

On Marxist Humanism and Its Practical Research in Current China

【作者】 王宵前

【导师】 姚润皋;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 人道主义思想在西方源远流长,“以人为中心”则是对历史上形形色色的人道主义思想的最简明的理解。马克思的人道主义思想是马克思主义思想史中的重要内容。当代中国提出的以人为本,不是任何其他理论体系中的命题,而是马克思主义理论体系中的命题。只有在当代中国马克思主义的语境中,我们才能真切理解作为科学发展观核心理念的以人为本。对西方人道主义发展史的考察表明,人道主义总是是具体的、历史的,从来不存在永恒不变的人道主义。作为一种学说体系,人道主义是由新兴资产阶级思想家创立,并在德国古典哲学家那里完成其最高形态。马克思批判地继承、发展了西方人道主义思想中的优秀遗产,尤其通过对费尔巴哈人本主义的批判,最终超越了此前所有的人道主义,给人道主义赋予了全新的内涵。这种超越,并非从原则上否定传统人道主义关于“自由”、“解放”的美好理想,他所否定的是传统人道主义不切实际的幻想。马克思主义学说本质上是关于人的解放的学说。在马克思哲学新视界中,人始终“在场”,唯物史观就是关于现实的人及其历史发展的科学。以马克思对人科学认识过程的视角来考察唯物史观形成过程,可以看到这两者在逻辑上是同构的。马克思对人的认识从粗浅到深刻、从抽象到科学的过程,同时也是唯物史观从萌芽、发展到最终形成的过程。唯物史观是马克思主义人道主义的科学形态,马克思主义人道主义则是唯物史观的内在精神。马克思抛弃了传统人道主义对人的本质的抽象理解,从人的现实性出发,将人置于社会关系之中,实现了异质于传统人道主义的视界转换。马克思哲学新视界的根本要义在于反对一切抽象的形而上学本体论,他并没有单独构建人的本体论或人的生存论,不再驻足于对人受奴役这一现实的伦理批判上,而是走得更远——以科学的态度探索实现人道理想的现实途径。马克思主义人道主义不仅表现为一种价值观,更重要的是它把唯物史观作为其理论前提,是马克思主义世界观、历史观、价值观的重要体现。马克思主义人道主义区别于以往任何形态的人道主义,旗帜鲜明地站在最广大人民群众的立场上,高扬革命的辩证法,以实现全人类解放的共产主义为目标。在马克思的视域里,共产主义不再是理论逻辑的推论和价值伦理的批判,而是现实的历史客观趋势的反映,是消灭现有状况的现实的运动。它是最彻底的人道主义。对人的关心、对人的价值的尊重始终是马克思关注的焦点。马克思虽然没有单独表述以人为本这一概念,但以人的全面自由解放为最终追求的马克思学说,以人为本是应有的题中之义。当代中国提出的以人为本,其最重要的思想资源就来自于马克思主义的人道主义思想,充分证明了以人为本在马克思主义视域下的“合法性”。以人为本的提出,有着深刻的时代背景。它既体现了当前我国经济社会发展的要求,也是对当前我国改革实践的反思,顺应了人类社会发展的历史潮流,充分表明我党面对世情、国情、党情发生巨大变化后的一种理论自觉。以人为本有着丰富的内涵。它反对一切忽视人的倾向,其深刻意蕴是反对以物为本。当代中国提出的以人为本,其目标就是将实现人的全面发展的崇高理想与满足人民群众的现实需要结合起来,集中体现尊重人的价值和尊严,追求人的解放和幸福。这是马克思主义人道主义在中国的鲜活实践,是马克思主义人道主义在当代中国的具体表达。要真正践行以人为本,必须始终坚持发展社会生产力,充分认识社会生产力的发展是实现以人为本的现实基础,高度重视最广大人民群众的能动性,充分重视、深入挖掘传统文化中人本思想的精华。在践行以人为本的实践中,尤其需要处理好与经济建设、改革发展、市场法则、阶级阶层矛盾、社会建设等若干重大问题的关系,只有这样,才能真正达致最终目标。

