poetry as three main genres in the late qing dynasty. He is a descendant of one representative of6dynasties poetry Wang Kaiyun(王闓运),Wang Kaiyun call him as the " child prodigy ", Their relations were very close during the decade; The chief person of Song poetry also close with him, they contacted with each other all their lives; He is one of the two representative of middle and late tang dynasty poetry, another one is his close friend Fan zengxiang(樊增祥).Yi Shunding is the typical of literati and officialdom in China, he is the last pride of classical Chinese poetry, he is also the sacrifice Chinese ancient society. According to these, the Yi Shunding’s whole life is worthy to explore, sorting and research for future generations."chronicle of Yi Shunding" divided his63years into three stages:Xiantong period (1858-1874); Guangxuan period (1875-1911); During the period of the republic of China (1912-1920). It can be roughly summed up as:child prodigy; gifted scholar plus celebrity; Old celebrity. Or:young proud; In middle age of sorrow; Dispirited old age.This chronicle sorts out Yi Shunding’s poetry works in detail, on this basis widely collecting figures associated with Yi Shunding preface-writer, notes, diaries, local Chronicles, archives and press materials, try my best to restore master life tracks, so as to reflect all aspects of The Times change, I hope it can help to modern literature, cultural studies in the future.

【关键词】 易顺鼎年譜長编
【Key words】 Yi Shundingchronicle
  • 【分类号】K825.6
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