

Soil Insect Community and Soil Microorganism and Their Relativity in Meadow of Zhalong Wetland

【作者】 张静

【导师】 马玲;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林保护学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 湿地生态系统与森林、海洋一起并称为全球三大生态系统,是自然界最富生物多样性和最具生产力的生态系统之一,因其巨大的生产功能和生态环境效益而被誉为“人类摇篮”、“生物基因库”和“自然之肾”。扎龙湿地是中国北方地区保持最完整、最原始的湿地生态系统,其在涵养水源、均化洪水、降解水质、调节气候、保护生物多样性等方面发挥着重要的作用。目前,系统综合评述扎龙湿地草甸土壤微生物与土壤昆虫群落及其相关性的研究尚未报道。本研究以土壤微生物与土壤昆虫的种间关系为依托,在探讨土壤微生物特性与土壤昆虫种群动态的基础上,揭示土壤微生物与土壤昆虫群落的相关性及实现两者相关性的主要环境因子,以期为进一步研究扎龙湿地草甸土壤肥力变化与养分转化及扎龙湿地健康评价等提供科学依据,对湿地生物资源开发和湿地环境保护具有重要意义。本研究以扎龙湿地草甸生境为研究对象,采取野外调查与室内试验测试相结合的研究方法,选取了扎龙湿地内吐木台、管理局、烟筒屯、育苇场4个研究地,于2011年5月、7月、9月、11月,对土壤微生物与土壤昆虫群落及其相关性等进行了系统研究。综合分析研究结果,得出如下结论:1、扎龙湿地草甸土壤微生物特性研究在整个采样期间,扎龙湿地草甸土壤微生物,各季节不同样地均以土壤细菌占绝对优势,土壤放线菌数量次于土壤细菌,土壤真菌数量最低。土壤微生物群落时空动态规律显著,土壤微生物总数、细菌、真菌和放线菌数量及所占比例水平动态基本规律:土壤微生物总数、细菌、真菌为吐木台样地>管理局样地>烟筒屯样地>育苇场样地,而土壤放线菌为吐木台样地>育苇场样地>管理局样地>烟筒屯样地;垂直动态基本规律:土壤微生物菌落数随着土层深度的增加而逐渐降低,具体表现为0-10cm>10-20cm>20-30cm;季节动态基本规律:土壤微生物总数为11月>9月>7月>5月;土壤细菌为9月>7月>11月>5月;土壤真菌为11月>5月>7月>9月;土壤放线菌为11月>5月>9月>7月。2、扎龙湿地草甸土壤昆虫种群动态研究本研究共捕获土壤昆虫4974只,隶属于13目82科(或类群)134种,包括大型土壤昆虫1224只,分属6目51科75种;中小型土壤昆虫3750只,分属13目50科59种。其中双翅目、鞘翅目和弹尾目昆虫占优势,且3类土壤昆虫类群的群落特征指数均表现为鞘翅目最高,弹尾目最低。土壤昆虫群落总体多样性指数值较高,群落水平分布总体特征表现出育苇场样地多样性指数和均匀度指数均最高,烟筒屯样地丰富度指数最高,其中大型土壤昆虫表现为吐木台样地3种指数均最高,中小型土壤昆虫表现为育苇场样地3种指数均最高,而管理局样地土壤昆虫群落3种指数均表现为最低。土壤昆虫群落特征季节动态表明,各区域昆虫群落多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度指数均呈正相关,表现出一致的变化趋势,群落结构是稳定的。结合种-多度分析,管理局样地、烟筒屯样地和育苇场样地土壤昆虫群落均符合对数正态分布模型,吐木台样地有向对数级数分布模型发展的趋势,说明扎龙湿地草甸土壤昆虫群落结构总体较为稳定,但吐木台样地土壤昆虫群落中常见种比例趋于减少,优势种和稀有种比例有增大的趋势,群落结构稳定性趋于减弱。3、扎龙湿地草甸土壤微生物与土壤昆虫群落及其相关性研究①土壤酶活性时空动态规律显著,水平动态基本规律:吐木台样地>管理局样地>烟筒屯样地>育苇场样地;垂直动态基本规律:在土壤剖面中,土壤酶活性随着土层垂直深度的增加而降低,具体表现为0-10cm>10-20cm>20-30cm;季节动态基本规律:5月>7月>9月>11月。②土壤理化因子时空动态规律显著。土壤温度、容重、酸碱性水平动态差异不大,垂直动态差异显著,季节动态不明显。4个样地的土壤pH值在9.01-10.50之间,均属碱性土壤。土壤养分(土壤有机质、全氮与速效氮、全磷与速效磷、全钾与速效钾)水平动态基本规律:吐木台样地>管理局样地、育苇场样地>烟筒屯样地;垂直动态基本规律:在土壤剖面上,土壤养分随着土层垂直深度的增加而降低,表现为0-10cm>10-20cm>20-30cm;季节动态基本规律:11月>5月>7月>9月。③土壤微生物与土壤昆虫群落关系较为密切,在全年和各季节表现出一定的差异。全年,土壤细菌、真菌和放线菌均与土壤昆虫群落联系较为紧密,多酚氧化酶、土壤温度和速效磷是实现其相关性的关键因子。春季,土壤放线菌与土壤昆虫群落关系最为紧密,β-葡萄糖苷酶、碱性磷酸酶、多酚氧化酶、土壤pH值是实现其相关性的关键因子。夏季,土壤细菌和真菌与土壤昆虫群落的联系更为密切,碱性磷酸酶、土壤有机质、全磷和全钾是实现其相关性的关键因子。秋季,土壤放线菌与土壤昆虫群落的联系更为密切,土壤脲酶、全氮是实现其相关性的关键因子。冬季,土壤放线菌、细菌与土壤昆虫群落的联系更为密切,β-葡萄糖苷酶、过氧化氢酶、多酚氧化酶、土壤容重是实现其相关性的关键因子。本研究以国际重要湿地—扎龙湿地为背景,着眼于国际同领域的研究前沿,从数量生态和化学生态学角度,以扎龙湿地草甸土壤微生物特性研究和土壤昆虫种群动态研究为基础,深入探讨土壤微生物与土壤昆虫群落的相关性及实现两者相关性的主要环境因子,以期丰富和拓展湿地系统内物种间相互适应领域研究范畴。鉴于湿地土壤微生物与土壤昆虫群落相关性的研究在国内还很少,开展这方面研究,对区域和全国生态环境、经济发展都具有重大的理论意义。

【Abstract】 Wetland ecological system is called the three ecosystems together with the forest and the sea in the world, and it is an ecosystem with the most rich biological diversity and productivity in nature. It is known as "the cradle of mankind","gene bank" and "the kidney of the nature" because of its huge production function and ecological environmental benefits. Zhalong wetland is a wetland ecosystem, and it is preserved most entirely and primordially in the northern of China, and it plays an important role in supplying water resource, controlling flood, purifying water quality, regulating weather and protecting the biodiversity. Therefore, people pay more and more attention to the protection of Zhalong wetland. At present, a comprehensive review on the research advance of soil insect community structure and soil microorganism and their relativity in meadow of Zhalong Wetland has not been reported. Relying on the interspecific relationship of soil insect and soil microorganism, this study based on the study of soil microbial properties and soil insect population dynamics to reveal the relativity of soil insect community