

Spacial Distribution Characteristics Research of Forest Carbon Storage of Heihe Based on GIS

【作者】 张玥

【导师】 李凤日;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 人类在认识、改造、利用自然、造福全人类的过程中,引发了全球变暖等一系列的生态问题,如何发挥碳汇在减缓温室效应方面的巨大作用深受世人瞩目。森林生态系统的碳储量巨大,如何准确估算森林生态系统碳储量及其分布特征已受到普遍关注。本论文以黑龙江省黑河市各市县林区为研究对象,基于固定样地测定数据建立主要树种的相容性生物量模型,结合含碳率估算其生物量、碳储量密度和森林生态系统的碳储量,并从坡向、坡度、海拔等角度探讨碳储量与立地因子的关系,再利用ArcGIS软件中的空间插值功能对碳储量及其动态变化的空间分布特征进行分析,从而为制定科学有效的碳汇政策提供合理依据。本研究的主要成果包括:1、基于2009年在研究区内各县市生态公益林区固定样地中的解析木树干解析、生物量及各器官碳系数测定数据,建立了黑河市主要树种的相容性生物量模型,同时分析总结乔木层各器官、林下层各部分以及土壤层的含碳率,再结合研究区2005、2006年的重点生态公益林监测样地数据,估算出各林分类型各组成部分的生物量和碳储量密度,以及森林生态系统的碳储量。2、从坡向、坡位、坡度、海拔等方面分析乔木层碳储量的总体分布特征,以及各林分类型在不同的立地条件下的碳储量分布,发现黑河市重点生态公益林乔木层约35%的碳储量分布在阴坡,缓坡(5°≤坡度<15°)碳储量最大约为总量的52.27%,其次是平坡(坡度<5°)约占39.69%。柞树林、软阔混交林、硬阔混交林和白桦林是黑河市的四种主要林分类型,201-400m的海拔高度最适合它们生长,尤其以201-250m的森林碳储量最大。将坡向和坡位分别作为虚拟变量和数值化转换,尝试构建了碳储量与上述四个立地因子的多元线性回归方程,但发现仅用这些立地因子很难准确描述碳储量的变化规律,将样地的平均胸径和平均树高引入白变量,林木和立地因子一起构建的多元线性回归方程效果较好。3、以黑河市重点生态公益林的600块固定样地为数据源,选用GIS地统计分析中的四种插值方法(反距离权重法、样条函数法、普通克里格法和协同克里格法)分别对森林生态系统碳储量进行了空间内插,经过交叉验证和验证选出最优的碳储量空间内插方法,并用ArcGIS10.0软件绘制了黑河市重点生态公益林生态系统碳储量分布图。将样地点一分为二,使用训练子集样地点做空间插值,使用验证子集样地点来验证其插值表面的精度。经过交叉验证和验证比较插值精度发现,张力样条函数法是最适合描述研究区碳储量空间分布的插值方法。在碳储量空间插值分布图上,比较了不同龄组的样地点的空间分布位置发现,幼龄林数量少且碳储量平均水平低,中龄林比近熟林的数量多但后者比前者碳储量平均水平高,成熟林数量较少但碳储量平均水平高,过熟林数量少但碳储量平均水平较高,即从空间分布特征上验证了森林生态系统的林木生长规律。比较不同坡向和坡度上的碳储量分布特征,发现不同坡向上的样地碳储量多数在29.09-34.80T/hm2和34.80-42.50T/hm2区间内,阴坡的样地数量、总碳储量和平均碳储量水平都是最高的,阳坡、半阳坡和半阴坡的碳储量分布类似。缓坡的碳储量分布比平坡多,但其平均碳储量水平比平坡低,斜坡的总碳储量和平均碳储量高于陡坡。比较这四种主要林分类型在不同海拔区间内的空间分布特征可知:白桦林主要分布在孙吴县和爱辉区的250-450m的垂直范围内,其碳储量值多数在29.09-34.80T/hm2区间。软阔混交林以孙吴县分布量最多,主要分布在201-400m的垂直空间里,其碳储量水平以29.09-34.80T/hm2居多,34.80-42.50T/hm2其次。硬阔混交林主要分布在孙吴县201-400m的垂直空间里,碳储量平均水平约为34.80T/hm2。柞树林的分布范围最广,主要分布在151-350m的垂直空间内,尤其是151-250m内的分布量最多,其碳储量水平多在34.80-52.89T/hm2区间内。4、结合黑河市国家森林资源连续清查样地二期复测数据(2005-2010)和生态公益林监测样地复测数据,统计估算了黑河市各林分类型各龄组的年均碳储量密度变化,并使用最优空间插值方法绘制其动态变化图,分析各林分类型碳储量动态变化的空间分布规律。中龄林的乔木层年均碳净增量较高,且多数分布在孙吴县中西部和逊克县北部边界,其他龄组的乔木层年均碳净增量较低。枯倒木年均碳储量分布最多的主要分布在爱辉区和嫩江县的西部。全市采伐木碳储量总体较低,大部分地区为零采伐,仅在爱辉区东部、孙吴县中部的近熟林、中龄林和成熟林内有少量采伐木碳储量。进界木年均碳储量分布最多的在逊克县东北部,幼龄林、近熟林和成熟林的进界木碳储量较高,过熟林的进界木碳储量最低。白桦林在逊克县的年均碳净增量和进界木碳储量最大,在爱辉区的年均碳净增量最小,枯倒木碳储量最大,采伐木碳储量最小。软阔混交林在逊克县的年均碳净增量最大,在孙吴县的枯倒木碳储量最小,采伐木碳储量最大,爱辉区的年均碳净增量最小,采伐木碳储量最小。硬阔混交林在逊克县的碳净增量和枯倒木碳储量比孙吴县大。柞树林在逊克县的年均碳净增量和进界木碳储量比孙吴县大。本文基于ArcGIS空间插值方法,对黑河市的固定样地碳储量及其动态变化的空间分布特征做了初步研究,希望对了解黑河市碳储量现状、动态变化方向及碳汇资源可持续利用等问题提供一定的理论参考。

【Abstract】 Human being’s activities of understanding, transform and use the nature have caused global warming and other series of ecological problems. How to make carbon sink play important role in reducing greenhouse effect deeply attracted worldwide attention. Carbon storage of forest ecological system is large. Researchers have paid more attention on accurate estimate forest ecological system carbon storage and distribution characteristics. This thesis studies on forest fields of Heihe City of Heilongjiang Province based on key forest types’compatibility bio mass model of fixed sample plots determination data, and estimate its biomass, carbon storage density and forest ecological system’s carbon storage through carbon content. It also discusses the relationship between carbon storage and site factors from aspect, slope and altitude. And then use the function of spatial interpolation of ArcGIS software to analyze carbon storage and its dynamic change spatial distribution characteristics. These researches provide reasonable evidence for making scientific and efficient carbon sink policy.Main research achievements:1. Based on Carbon coefficient determination data of stem analysis of sample tree, biomass and Organs of trees in fixed sample plots of each counties and cities’ ecological public welfare forest in