

The Ecological Monitoring and Health Assessment Based on Aquatic Animals in Hulan Estuary Natural Reserves and the Surrounding Waters

【作者】 刘曼红

【导师】 于洪贤;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 自然保护区学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 呼兰河口湿地自然保护区是松花江沿岸保存较完整、面积较大的沼泽湿地,生物多样性丰富,但近年由于人为工程建设等,使呼兰河口湿地水域面积增大,致使湿地生态系统的生物群落发生复杂变化,造成底栖动物和鱼类等生物群落的组成、结构和功能发生改变。本文以呼兰河口湿地水生态系统为研究对象,通过对底栖动物群落、鱼类组成和主要水环境因子等调查,运用多种数学分析方法和统计模型,分析了底栖动物和鱼类群落结构、时空特征,以及底栖动物与环境因子之间的相互关系,利用生物完整性指数对水生态系统健康状况进行了评价。结论如下:1.呼兰河口湿地底栖动物群落结构与时空特征分析(1)呼兰河口湿地底栖动物群落基本构成呼兰河口湿地共鉴定底栖无脊椎动物167种,其中昆虫纲121种,寡毛纲23种,软体动物16种,蛭纲5种,甲壳纲2种。不同的研究水域都有其代表性的优势种,如霍甫水丝蚓、苏式尾鳃蚓、林间环足摇蚊、斑点齿斑摇蚊等12种。(2)呼兰河口湿地底栖动物摄食功能群组成共有六种类型摄食功能群,研究结果表明:功能群组成存在时空差异,整个研究区域在春季以直接集食者为主要的摄食功能群,而夏秋季阿什河上游水域的主要摄食类群为过滤收集者。(3)呼兰河口湿地底栖动物水平分布格局利用AcrView软件模拟底栖动物密度的水平分布格局,其中水栖寡毛类生物量的分布格局在大顶山样点处呈现浓度最大斑块,这同水栖寡毛类易生活于有机质比较丰富的淤泥底质环境密切相关。2.呼兰河口湿地底栖动物与主要水环境因子的相关性分析利用典型对应分析(CCA分析)方法对底栖动物的生态学特征进行分析,结果表明,水温是影响底栖动物的主要环境因子,其次是水深、总磷、总氮、硝酸盐氮和电导率。3.利用底栖动物生物完整性指数(B-IBI)对呼兰河口湿地生态系统的健康评价(1)B-IBI参数的构建通过对候选生物参数判别能力的分析、敏感性分析、Pearson相关性分析,决定构成B-IBI值的参数共有6个,即:总分类单元数、EPT分类单元数、蜉蝣目%、直接集食者%、耐污类群%和生物指数BI。(2)建立评价水生态系统健康的5级标准利用比值法和三分法计算得到B-IBI值,建立了评价水体健康的5级标准。比值法为:>3.56健康,2.67-3.59亚健康,1.78-2.66一般,0.89-1.77差,<0.88极差;三分法为:>26健康,20-26亚健康,13~19一般,7-12差,<6极差。(3)健康评价利用上述标准对呼兰河口湿地水生态系统的健康状况进行评价,结果表明,三分法和比值法得到的结果基本一致。本研究选择的参照点评价结果为健康,呼兰河口湿地样点处于一般到业健康的状态。4.利用鱼类生物完整性指数(F-IBI)评价呼兰河口湿地水生态系统完整性鱼类生物完整性评价是水生态系统健康的一种有效方法,能在很大程度上反映湿地水生态系统目前的受损状态。(1)呼兰河口湿地鱼类种类组成与丰富度特征通过调查,呼兰河口湿地共有鱼类61种,隶属于8目,14个科。其中,鲤形目种类最多,为42种,占所有鱼类种数的68.85%。与历史数据相比,本研究中有15种鱼类未能出现,并且发现有2个外来种,如:鳙Aristichthys nobilis和湖拟鲤Rutilus rutilus lacustris;通过渔获物分析得到,呼兰河口湿地鱼类的优势种主要由一些小型的鱼类组成。(2)呼兰河口湿地鱼类营养级状况分析从摄食功能群角度分析所调查鱼类的食性,其中软体动物食性、水生昆虫食性、小鱼虾食性和碎屑食性为鱼类的主要偏好食性;而浮游植物食性、草食性、浮游动物食性、着生藻类食性为鱼类的次要食性。因此,呼兰河口湿地水域处于初级消费者的鱼类物种数相对较少,物种多样性较低;而顶级消费者、次级消费者和食碎屑鱼类物种数量大,物种多样性相对更高。(3)呼兰河口湿地鱼类的耐污性特征及湿地健康状况分析从鱼类物种对水体富营养化和污染物的耐污性来看,呼兰河口湿地水生态系统中鱼类物种主要以耐污种占优势,敏感种和中等耐污种占次要优势地位,非常耐污种极少。研究发现,呼兰河口湿地自然保护区水生态系统健康处于差—一般的状态,通过分析推测,鱼类完整性受损与人工筑坝和采砂等人类活动有关。本研究对呼兰河口湿地自然保护区的生物多样性保护及生态监测等提供理论基础,为湿地自然保护区水生态系统健康评价及湿地生态恢复提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 The Hulan Estuary Wetland along the bank of the Song Hua Jiang River is protected more completely, belonging to swamp wetland with the bigger water areas and rich biodiversity. But in recent years, the waters area is increasing due to human activities intensify, so the biological communities constituted a wetland ecological system also are experiencing complex changes, which can affect the survival about the composition, tructure and function for macroinvertebrate community and fish community.On the basis of wetland ecosystem in The Hulan estuary wetland, investigated the macroinvertebrate community, fish community and environmental factors such as water quality status, combining mathematical analysis methods and statistic model, analyzed the relationship between the macroinvertebrate/fish and the environmental parameters. Water ecosystem health of was assessed using Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI).Main conclusions from the four parts of dissertation were drawn:1. The composition structure and temporal-spatial characteristics for macroinvertebrate community(1) The basic composition of macroinvertebrateA total of167species were recorded, including aquatic insects121species, Oligochaeta23species, Mollusks16species, Hirudinea5species, Carapace class2species. Different waters had its dominant species, such as:Limnonodrilus hoffmeisteri, Branchiura sowerbyi, Cricotopus sylvestris and Stictochironomus maculipennis.(2) The composition of macroinvertebrate feeding functional groupThere are six kinds of feeding functional groups. The study shew that the feeding functional groups analyzed indicated that the functional groups were differences with the temporal and spatial, and gatherers-collectors were main feeding functional group for the whole research areas in spring, and the filterers was main feeding functional group in Ashihe (ASH) River upsteam in fall.