【Abstract】 Humanism has a long history in the West, and various types of humanism can be concisely understood as "human-centered". Humanism is the most important part in Marxism."Human-centered" concept put forward by the Chinese Communist Party, is a basic element in Marxist theory instead of any other theories. Only in the current Chinese Marxist circumstances can we understand "human-centered" concept as the core of scientific development.Through the study of the history of western humanism, it is obvious that humanism is given different connotations in different periods of time. Humanism is always characterized as concrete and historical, which denies any static humanism. As a theory, humanism was first put forward by neo-capitalist thinkers, and was promoted to its peak by German classical philosophers. Karl Marx inherited and developed the splendid cultural heritage, especially criticized the dominant Feuerbach’s humanism, and finally surpassed humanism of all schools, endowing a brand-new connotation to it. The transcendence rejects the impractical fantasy in the traditional humanism instead of denying such good ideas as "freedom" and "liberation" in the traditional humanism.The theory of Marxism is concerned in people’s liberation in essence. According to new vision of Marxism, men always is "present", thereby the materialist viewpoint of history is about the science of both actual individuals and their development of the past. Through the formation of Marxist materialist history, it is obvious that the two are interrelated, and Marx finally came to the understanding of humankind from the lopsided perspective to comprehensive one, from abstract perspective to scientific one, signifying the process of materialist history, from germination, to development, and to the complete formulation. Materialist history is the scientific pattern of Marxist humanism, and Marxist humanism is the core of materialist history.Karl Marx abandoned the abstract definition of the human nature, and attempted to understand it in the context of social relations, and realized the transformation of vision different in traditional humanism. Major meaning of Marx’s philosophy lies in refusing all abstract ontology of Metaphysics, so he has not constructed men’s ontology or existentialism, neither remained at this ethical critique about men-slaved, but rather developed further, that is, proved the actual way concerning the realization of humanist ideal with scientific attitude.Marxist humanism shows not only a kind of values, and more importantly, it regards materialism of history as its own theoretical premise, therefore is important embodying of the world-view, history-view and value-view about Marxism. Marxist humanism is different from any previous formation of humanism because the former obviously sides with common people, claims revolutionary dialectics, and aims at the complete liberation of humankind. In Marx’s view, communism is the objective reflection of realistic history and realistic movement of the annulations existing circumstances, rather than the deduction of theory-logic and critique about value-theory. If communism is a kind of humanism, it is the most radical one.Karl Marx focused on the care of humankind and the respect of human value. Although he never articulated clearly the human-centered concept, the concept is innate because Marxism pursued the complete freedom and liberation of humankind. Currently in China, the articulation of human-centered concept originates from Marxist humanism, and demonstrates the "legality" of human-centered humanism in Marxist context.The articulation of human-centered concept is characteristic of current society. It not only meets the demand of economic and social development, but also contributes to the reconsideration of current reform in China. It is in agreement of historical tide of social development and reflects CCP’theoretical consciousness confronting some fundamental changes in the society, country and CCP.The human-centered concept has abundant connotations. It is against all intention of ignoring man. It is significant in terms of noumenon and axiology because it rejects material-centered concept. At present, the articulation of human-centered concept aims to realize human potentials, fulfill people’s practical demand, respect people’s value and dignity, and pursue human liberation and happiness. This is the practice and expression of Marxist humanism in current China.To fulfill human-centered concept, it’s important to stick to the development of social forces of production which places stress on the human-centered concept, promote people’s initiatives, and focus on the essence of humanitarian thought in traditional culture. As a developmental philosophy and value orientation, the human-centered concept possesses clear connotation and practical significance, and serves as the guideline of socialist construction in China. To realize human-centered concept, it is vital to deal with the relations between economic constructions, reform, market regulations, class conflicts, and social constructions.

【关键词】 马克思主义人道主义以人为本
【Key words】 Marxismhumanismhuman-centered concept
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】D641;B038
  • 【下载频次】902