and soil microorganisms and the main environmental interaction factors. They have great practical guiding significance for the ecological regulation of Zhalong wetland. Furthermore, they can provide basic data and theoretical basis for further study on indicative function of soil insects’ effect on soil quality changes.In this study, we took the meadow habitat in Zhalong wetland as the research object, adopted the research methods of field investigation and laboratory test, selected4sites (Tumutai, Guanliju, Yangtongtun, Yuweichang) in Zhalong wetland, conducted the system research on the soil insect community, soil microorganisms and their relationships in May, July, September and November, in the year2011. Synthesizing all the results, we draw the following conclusions:1. The study on soil microbial properties in meadow of Zhalong wetland.Throughout the sampling period, soil bacteria accounted for absolute advantage in different seasons and sample plots. It was the main decomposer in meadow ecosystem in Zhalong wetland. The quantity of soil actinomycetes was next to soil bacteria. The quantity of soil fungi was in the lowest. Spatio-temporal dynamics of soil microbial community in meadow of Zhalong wetland was significant. The basic rule of horizontal dynamic of the quantity of the total microorganism, bacteria, fungi of soil and their proportion was Tumutai> Guanliju> Yantongtun> Yuweichang, that of actinomyces was Tumutai> Yuweichang> Guanliju> Yantongtun, the quantity and proportion of soil microorganism group were the highest in Tumutai plot. The basic rule of vertical dynamic of the total microorganism, bacteria, fungi of soil and their proportion wss0-10cm>10-20cm>20-30cm and soil microbial number decreased with the increase of soil depth. Their basic rules of seasonal dynamics were different, that of the total microorganism was November> September> July> May; that of bacteria was September> July> November> May; that of fungi was November> May> July> September; that of actinomyces was November> May> September> July.2. The study on the population dynamics of soil insect in meadow of Zhalong wetland.This study captured soil4974insects belonging to13orders,82families (or groups)134species, including1224large soil insects belonging to6orders,51families and75species, and small and medium-sized soil insects3750belonging to13orders,50families and59species. Diptera, Coleoptera and Collembola took the advantage, Community characteristic index of Coleoptera was the maximum and that of Collembola was the minimum. Total diversity index values of soil insect community in meadow of Zhalong Wetland was Higher, the general characteristics of horizontal distribution of the communities showed diversity index and evenness index were the highest in Yuweichang, the richness index was the biggest in Yantongtun, in which3index of the large soil insects were the highest Tumutai, that of small and medium-sized soil insect showed were the highest in Yuweichang, but those of the insect community administration to were the lowest. Seasonal dynamics of soil insect community characteristics showed that the diversity index, the evenness index and richness index of insect community were positively correlated, showed the same variation trend, and the community structure was stable. Combining the species-abundance analysis, soil insect community in Guanliju, Yantongtun, Yuweichang conformed to the lognormal distribution model, that in Tumutai had a development trend to the lognormal distribution model, and that illustrated overall community structure of soil insect in meadow Zhalong wetland was stable. But the common species ratio of soil insect community in Tumutai had a trend to decrease, the dominant species and rare species ratio had a tend to increase, and the stability of community structure had a tend to be weaken.3. The study on the insect community and soil microorganism and their relativity.