(3) The distribution pattern for macroinvertebrateThe total density distribution patterns of benthic macroinvertebrate were simulated by AcrView (312) software. The biomass distribution pattern for oligochaeta was the largest concentration of patches in DadingShan sampling site, which is closely related to aqutic oligochaeta are adapted to live in the environment rich silt sediment with organic matter.2. The relationship between macroinvertebrate and main water environmental parametersThe ecology characteristics of macroinvertebrate species were analysized using typical correspondence analysis method (CCA analysis), and the results showed that water temperature was the main environment factor for influence macroinvertebrate, followed by water depth, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N) and conductivity.3. The assessment of the integrity of wetland ecosystem using benthic index of biotic integrity (B-IBI) in Hulan Estury wetland(1) Establishing B-IBI evaluation parametersThrough the discriminant power analysis by candidate biological parameters of, sensitivity analysis and Pearson’s correlation analysis, as the result, the benthic index of biotic integrity (B-IBI) was composed by six metrics:Total number of taxa, EPT taxa, Ephemera%, Clingers%, Gatherers-collectors%, Intolerant taxa%and Biotic Index(BI).(2) The establishment of health assessment5lever criteria for water ecosystem based on B-IBI.The establishment of health assessment5lever criteria for water ecosystem using Ratio Method and Three Points Method. The former:>3.56, health;2.67~3.59, sub-health;1.78-2.66, good-fair;0.89~1.77, fair;<0.88poor; the latter:> health;20~26, sub-health,13~19, good-fair;7~12, fair;<6poor.The correlation between two scoring method and four scoring method was0.891. Therefore, the two methods were suitable for water ecosystem health assessment in the Hulan Estury wetland and the surrounding waters.(3) Health assessmentThe water ecosystem health was assessed based on the establishment standard above-mentioned in the Hulan Estury Wetland and the surrounding waters. The result indicated that there was no difference in the assessment result between Ratio Method and Three Points Method. All references were health. Hulan Estury Wetland was the condation from good fair to sub-heath.4. The assessment of the integrity of wetland ecosystem using Fish Index of Biotic Integrity (F-IBI) in Hulan Estury WetlandFish Index of Biotic Integrity (F-IBI) is a kind of valid evaluation, which can reflect current damaged condition of the aquativ ecosystem in a great extent for Hulan Estury Wetland.(1) The fish species composition and richness characteristicsThe invesgation result indicated that there were61species, belonging to8orders,14families, among them Cypriniformes fish species most,42species, which accounted for68.85%of all species. Fifteen fish species had not been found compared with the historical data. There were two exotic fish (such as:Aristichthys nobilis and Rutilus rutilus lacustris), and dominant species were composed of some small-sized and lower-economic value fish species.(2) The characteristics for fish trophic level Invertivores, insectivorous, top-piscivores and detritivores for the main preference food according to the analysis with feeding functional group; planktivorous, herbivorous, zooplanktivorous and phytobenthivores fish were secondary feeding fish. Therefore, fish of primary consumers were relatively less, species diversity is lower, and top consumers, the numbers of secondary consumers and detritivores fish species species diversity are higher in the Hulan Estury Wetland.(3) The fish tolerance and wetland health statusFrom the tolerance for fish faced with water eutrophication, tolerance species were dominant, intolerant and intermediate were subdominant, very tolerant fish were less. The results showed that aqutic ecosystem health was condition from fair to good fair in Hulan Estury Wetland. The analysis indicated that the integrity fish damaged were correlation human activities, such as building dam and mining sands.This study provided the theoretical basis for the biodiversity protection and ecological monitoring in Hulan Extury Wetland Natural Reserves, and the scientific evidence for water ecosystem health evaluation and wetland ecological restoration for wetland natural reserves.
