

Research on Eco-compensation Mechanism of Da Xing’an Range and Xiao Xing’an Range Eco-Functional Zone Construction

【作者】 李炜

【导师】 田国双;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 大小兴安岭生态功能区是国家“十一五”规划确定的限制开发区域,是我国东北地区乃至全国的重要生态屏障,在我国生态建设大局中占据着极其重要的地位。大小兴安岭地区经过几十年的高强度开发后,森林资源遭到严重破坏,整体生态功能出现严重退化。可采森林资源逐年减少,陷入了资源危机。建设大小兴安岭生态功能区,是国家重要的战略举措,对于实现大小兴安岭生态功能区内林区经济社会的永续发展、人与自然的和谐发展具有十分重要的意义。大小兴安岭生态功能区要想走出困境,实现生态环境的改善以及经济社会的可持续发展,实现大小兴安岭生态功能区建设的规划目标,有赖于生态补偿机制的构建,而大小兴安岭生态功能区建立时间不长,虽然生态补偿的实践历时多年,但生态补偿机制尚未真正建立更谈不上健全,很多深层次的问题尚未解决,因此对大小兴安岭生态功能区建设生态补偿机制进行研究是很有必要的。本文在分析国内外研究成果的基础上,以外部性理论、可持续发展理论以及区域经济发展理论等为理论支撑,阐明了生态补偿的动因,运用经济学分析方法、层次分析法和因子分析法等定性和定量分析方法,构建了多维度差异化的生态补偿标准计算模型,并对基于大小兴安岭生态功能区建设的财政补偿路径进行了优化,最后构建了大小兴安岭生态功能区建设生态补偿机制的相关配套支撑体系,提出了以财政转移型生态补偿为主,将生态产业反哺生态补偿机制及配套支撑体系相互融合的综合生态补偿机制。首先,通过对国内外生态补偿的研究文献及实践经验的分析可知,大小兴安岭生态功能区建设已上升到国家战略层面,对黑龙江省社会主义新林区建设意义重大,而生态补偿是激励生态功能区建设的重要手段。以大小兴安岭生态功能区建设生态补偿机制为切入点进行研究,研究视角独特。另外对生态补偿的动因进行了经济学分析,而环境资源价值论及区域经济发展理论有助于多维度差异化补偿标准的制定及财政补偿路径的优化研究,为整个论文的研究提供了理论支撑。其次,构建了大小兴安岭生态功能区建设的多维度差异化补偿标准计算模型。在构建模型时,从大小兴安岭生态功能区建设的不同阶段、生态区位重要性、生态功能区建设成本因素、森林资源的自然属性及社会经济发展水平五个维度进行设计,力求所设计的多维度差异化补偿标准计算模型契合生态功能区建设实际情况。在此基础上可以为生态功能区内不同地区确定具有可操作性的、具有激励特征的多维度差异化补偿标准。第三,确定了大小兴安岭生态功能区建设初始阶段最低补偿标准及较高补偿标准。在所构建的多维度差异化补偿标准计算模型基础上,结合不同区域生态区位的重要性以及森林资源的林分类型、起源、林龄结构等因素,运用层次分析法确定相应生态区位及森林生态效益调整系数,分别测算了大兴安岭和小兴安岭林区森林生态系统生态补偿标准,最终确定了大小兴安岭生态功能区建设初始阶段的最低补偿标准及较高补偿标准。第四,优化了与大小兴安岭生态功能区建设契合的财政补偿路径。在分析大小兴安岭生态功能区建设现有财政转移支付弊端的基础上,提出了对现有转移支付制度优化整合的思路,分别确定了现有补偿政策中应作为专项转移支付及均衡性转移支付的项目。在构建基本公共服务均等化指标体系的基础上,对不同地区基本公共服务能力进行评价并确定综合得分,采用“超额累进”的办法,确定了应上解横向转移支付额度,并依据综合得分大小确定不同区域间横向转移支付的额度,为完善基于生态功能区建设的横向财政转移支付制度提供了新思路。第五,提出了生态功能区建设生态补偿机制的相关配套支撑体系。为了保持生态补偿机制的长效性,结合完善生态功能区建设补偿机制的内外部环境政策因素,需要配套的、健全的制度和政策等予以支撑。在建立健全生态补偿相关评价、激励等制度及财政、土地等政策的基础上,尤为重要的是提高以生态产业发展反哺生态补偿机制的能力,通过相关配套体系的支撑最终构建以财政转移型生态补偿为主,将生态产业反哺生态补偿机制及配套支撑体系相互融合的综合生态补偿机制。大小兴安岭生态功能区建设生态补偿机制是一项系统工程,涉及各利益主体的相关利益,而且生态功能区建设周期长,生态补偿机制实施后的效果滞后,希望通过本文的研究为大小兴安岭生态功能区建设生态补偿机制的健全和完善提供理论支持,为政府、行业主管部门制定政策提供保障。