research area in2009, it established compatibility biomass model of key forest types of Heihe. Meanwhile, through analyzing the carbon content of arborous layer, understory layer and soil layer, and researching the monitoring sample plots data of key ecological public welfare forest in2005and2006, it can estimate the biomass and carbon storage density of different forest types’ parts and carbon storage of forest ecological system.2. Through analyzing the general distribution characteristics of arborous layer’s carbon storage from aspect, slope, slope position and altitude, and carbon storage distribution of different forest types under different site factors, it shows that about35%carbon storage of arborous layer of Heihe’s key ecological public welfare forest distribute at the shade slope, about52.27%carbon storage distribute at the gentle slope (5°≤slope<15°), flat slope(slope<5°)’s carbon storage accounts for39.69%. There are four main forest types in Heihe, including oak forest, soft and broad leaf mixed forest, hard and broad leaf mixed forest and birch forest. These main forest types are suitable to grow at the altitude between201to400meters, especially the max forest carbon storage distribute at the altitude between201to250meters. Using aspect and slope position as dummy variable and numeralization conversion separately, this thesis tries to build multiple linear regression equation of carbon storage and four site factors. But it shows that it is difficult to actual describe the change rule of carbon storage through there site factors. If it also use average diameter at breast height and average height as independent variable, the multiple linear regression constructed by forest and site factors will obtain good effect.3. This paper uses the six hundred fixed sample plots of Heihe’s key ecological public welfare forest as the data source and selects four interpolation methods of GIS geostatistical analysis, including Inverse Distance Weighted, spline functions method, ordinary Kriging and Co-Kriging. These four interpolation methods have been used to study on forest ecological system carbon storage and compare the interpolation result. Through above researches and cross validation, it can select optimal spatial interpolation method of carbon storage and draw the carbon storage distribution map of Heihe’s key ecological public welfare forest based on ArcGIS9.3software..In order to test sample plots accuracy of interpolation surface, it needs to divide sample plots into two parts and use training subset sample plots as spatial interpolation. Cross validation and compare of interpolation accuracy show that tension spline functions method is the best suitable description of interpolation method of carbon storage spatial distribution in research areas.Spatial interpolation distribution map of carbon storage compared spatial distribution position of sample plots in different age groups and showed that number of young growth and its average carbon storage is lower than other forests. Number of half mature forest is larger than near mature forest, but average carbon storage of near mature forest is higher than half mature forest. Number of mature forest and over mature forest is less than others, but its average carbon storage is higher. These results have verified the forest growth rule of forest ecological system from the aspect of spatial distribution characteristics. The contrast of carbon storage distribution characteristics on different aspects and slopes discovered that most carbon storage of sample plots on different aspects and slopes mainly distribute at29.09-34.80T/hm2and34.80-42.50T/hm2. Number of sample plot, total carbon storage and