(1) Temporal and spatial dynamic of soil enzyme activity in meadow of Zhalong wetland varied significantly. The horizontal dynamic of soil enzyme activity was Tumutai> Guanliju> Yantongtun> Yuweichang; seasonal dynamic was May> July> Autumn> November; vertical dynamic of soil enzyme activity in the soil profile was0-10cm>10-20cm>20-30cm, and soil enzyme activity gradually reduced with the increase of vertical depth.(2) Temporal and spatial dynamic of soil physical-chemical factor in meadow of Zhalong wetland was significant. The horizontal dynamic of organic matter, total nitrogen and available nitrogen, total phosphorus and available phosphorus, total potassium and available potassium was Tumutai> Guanliju, Yuweichan> Yantongtun; seasonal dynamic of that was November> May> July> Autumn; vertical dynamic of soil physical-chemical factor in the soil profile was0-10cm>10-20cm>20-30cm, soil physical-chemical factor gradually reduced with the increase of vertical depth. The horizontal distribution of soil bulk density, temperature, pH had less significant difference; vertical dynamic showed significant difference; seasonal dynamics was not obvious. The soil in4study areas was alkaline soil, in which soil pH value were among9.01-10.50. (3) Soil microorganism and soil insect community in meadow of Zhalong wetland was closely related. The annual and seasonal relativity of them showed some differences. Throughout the year, Soil bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes were more closely related with soil insect community, and polyphenol oxidase, soil temperature and soil available phosphorus were the key interaction factors of them. In spring, the relationship between soil actinomycetes and soil insect community was most closely, and β-glucosidase, alkaline phosphatase and polyphenoloxidase, soil pH value were the key interaction factors of them. In summer, soil bacteria and fungi and soil insect community were more closely related, and alkaline phosphatase, soil organic matter, total phosphorus and total potassium were the key interaction factors of them. In autumn, soil actinomycetes was more closely related to soil insect community, and soil urease, soil total nitrogen were the key interaction factors of them. In winter, soil actinomycetes and bacteria influenced the changes of structure community of soil insect jointly. Soil actinomycetes was more closely related to soil insect community and P-glucosidase, catalase, polyphenol oxidase, and soil bulk density were the key interaction factors of them.This study took a wetland of international importance-Zhalong wetland as the background and focused on the international frontier research in the same field. From the perspective of quantitative and chemical ecology, this study further discussed the relativity of soil insect community and soil microorganism and the main soil environmental factors completing their relativity. Study on this aspect can enrich and expand the research field of interspecific interaction in wetland ecological system. In our country, the research on the relativity of soil insect community and soil microorganisms in wetland was less. Studying the research field had great theoretical significance to regional and national ecological environment and economic development.