【Abstract】 The Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone is a restricted development zone defined by the Chinese government in accordance with its eleventh five year plan. As an important ecological barrier for not only the northeast region of China but also the entire country, it is of vital significance in the overall ecological construction in China. Intensified exploitation of the past several decades seriously destroyed the forestry resources and has led to severe degradation of integral ecological functions of this region. With the recoverable forestry resources reducing year by year, the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range area is facing a resources crisis. Construction of the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone is a strategically important measure taken by the Chinese government for the sustainable economic and social growth, harmonious development between man and nature in this region. To get out of the difficult situation, improve the ecology, practice sustainable social and economic development, and to realize the objective of constructing the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone, the key lies in the setting up of an eco-compensation mechanism. However, with the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone established only about a decade ago, though eco-compensation practices have been in place for some years, an eco-compensation mechanism in a real sense is yet to be established as the current system is still far from a sound and complete one with many deep rooted problems to be solved. For these reasons, a research on the eco-compensation mechanism of the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone constructing is very much necessary.This paper expounds the eco-compensation motivation supported by theories of externality, sustainable development and regional economic development, among others, on the basis of research results at home and abroad. In this paper the author builds a multi-dimensional differentiated eco-compensation standard calculating model and optimizes the financial compensation path of the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone construction using such qualitative and quantitative analysis methods as economics analysis, analytic hierarchy process and factor analysis. The author also tires to build a relevant support system of the eco-compensation mechanism of the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone construction toward the end of the paper and puts forword that a comprehensive eco-compensation mechanism should be established with the financial-transfer-type eco-compensation as the priority, supplemented by a incorporated system of the ecological industry regurgitation-feeding ecological compensation mechanism and the other affiliated eco-compensation supporting mechanisms. First of all, a literature and practical experience research on eco-compensation at home and aboardit reveals that the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone construction has become a national strategy and is of great significance to building a socialist new forestry region in Heilongjiang province, and that eco-compensation is an important incentive means for the eco-functional zone construction. The author starts the research from the eco-compensation mechanism of the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone construction which is a unique research perspective and analyzes the motivation of eco-compensation by using economic analysis. The entire paper’s theoretical support lies in researches of the environment resources value theory and the regional economic development, which further facilitates the making of multi-dimensional differentiated eco-compensation standards and optimization of financial compensation path studies.Secondly, the paper builds a multi-dimensional differentiated eco-compensation standard calculating model of the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone construction. In constructing the model, the author’s design coveres five dimensions including different construction stages in the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone, the importance of ecological niches, the cost factor of eco-functional zone construction, the nature attribute of forestry resource and the social-economical development level so that the multi-dimensional differentiated eco-compensation standard calculating model conforms to the real situation of the eco-functional zone construction. The model may also serve as the basis for defining operable incentive multi-dimensional differentiated eco-compensation standard in different districts of the eco-functional zone.Thirdly, the paper puts forward the lowest compensation standard for the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone in initial construction stage, which is a comparatively high standard. This standard is set on the basis of building the multi-dimensional differentiated eco-compensation standard calculating mode, taking into consideration factors such as ecological niches importance, forest stand types, origin and forest age structure of forestry resource in diffirent districts and by calculating the eco-compensation standard of the forestry ecosystem in the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range forestry district respectively using relevant adjusting coefficient of ecological niches and forestry eco-efficiency by analytic hierarchy process.Fourthly, the paper optimizes the financial compensation path well suits the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone construction. The paper puts forward the idea to optimize and integrate the current financial transfer payment system and determines respectively the items falling into the categories of special transfer payment and general transfer in current compensation policies based on analysis of the disadvantages of current financial transfer payment in the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone construction. Further to building the index system for the basic public services equalization, the paper evaluates the ability of the basic public services of different districts with a comprehensive score given to each of them. The horizontal transfer payment amount which should be turned in are determined by using the "excess progressive" method and the inter regional horizontal transfer payment amounts in different districts are determined according to the comprehensive scores given to different regions. These provide new thoughts for improving the horizontal transfer payment system based on the eco-functional construction.Fifthly, the paper proposes an affiliated supporting system of eco-compensation mechanism in eco-functional zone construction. In order to ensure that the eco-compensation mechanism functions permenantly, it must be supported by well affiliated and complete systems and policies in combination with internal and external environmental policy factors to improve the compensation mechanism of eco-functional zone construction. With relevant systems and policies of eco-compensation, such as evaluation system, incentive system, fiscal and land policies, etc., being established and constantly improved, it is of particular importance to increase the ability that ecological industry development regurgitation-feeds the eco-compensation mechanism, and to build a comprehensive compensation mechanism with the financial-transfer-type eco-compensation as the priority, supported by relevant affiliate system, combining the tecological industry regurgitation-feeding ecological compensation mechanism and the supporting system of eco-compensation mechanism.The eco-compensation mechanism of the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone construction is a systematic project, concerning the interests of all stakeholders. Moreover, the construction cycle of eco-functional zones is long and the effect after the eco-compensation mechanism implementation is slow to appear. It is the author’s hope that this research will provide a theoretical support for the improvement of the the eco-compnesation mechanism of the Da Xing’an range and Xiao Xing’an range eco-functional zone construction, and will serve as a basis for the government and relevant government departments’ policy making activities.