average carbon storage are highest on the shade slope. Carbon storage distribution is similar on sunny slope, semi-sunny slope, and semi-cloudy slope. Carbon storage of gentle slope is larger than flat slope and its average carbon storage is lower than flat slope. Total carbon storage and average carbon storage of slope are higher than abrupt slope.This thesis has compared four main forest types’spatial distribution characteristics in different altitude. Birch forest mainly distributes in Sunwu County and Aihui District at the vertical range of250meters to450meters; its carbon storage value is between29.09T/hm2and34.80T/hm2. Soft and broad leaf mixed forest is mainly distributed in Sunwu County at the vertical range of the201-400m. Most of its carbon storage is between29.09and34.80T/hm2. Hard and broad leaf mixed forest mainly distributes in Sunwu County at the vertical ragne of201-400m; its average carbon storage is34.80T/hm2. Oak forest distributes broadly and mainly distribute at the vertical range of151-350m; especially at the range of151-250m Its carbon storage is at the range of34.80-52.89T/hm2.4. In combination with second repeated measurement data of consecutive inventory of national forest resources in Heihe (2005-2010) and repeated measurement data of ecological public welfare forest monitoring sample plots, it estimated the annual average carbon storage density change of Heihe’s different forest types in each age group and drew its dynamic variation diagram by optimal spatial interpolation method. It also analyzed the spatial distribution rule of carbon storage dynamic change in different forest types.Arborous layer of half mature has higher annual average net carbon storage and mainly distributed in mid-west of Sunwu County and north of Xunke County. Annual average net carbon storage of arborous layer of other age group is lower. Most of annual average carbon storage of fallen dead wood mainly distributed at Aihui District and west of Nenjiang County. Carbon storage of felled tree is lower in Heihe, because only less carbon storage stores among near mature forest, half mature forest and over mature forest in middle of Sunwu County. Annual average carbon storage of inside boundary timbers mainly distributed in northeast of Sunke County. Carbon storage of inside boundary timber among young growth forest, near mature forest and over mature forest is higher, and it is lowest in over mature forest.Birch forest’s annual average carbon net increase and carbon storage of inside boundary forest is largest in Sunke County. In Aihui District, its annual average carbon storage net increase and carbon storage of felled tree is smallest, but fallen dead wood has the largest carbon storage. In the aspect of soft and broad leaf mixed forest, its annual average carbon net increase is largest in Xunke County and is smallest in Aihui District; its carbon storage of felled tree is largest in Sunwu County and smallest in Aihui District. Carbon storage of fallen dead wood in Sunwu County is smallest. Carbon net increase and carbon storage of fallen dead wood of hard and broad leaf mixed forest in Xunke County is larger than Sunwu County. Annual average carbon net increase and carbon storage of inside boundary timber of oak forest in Xunke County is larger than Sunwu County.This thesis made a plot study on fixed sample plots’carbon storage and its spatial distribution characteristics of dynamic change in Heihe City based on ArcGIS spatial interpolation method. The purpose of this thesis is to provide theory reference for understanding current situation of carbon storage in Heihe, dynamic change direction and sustainable use of storage sink resource.
